Boop the jew snoot, baka
I wanna boop the jew snoot
My beautiful tradwife is a quarter Swedish, a quarter German, and half-Jewish. It's satisfying to think how many pol-tards would never have a chance because of their asinine historical theories.
Jews are actually smarter on average. If you're smart and live on a coast you'll encounter lots of mensch Jews.
I'd rather give those sweater strainers a good squeeze.
So your kids will be 100% Jewish.
I love Anne Frank
>baww, stop bopping my nose
>baww, you are so cute user
>baww, stop reading my diary
>baww, *magic Jewish kiss*
It's on her Dad's side. Pol misses again.
I haven't had to give up any of my values or identity, unless you find sitting through a couple Seder dinners unthinkable.
>My beautiful tradwife is a quarter Swedish, a quarter German, and half-Jewish.
My wife "played Anne Frank" as a little girl. She would pretend to hide from the Nazis.
This was not taught by her family. It was some kind of spontaneous instinct.
Two so far. She's 31.
I want my jewish princess
>My wife "played Anne Frank" as a little girl
Has she ever played Anne Frank while pregnant though?
>Two so far.
Also based and blessed, are you just stopping at two or are you trying for more?
God she has big CANS. does anyone have pictures of her PONTOONS? those fucking SNACK trays, God damn I want to blast my fuckin GOO all over those GIANT fuckin MILK DUDS. you BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BI
A man of taste.
So her White mother was a race traitor. That's worse than the other way around.
>walk in
>see this
wat do?
was meant for What's your background, are you White?
Why no >shadman of her
>not *hes goose stepping*
is yulia nova a jew? she totally sets off my jewdar, but I would inseminate her with the force of 1000 dicks.
Post pics of the huge titted lookalike to end this thread.
stumble back in pain as my eye gets poked out by her snozz. then i would bury my face in her milkers to ease the pain.
Let's see.
1/2 English and Irish
1/4 French
1/4 Spanish (yes... direct line from Spain thru Colorado to me)
A disgusting mutt family
asking the important questions
>tfw big tittied hourglass figure ashkenazi catholic converted gf
>tfw she's in New Zeeland with her family
when will the flight be open again ;_;
Enjoy your psychotic offspring
Is she American too?
She's a slav
She's unimpressed bros.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't know if there is one. Plus she's impressed.
I'm from the PNW and she is from New Jersey. We met in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and now live in nice pre-war suburbs in the midwest.