The asteroid has arrived

The asteroid has arrived
Seek shelter underground
In 30 minutes your life shall change forever
>you know who i am

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Let's fucking go boys

sure thing fag

F u

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>>you know who i am
A faggot. That's what you are.

Nothing will happen
The ayy federation or ayy alliance that is guiding our great awakening into becoming a type 4 space fairing civilization

We're fine

Explain yourself a little less cryptically for once if it's that important, thanks.

please livestream your an hero

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nice threat dickhead

>doesn’t even use the right filenames for his inb4 impersonation
Nice try

So inb4 lost his marbles? A shame


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>1 post by this ID
>hundreds of replies
rent free



The real inb4 always take pictures of the date and time, sloppy

>space rock fire go boom crash bang...I am super smert
I think that about sums up a typical larp inb4 post.

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Wasn't this supposed to have already happened today around 7PM EST according to the previous thread?
>Eagle 462 has failed to destroy the asteroid.
>Continuation of government is in effect. Cheyenne.
>Impact in 4 hours.
>Total destruction.

C-could t-this b-be a LARP...?

>In 30 minutes your life shall change forever

Oh shit, just two minutes to go....!

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>you know who i am
OP confirmed as a massif sensational faggot

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It’s been 30 mins since you posted the same exact fucking thread you faggot. What’s gonna happen in the next 30 mins? Ww3?

1 post by this id
Only 20 replies
What are you meme lab faggots up to

if anything does happen
its fn Project Bluebeam cabal larp
you dont think Project Thor is real?
you dont think cabal who would release corona-chan would think twice about popping a couple cites?
coronahoax is a flop for bringing in NWO
move to phase 2
up the terror to 11

The asteroid already passed earth at a distance of four million miles.

Am now flat

>you don't fool us, impostor.

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