Experts say transgender and not mentally ill
>World Health Organization say transgender is not a mental illness
This proves that being transgender is not mentally ill. The WHO are the experts on the matter and not you. Therefore transwomen are real women. The current trans movement is slowly going to gain more ground.

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It doesn't prevent you Sodomites from suiciding yourselves, so who cares what you or WHO think

Because there have not been years of political pressure and indoctrination of people in the field.....

less than 1% of trannies actually kill themselves. The 40% are just attention whores.
>Out of 5107 trans women (median age at first visit 28 years, median follow-up time 10 years) and 3156 trans men (median age at first visit 20 years, median follow-up time 5 years), 41 trans women and 8 trans men died by suicide. In trans women, suicide deaths decreased over time, while it did not change in trans men.

>50% suicide rate
>not mentally ill

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funny, shit study because you aren't referencing the one that pointed out 10 - 20 percent.

Still higher by an order of magnitude than normal people, sodomite

Link me then.

lots of b8 today
I wonder where the raid originated
gas yourself, tranny

Despite the majority of trannies being diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses, less than 1 out of every hundred trannies will kill themselves. It's not a crisis. Hormone therapy is not life-saving treatment.

>Literally WHO
A bunch of faggots who know nothing and lie about everything.

They are wrong. It is a mental illness.

Self reported suicide attempts do not equal suicide you ingrates.

>I would trust a doctor to do surgery
>I wont trust a doctor on how to tackle gender dysphoria
You dumb

Your supposed to change your view on seeing new data. Trans were not mentally ill so transgenderism is no longer a mental heatlh problem.

WHO is mentally ill

The WHO is also mentally ill.

kill yourself and fast

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> *cut off dick*
Homophobia doesn't exist. The visceral reaction heterosexuals have regarding homosexuals is Not fear. It is righteous disgust and outrage that something so vile as a faggot (pedophile) exists at all. Being disgusted by faggots (pedophiles) is totally based and red pilled. You faggots just use the term homophobia to make your weak selves feel powerful, when in reality you are weak hedonists. Weak in body and weak in mind. You faggots deserve to die and should all be thrown off of multistory buildings into traffic to protect children from your predatory, pedophile ways.

I am female to male transgender. I've been sticking my ass out my bedroom window so the neighbour horny teenage boys will dump warm salty loads in me. Technically not breaking quarantine. Plus I spray my cock head with disinfectant. The amount of crystal meth I smoke usually kills viruses anyway.

I fart the cum into kinder surprise eggs and feed them to my adopted African toddler Toby.

Lol not mentally ill. Good one!

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So credible!

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hope they push for transgender rights in china then.

Can someone post that photo of the fake vagina smelling like shit reddit post

That proves that the WHO is filled with idiots.

>gets called boyish/girlish in 2nd grade
>time to defy basic human biology

When's your funeral?

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A schizophrenic is seen, does the doctor say "Oh yeah, I hear the voices too. Your mind is definitely fine, and I support ALL the choices of everyone who shares your consciousness. Make sure you listen to them and do what they say, they only have your best interests at heart"?
No, they do not.

A patient is seen with delusional parasitosis, does the doctor say "Oh yeah, I see the bugs too. Your mind is definitely fine, and I prescribe that you shower yourself with pesticide daily to take care of them and you'll be fine"?
No, they do not.

A healthy male gender dysphoric is seen, does the doctor say "Oh yeah, your mind is fine. You're clearly a biological female, lets pump you full of female sex hormones and, if you'd like, we will also intentionally destroy your functional male reproductive organs to form non-functional, crude, facsimiles of the sex you want to be but actually aren't"?
Yes, they do.


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>"experts" can't have political bias
>the field of psychology isn't a pseudoscience
You know it deep down, if they said anything but trannies aren't mentally ill these "experts" would be excommunicated.

>Get back into the tower Igor, we must finish the mind swapping machine otherwise millions of trannies are going to kill themselves... What's that Igor? How do we supply the trannies with the body they desire? We don't, you ignoramus! We simply harvest their parts and whittle an ornamental piece out of their flesh, which looks like the real thing, well from atleast a metre away!
>Ohh.. What now Igor?! Why are we building a mindswapping machine? Well it's the only way these trannies will actually have the body they desire but they'd still kill themselves anyway because the disease is in the mind, Igor... In the mind! So, even if they'd magically manifest in the body of their desire, which is only fabricated out of lust for it and self-depreciation that one can not attract it, they will realise that existence itself has no predetermined "feeling". That they'd still be the same mentally ill boy but in the body of a woman ...never satisfied.
>Why?! Igor, Did you seriously ask why?! Because this dysphoria is only dispelled when the truth becomes unhidden! When these persons realise there is no determinable feeling of existing between a man or woman as we have no possible projection of the other! Do you know what this means, Igor my loyal low IQ laboratory assistant? It means that the encouragement of the delusion is what is pushing the suicide rates higher and higher! That their answer is not in the need to change but only through enlightenment. Realising that this existence is the mere conscious processing of the reality formed around them, its physical manifestation and the chemistry needed to sustain it.
>Why continue the delusion? Why continue to harvest these discarded body parts? Why, it's for the most greatest of Goods, Igor! Gold!

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>the WHO are experts on the matter, not you
You're appealing to authority. The WHO is, first and foremost, a company that's more interested in generating revenue above all else, so naturally, yes, they are going to appeal to the lowest common denominators of society to keep from losing any profit on the basis that they're prejudice against a minority. They still have no solid counter argument against the fact that mutilating your genitals and pumping your body full of hormones doesn't change your chromosomes or hide the physical features those chromosomes give you that show that you are, in fact, a male or female.

Yes yes, wanting to completely change your body and thinking you are different from what your genetics are, that is the peak of stability, so many of them are prostitutes and druggies with other mental conditions for unrelated reasons. It is great that is why the same kind of people who have pushed all manner of terrible things onto society push it including to children.

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