Leftards are losing it because their hero Elon is advocating for the lockdown to end
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dude weed lmao
weed is legit
Sciarretta owned that lazy lefty bastard.
i agree with that last tweet
Holy fucking based
Our based south African strikes again bro
He also earned himself a sweet Space Force contract.
he is half canadian, what a great man
>get a disease for which there is no cure
This epidemic is reason #549580584948 to believe that normies are retarded NPCs. This shit isn't dangerous unless you're geriatric or obese.
They will be killing each other for a loaf of bread when the economy and food chains collapse.
This is a man that just doesn't give a fuck
We don't deserve him
If you cannot see that he advocating for people to die to save his profits, then I invite you to inject bleach.
Why would he? He owns you.
I live to see leftards getting triggered. This is a gold mine
Noooo, it's the profits screwing over the working man again! When will these evil capitalists get taken down?
Is every communist a NEET? You'd think the concept of regular people being being fucked over by these lockdowns is easy to understand
Getting triggered at a billionaire parasite who wants to sacrifice human lives so he grow his already gross wealth is perfectly legitimate. Not being triggered is suicide.
The lock downs aren't fucking people, billionaires are fucking with people by getting them killed.
His stock just went up retard his entire salary is tied to performance stupid fucking commie flag
Could you be any more of a retarded hysterical faggot?
Alright, so you are. Still living at home? I'm not, and I need something called money to pay my rent and get my food. You can bitch about how my parking job at my uni is enabling the parasite capitalists if you'd like, but that doesn't change my living situation or that of any other American who's hurting financially from this. I don't have anything to fear from this virus because I'm not 80 and I'm not fat. Sucks for those who are, but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Leftypol is currently riding us, be aware and report/sage their shit threads
>their hero
They stopped liking him and stabbed him in the back when he went on pewdiepie
Wait... Wasn't he in favor of lockdowns just a month ago when he tweeted those "OH NO THE ECONOMY" memes?
>fur mom
Kek, what larpers. Yas Forums might was well be Yas Forums 2.0 by now, and no one gives a shit about Yas Forums
Rightoids should be pissed too. Why don't the business owners shut the fuck up? Let the people who actually have to deal with the hardships of life make their own decisions without these faggots butting in.
There's no evidence the lockdown actually works
He must be losing millions
>Bess is back
oh sweeties, she was the best of the artificially bumped TDS first posters
His entire "salary" is theft from his workers.
Protest the government to give you back more of your stolen tax money, join rent strikes, doing everything you can. The rich will not give you anything unless you push them to.
Every country that practices lockdown ha flattened the curve, and those who did it early are opening back up now.
lmao they really don't understand that their shit will never fly in an environment without excessive moderation
We agree with him you giant pussy, you're free to stay at home
Since when is Elon a lefty hero? They have always hated him
He understands how to connect to the average American. He's a genius for acting the way he does. A Tony Stark or a Bruce Wayne is not what the world actually wants.
They only started hating him after Trump won and they found out he gave a bunch of money to the Republicans.