Now I understand why you want to open up America again.
It’s Racism.
All About Race
Fuck niggers
we should do a complete statistical inventory and see what else we can uncover
>implying blacks obey the law and this isn't the reason their infection numbers are so high
you remember that one week in march where all the niggers thought they were immune because of low cases in africa?
god i wish i had some of those posts saved.
blacks don't give a shit about their own health
and they do NOT give a fuck about anyone else
The reason is that they thought stay-at-home orders were a fucking joke at the start and basically said "fuck wipipo" even now they rarely wear masks in public.
If a threat isn't obvious and in their face niggers won't acknowledge it. An invisible virus is a joke to them. They're that stupid. They don't "do" school, books and sheet.
80% of Georgia is black.
This wo uldnt be happening if the real winner of the election was govonor.. Just sayin
Despite being 32.4% of the population
>Be nigs
>Adopt perch as porch monkey
>Travel in troupes
>Ride public transport everywhere bringing glorious diversity and KOFF
I have no idea why the disease spreads well through them!
Yeah they tend to get the short end of the per capita stick as a rule.
The percentage of blacks should go down if we reopen. Blacks will get it with or without shutdown because they don't follow the rules anyway. Meanwhile, they'll be an increase in white infections, so the black % will go down.
It’s because whites withhold health care from blacks, and keep them in poverty conditions where they have no choice but to eat unhealthy fried poultry for most meals.
This is all because white people are bad.
>a decision made without input from state and local health officials
how can they say that?
More than half the city of Atlanta is black, more than half the city of Atlanta is not following these quarantine and social distancing protocols.
>you're racist if you are anti lockdown
Lol I'm surprised it took them this long to include racism in the corona package. Funny how all this lockdown shit plays along perfectly with the globohomo agenda. I'm sure its just a coincidence
Hi there. So I work in retail, and all the blacks do with their ebt cards is by cheetos and mountain dew and candy. So, no you're wrong. It's their own choice to make bad decisions and do stupid things.
It's ok user, some of us remember too.
This is the only time that leftists want to keep the borders closed. To protect non-whites.
>still pretending it's real
>Loads of comorbidities due to shitty diet of sugary drinks and fried fatty foods
>Put excessive amounts of salt and seasonings into food
>In general blacks are fat as fuck
>Ignore social distancing recommendations
>Act surprised and bitch about racism when you have a high infection rate
Because the only people that can afford to go to the doctor/hospital are the ones on gibs.
i can also verify this information as very accurate, if they are not straight up selling ebt for real money, they are buying soda, cheetos and candy
based fuck niggers
LMFAO that webm
>be black
>be poor so you literally get free healthcare
>choose not to use it because you 'don't trust the man'
This is why they'll never improve no matter how many benefits you offer them
OP did you seriously not see this coming? It’s obvious this would happen.
Remember where all the nigger doctors and nurses are is where all the deaths are.
Why do leftists see racism everywhere? Because at this point it's hard to think it's anything but projection.
Maybe niggers should follow quarantine then instead handing out in gangs.
Incorrect. Blacks and spics go to the ER at the drop of a hat. it's free for them. they go there for socializing, for minor ailments, to seek drugs, to steal drugs, or just for routine shit like shots for dey babies, yada yada. White people who might get billed use the ER for it's intended purpose... actual emergencies.
Absolutely based.
Should have taken the ship in 1865.
Where I am, I see almost exclusively niggers wearing masks. Most whites are back to normal routine, minus the shit that is ordered closed. We've figured out it was waaaay overblown.
>Jewish comedy cannot exist without sexual humor
Like pottery.
Black people can stay home. I'm good with that.
making this a race issue is so infuriating.
I was at a grocery store a few weeks ago that had a sign out front asking people to wear masks. There were a bunch of ratchet looking niggers inside walking around without masks. I left.
Sadly, as much of a travesty the civil war was, and as much as I dislike Lincoln for his role, at least he had a plan to ship them to Liberia. he correctly understood that blacks were not suited for our society. Unfortunately, John Wilkes Booth was not able to see the future, if he had, he would have left well enough alone. Lincoln's successor canceled the Liberia plans. In fact, blacks were purposely put in charge of South Carolina, because it was apparently the most despised of the Confederate states, and of course they bankrupted it, the effects of which lasted a century.
Wonderful, reopen it so we can ensure 95% of them get infected.
Not to mention what the ones that did go to Liberia did there.
That was a memorable redpill when i learned that they enslaved the native africans
Sounds about right since GA is 80% black.
The ER is not routine healthcare. Blacks are dropping like flies because they all have uncontrolled and undiagnosed diabetes and heart disease. They refuse to take care of themselves because slavery.
Also more obesity, and they probably lack vitamin D.