
There's a lot of conflicting opinions on Yas Forums so i wanted to have a little survey.

What are your thought about the following European countries:


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I'm too tired to write out my nuanced opinions. I'm going to take a nap. I'll be back in an hour or so if the thread is still up.

They should overthrow their Zionist governments and execute the traitors.


Despicable mongrels. Freed nigger slaves on let them onto their own streets, than forced everyone else to do the same. Disgustingly empathetic. Probably going to be the first white country to achieve the total demographic suicide.
Definitely overmen but undeniably ruined by the consequences of WW2. No hope.
Gauls. *spits*
Who even fucking cares really.
They're alright. Could be further to the right though.
Waiting to see of Putin goes full commie or full fash. I'm hoping for a plot twist.
Hurry up and restart the fucking Empire already, for fuck's sake.


>Used to hate, neutral now
>Not white since centuries

based krauts, best allies
snail eating surrenderfag shitskins. shake hands with one and you'll turn into a muslim.
I'm ok with them
pasta pizza ferrari. Too far, not relevant for us since 1945.
We done? Great.

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Half the country are niggers, do white even live here anymore?
Kinda based
Not white

>Probably going to be the first white country to achieve the total demographic suicide.
Nah that will be America, we're gonna be minority in this country by 2040ish

First of all Russia is not Europe in any way, Italy is ok overall, swedes are gays, french and anglos are devil worshippers who created this liberalist order, germans are nihilist robots and poles are in the border of what I consider Europe so I won't say anything about them

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>First of all Russia is not Europe
Go back to geography class

>calling other European countries not white

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One day i am gonna pop her cherry. Dont worry, i will be a good King.

all European country are uber based, fuck the rest of the world.

fell from grace
self hating from Nazi guilt trip
nigger fetish, pretends they're yet a colonial empire
takes in niggers because the cool guys do. definition of faggot pussy bitch

unfortunate geography, were always squashed by their neighbors. today based
based, holds up power balance against ZOG
based conservative but Latin chaos

mohammedised, practically gone, rip.
they ruin everything.
full of niggers
based people, corrupt jew loving government
based, rome is cool.

You fucking Putin worshiper they're mongoloids and you're a traitor to your country
>citizen of Zion
>having any opinion
My house is older than your fucking lutheran bastardized jewish slave nation, so shut your plebeian mouth
You wish, her destiny is to be the next Empress of the Spanish Empire, you could be her fucktoy though

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Kill it with fire.
Kill it with fire.

No freedom of speech, no second amendment.

KYS yuropoor.

This guy gets it

>No freedom of speech

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non-biased opinion, based history, kind of a shithole rn but I have family over there so I'll probably live there soon, need a break from this rural life
based, they're kinda universally unfunny but I like kraftwerk
based, based frogs
faggots, next.
wtf even is this country, russian rape victims, fags
our drinking buddies, based soviets
cute girls. based.

Fucktoy? Sure, i aint complaining about that while i am smashing that pussy. Seriously, she will have every boy after her if she matures well, realy pretty.

They are all cucks and Russia isn't part of europe

>My house is older than your fucking lutheran bastardized jewish slave nation, so shut your plebeian mouth
At least my country didn't get raped and pillaged by Arabs for hundred of years. And now it's happening again, but this time willingly. Absolutely pathetic, you should be ashamed of being a Spaniard.

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kys retard. they're whiter than anyone here.

I fucking detest the eternal Anglo. Every prejudice Yas Forums has about Jews is twice as applicable on anglos.

They're usually autistic with shit humour but reliable when you need to get shit done.

They're more like the Germans than they like to think. Also French is my third language after English and I lived there for a year. Outside of Paris they're pretty nice.

I live here. It's nice outside the Liberal dystopian project that is Stockholm.

Usually nice people. Always laid back and prone to good jokes. Not pc at all.

Like Poland but more serious. Used to have a Russian (Russian Kazakh) gf. She was pretty much wheat fields based according to Yas Forums standards.

Most outgoing of the bunch. Usually comically inept at whatever they're doing but always doing it with a smile and being really friendly about it.

Easely excitable
Do not expect to meet French ppl in Paris
Their women are angelic
Never go into a drinking competition with these guys
Smart motherfuckers

>Their women are angelic
their wommyn are stronk feminist whores. dumb shitskin with inferiority complex

degenerate Zionist puppets
degenerate Zionist puppets
degenerate Zionist puppets
same as above but they are the least terrible outside the other shitholes you named
they work as toilet cleaners for the Zionist puppets
degenerate Zionist puppets
degenerate Zionist puppets

All European women can be ditched into the trashcan.

Only caucasian women left that have been properly been put into their place are those that are in places like Chechnya where shariah prevents them from becoming hypergamous whores. Or rather suppresses their evil nature

centuries for you are just part of history of a place where cities, civilization and culture were a thing many hundreds of years before even the term Europa was invented. You, in the other hand, were born a slave in a country which most notable contribution was very recent and most of it was bad given your global power
White? Are you retarded? I'll say it in spanish because anglo speaking isn't enough to express all the meaning in it: primero está el español y después todo lo demás. Hope you can understand it

Based history, currently a post-industrial oligarchic shithole. I still like it here though
Based history, industrious, should have been on their side in WW1
Shithole, irrelevant since 1815
I've heard its a nice place
Loyal slave colony
Third world shithole, won't die for some reason

>literally who

eternal anglojews

gross traitorous faggots

country of normies


white negroes of europe, subhuman toilet cleaner and truck drivers

drunk retard corrupt shithole

extremely unreliable

UK - their divide and conquer politics fucked Europe for generations
Germany - Unification of Germany back in 1871 was biggest mistake in european history
France - irrelevant after WW1 and decolonization. Their french revolution and socialist ideas fucked whole Earth for generations
Sweden - irrelevant country becoming Caliphate
Poland - Fucked position in Europe with no natural defences fucked them many times. They might prosper very well in next decades
Russia - Russia is Russia. They will always be there no matter what. They are forever doomed to be despotic or oligarchic country.
Italy - South and North should be divided. They would be even more irrelevant but at least it would divide bad from good.

U jelly

well... we're waiting

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yea Europe is completely screwed, especially progressive and tolerant Scandinavia. family values ceased existing here, first mistake was giving women voting rights

>an irrelevant shithole with no history or culture populated by criminals and thugs expelled from Britain thinks he have the right to give his opinion about other countries with history that goes for longer than 2 Millennium
go back to fucking your Kangaroo you cunt

Have you ever been to any of these countries? Have you ever been to Europe even? No? Great. Keep it that way.

no but I'm tired of incels drooling over Scandisluts, it's obvious you have zero experience. there's nothing '''angelic''' about acting like a whore

>Have you ever been to any of these countries?
yes i've been to 4 of them i know what am talking about

Don't care
Home, but things can get better.
Good trade partners. It's allways good to be surrounded by allies.
Good tradepartners but they cause to much chaos and blame all their problems on foreigners. Atleast they don't ask for gibs.
Parasytes, they waste all their money for gibs and ask for moar. When they wouldn't have joined the EU they would be the same as russia, just without any respect.

Did I say they were wife material?
Go back to your cave you retard

Complete joke.

All of them suck compared to the Netherlands.

go back to plebbit, fagboi

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