I wanna boop the jew snoot

Boop the jew snoot, baka

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My beautiful tradwife is a quarter Swedish, a quarter German, and half-Jewish. It's satisfying to think how many pol-tards would never have a chance because of their asinine historical theories.

Jews are actually smarter on average. If you're smart and live on a coast you'll encounter lots of mensch Jews.

I'd rather give those sweater strainers a good squeeze.

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So your kids will be 100% Jewish.

I love Anne Frank
>baww, stop bopping my nose
>baww, you are so cute user
>baww, stop reading my diary
>baww, *magic Jewish kiss*

Attached: anne_frank.jpg (900x884, 388.95K)

It's on her Dad's side. Pol misses again.

I haven't had to give up any of my values or identity, unless you find sitting through a couple Seder dinners unthinkable.

>My beautiful tradwife is a quarter Swedish, a quarter German, and half-Jewish.


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My wife "played Anne Frank" as a little girl. She would pretend to hide from the Nazis.

This was not taught by her family. It was some kind of spontaneous instinct.

Two so far. She's 31.

I want my jewish princess

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>My wife "played Anne Frank" as a little girl


Has she ever played Anne Frank while pregnant though?

>Two so far.

Also based and blessed, are you just stopping at two or are you trying for more?

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God she has big CANS. does anyone have pictures of her PONTOONS? those fucking SNACK trays, God damn I want to blast my fuckin GOO all over those GIANT fuckin MILK DUDS. you BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BI

A man of taste.

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So her White mother was a race traitor. That's worse than the other way around.

>walk in
>see this

wat do?

Attached: abigailsoles.jpg (1080x1080, 227.87K)

was meant for What's your background, are you White?

Why no >shadman of her

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>not *hes goose stepping*

is yulia nova a jew? she totally sets off my jewdar, but I would inseminate her with the force of 1000 dicks.

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Post pics of the huge titted lookalike to end this thread.

stumble back in pain as my eye gets poked out by her snozz. then i would bury my face in her milkers to ease the pain.

Let's see.

1/2 English and Irish
1/4 French
1/4 Spanish (yes... direct line from Spain thru Colorado to me)

A disgusting mutt family

asking the important questions

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>tfw big tittied hourglass figure ashkenazi catholic converted gf
>tfw she's in New Zeeland with her family
when will the flight be open again ;_;

Enjoy your psychotic offspring

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Is she American too?

She's a slav

She's unimpressed bros.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't know if there is one. Plus she's impressed.

I'm from the PNW and she is from New Jersey. We met in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and now live in nice pre-war suburbs in the midwest.