>drop acid
>through insights and further research when sober, change from libertarian to anarchist-left
how has drugs affected your politics?
>drop acid
>through insights and further research when sober, change from libertarian to anarchist-left
how has drugs affected your politics?
Definitely didn’t make me a faggot like you OP.
>turned me from an atheist to a general theist (more spiritual)
>expanded my worldview, made me realize I was connected to all of humanity and all living things on earth (similarly to ants working together in ant hill).
>meme flag
>drugs make me silly tee hee
Use your real flag Faggot
You fucked up big time.
God invented mushrooms.
The CIA invented LSD.
>synthesized in Sweden
>Americuh does everything
But yes they did use LSD in the MLULTRA experiments and also promoted its use in mainstream society by allowing traveling groups like The Grateful Dead to dispense it wherever they went.
>turn from retard into useless fucking retard
sounds about right from acid
My bad.
Either way, don't take LSD.
same with the spirituality for me
literal retards
No change. Still the same views on everything I had to them coming in. Well beside changing my view on those I did from romanticized to the reality that they're nothing special.
In my case they felt like even more of a waste of time than my other non-creative consumerist hobbies like reading fantasy novels and playing vidya. At least I don't need to put off an entire day without breaks in order to read a bit or play a game.
Free speech is dead and so is comedy.
>dont brainwash yourself
thanks for the advice nigger
You mean Switzerland? Jesus Christ
Nothing good is ever going to happen again.
People like you are to blame.
You ruthlessly mock everything and anything.
Idk I embraced my bisexuality and went full /boygang/. I am kinda lonely and waiting for people to fully expand my mind, as I cant know everything.
I became a chad who's beliefs are outside the silly political compass that humans define themselves by.
>drop acid
>through further research
this is why I don't trust druggies. they get all their information from fellow druggie cultists and none from their own intuition. if you look into the early history of psychedelics and actual primitive tribes' usage of them, the experiences are in no way similar to that of the white cuck hippie experiences that the CIA memed into existence in the 60s. all of these "shared experiences" rely on suggestion, and a cultural framework that even children are aware of
>damage brain
>believe in contradictory ideology
sounds about right
I went from leftie semi-commie to far right thanks to weed, lsd and shrooms.
It literally broke the conditioning.
psys, as well as life experience, brought me back to the The Roman Catholic Church, ymmv
Kinda the opposite parabola. Grew up the child of hippy environmental terrorists and ended up steering about as far into NatSoc territory as I could because there is simply no other political system that has proven to care about the environment and folk traditions as much as the National Socialists.
Okay Juche but that doesn't really count because it is pretty much tailor made for the Korean ethnic character and would be irrelevant to me.
drop the far right bs hans. it's just as bluepilled as your previous commie phase
Nah the shitskins have to go back.
Opened up my mind to a lot of views. The realization that you make your own reality through what you choose to surround yourself keeps me skeptical of neat little “pills” that try to explain everything.
>implying that's far right.
bruh no
Drugs are my only political issue. I will unironically support any candidate that will fight to legalize all chemicals and tax the popular one.
Taxes from drugs becomes Medicare funds, cartels slowly collapse, nigs stop nogging so hard, forever wars ended.
Still the same opineon.
All memeflaggers should die
No. Shrooms just made me like the outdoors more
a-are you me?
War ends forever?
Now THAT is a pipe dream
You must’ve had the brown acid. I became self-reliant and accountable, seeing the world for what it is. Oh, and I became incredibly successful, personally and in my community. Sad you didn’t have the same result, but then again, we all weren’t born the same. You’re weak and gullible.
Not what I said. Was referring to the "forever wars" that the US hegemony uses to keep its military bases open. The desert wars are to protect the opium trade, the cartels are puppets invented to give the DEA an enemy and supply a steady stream of prisoners.
how can there be a left if there's no state tho
ask charlie manson and his family
You're literally a nazi here if you dare say it out loud. There is more to it but I'm not in the mood of discussing it right now to be honest.
Whoops I meant to this this not that.
Same here. Not wanting to be wholesale replaced in our ethnic homeland is equivalent to literal nazism in the eyes of our political elites and jewish interest groups like social liberals and commie contingents.
That I want to gas all those faggots who use drugs. Gas yourself commie scum.
This but unironically. Also 5g should get most people where they need to go.