Does Trump deserve to be President?

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Does it matter?

She lost faggot get over it

No, he doesn't. Hillary deserved to be president. She had a super good resume and was the most qualified candidate in history.

No modern politician deserves to be president. The Founding Fathers would be disappointed in America today

Do I deserve love?


When ever Trump gets questioned about being president it is always Hilary lost get over it. Fuck the clintons and fuck Trump How is that burger?

He’s got my vote

Yeast. I drank bleach. It cured my coronavirus

He is certainly failing as one.

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Natural citizen
over the age of 35
won the election
Yeah, checks out.

He won the election, so yes. Now kill yourself.

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>Questioning why Trump is President in 2020

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Oh yeah. For the lulz he continues to hand out. Just mutilating the Dems on an almost daily basis. and this we be his greatest accomplishment.
Forget his face on Mt Rushmore. He will get his own mountain. Hopefully they remove the Hollywood sign and put up a giant statue of Trump
And if any motivated people's out there wanted to figure out the logistics of putting a giant trump statue above LA set up a go fund me and make it happen

This next election is going to be a total joke.

No. He deserves to be emperor

Fuck you, tranny

Does anyone?


>turns down 400,000 a year salary
How nice
>Spends million on golf outings

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He is as a tyrant narcissist with an IQ in the 70s but at least we owned the libs, am I right magapedes?

Pretty sure it would be better than the wall funding.
And yes if you hate Trump then you enjoy the hamster wheel of misery that both Republicans and Democrats have had you on. The establishment politicians haven't enriched our live but their own. Both sides. Trump with all his flaws is actually serving his country. Working for free and giving it his all. Between the politicians and diseases trying to destroy this country to remove him speaks volumes of what he's doing. If you can't agree his work on ending human trafficking and child abductions in the world isn't reason enough to get him your support then you need to reconsider what is important to you in the world.

>but at least we owned the libs

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>what are elections for?

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Name another politician right now working for free when almost a third of the country is out of work because of the coronahoax. Name one politician that has donated there entire salary for a charity for the people effected by this hoax or the poverty created by career politicians.
Trump donates so much to charity but on top of that it's the random acts of kindness he's done throughout his life. A man helped his limo driver change a tire and he paid off his mortgage.
Gives a homeless black woman a place to live. He didn't need this. You Dems loved him before he ran. You have just been brainwashed. You can't think for yourselves. He hasn't hurt gay rights. He hasn't started a new war. His economy was the best this country had ever seen before this. The black community was being lifted out of the poverty career politicians had put in in. He was breaking the cycle. This country has been at war or conflict with someone since world war 1 for fuck sakes. Enough. Get off the wheel and try something else

That’s sweet..
I hope they’re happy together

You forgot that, by virtue of being a narcissist with an IQ in the 70s who owns the libs, he managed to get basically nothing done.

He's one of the least politically connected presidents and thus doesn't have political capital to push through a bunch of stupid shit that makes our government worse.

That's right, I'm talking:
>no stupid gun control bills
>no stupid health care bills
>no stupid TPP
>no stupid abortion bills
>no stupid education bills

Every other potentially viable candidate would have tried to do a bunch of stupid shit and some of it would have succeeded.

Trump managed the impossible; he caused the entire political machine to grind to a halt for 3 goddamn years, and we have the chance to keep this shit going until 2025.

Best president in decades.

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>Hillary deserved
You deserve to DIAF you little internet faggot cock sucker.


No, but neither does Biden.


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Trump is unironically the best US President in my life time

And when he doesn't have to worry about reelection in 2021 he can do MUCH more good for Americans

The fact that you foreigners and the media are butthurt at him is a GOOD thing

ALL the right people on both sides of American politics hate Trump, that's all the evidence I need to vote for him.

The fact that he makes SJWs, commies, Marxists, leftists, and the media expose themselves by dialing their mental illness up to 11, is just the cherry on top.

Trump is waking normies up at a fucking staggering pace.

He's going to have completely destroyed the Democrat party/ TV media and created a generation of conservative leaning zoomers when its all said and done

>heheh we're owning the libs by having a retarded Zionist as president

The real question is, does America deserve Trump?

Yes, yes we do.

This, I've been dropping solid but smooth redpills, especially involving trump, to friends and family. They're willing to change their minds so easily now that the media is obviously tainted