/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3529

► Detected: 3,199,277 (+62,769) ► Died 226,294 (+8,977) ► Day: 111 (-3:35:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,900 strains have been sequenced —

[YouTube] [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News (embed)
[YouTube] youtube.com/watch?v=wTYLxCUOUGc
[YouTube] [LIVE] Demonstrators protest in Tripoli amid deteriorating economic situation in Lebanon (embed)
[YouTube] youtube.com/watch?v=0KYfauWUQmY

Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Brazilian city of Manaus digs mass graves as deaths mount

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

Sweden doesn't test or count suspected deaths

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

▶ 4,076 new cases and 4,419 deaths in UK
▶ 111 new cases in Guinea


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Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks brother

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▶ 101 new cases and 3 new deaths in Cameroon
▶ 5 new cases in Tunisia
▶ 1738 new cases and 71 new deaths in India
▶ 1261 new cases and 85 new deaths in Germany
▶ 1607 new cases and 427 new deaths in France

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COVID-19 is a Disease of the Endothelium.

GG anons enjoy your strokes.

I haven’t been a /cvg/ regular for like two weeks.I know, sue me. Anyhow, how bad is it?

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>life expectancy back in the 50's
>millions living in constant searing pain with half their internal organs fucked up, waiting for inevitable reinfection and ADE
>deaths from "preventable" diseases become an everyday occurrence once more
>virus mutating constantly so vaccines or immunity is impossible to achieve
>yearly rolling lockdowns during flareup periods for decades to come
This is the new post-corona-chan normal, and I'm just taking the direct consequences of the virus into consideration. Let your imagination run wild with economic collapse, wars, famines etc. Corona-kami is your Goddess now, all of you her playthings to do with as She pleases.

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every single one of you is a degenerate faggot, both nothingniggers and cultist faggots, and you all deserve to die

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You want any specific ones?

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this bad


any hope for 10k?

It really is fascinating that we have a respiratory disease that presents as such but the virus is attacking the endothelial cells and other ACE2 locations.
She is a monster in the form of a cute little girl.

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its posting under a VPN now, if that doesn't confirm that this is a shill

/cvg/ is in the house tonight

all the waifu posters have a good time

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So is the USA going to reopen now?

We already hit 60k and it isn't even May.

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The threads are patrolled by retards and shills during the daylight hours, tune in later tonight for Midweek /comfy/ hours.

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Hey guys! Gary here. I'll get back to posting articles and studies from shlomostein university and it's chink chu bat epidemic center for minority students soon! I just need to clean the shit and cum off of my wife's bull's dick with my tongue real quick!

No I'm gonna get bogged

Reminder that nothingburgerfags are Chinks shills trying to downplay the situation and literally had to be told how to shitpost properly

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have they tried mixing two person's throat swabs in the same test?
doubles the testing instantly and they could recheck individually if it comes out positive

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you are just as bad as the nothingnigger, a coombrain effeminate faggot ruining every thread with shit art and retarded faggotry; threads went from galaxy brained information parsing into copium huffing and coomeristic nigger shit

die, all of you

Agein. Why is that so hot?

It's possible, but it wouldn't be a legit 10k so what does it matter?

Hey guys I’m new to these threads and getting nervous about the China virus

Name’s Barry btw

How many are gonna pull their hair out over this?

You have this one but properly tilted and with better res?

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>You are seen as a failure to your friends, family, and any one who could ever "love" you
>You live in squalor and masturbate to poorly drawn anime of a virus
>Your IQ is so low that you fell for the biggest meme of your generation
>You should off yourself

What the fuck is wrong with Swedish, Norwegian and Finn testosterone
Why aren’t you having 5 kids per family with all that space you have to fill out?

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Gonna need a list of funny names for the Coronavirus. If anyone's got a screenshot of a good list, post it.

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Hey Barry! I'm Gary! Would you like to come over and fuck my wife while I watch and we listen to heathcare workers who have had zero exposure to any actual COVID patients cry about the bruises on their face from not knowing how to wear a simple mask?

No. It's one of the "funny" I'll post good art but edited to make it unusable.

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Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

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What articles do you want to discuss user? Post and I will be happy to give it a quick read and discuss.
Here I will get us started
This article talks about the genetic identification of those who end up super carriers.

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Reminder to ignore this dude if anyone just woke up. He is in desperate need for (you)s.

Chop fluey

Oh my god these horribly drawn anime pictures of a virus are getting my little caged 2inch cock hard just like you, fellow cuck


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>Why aren’t you having 5 kids per family with all that space you have to fill out?
Fertility is inversely linked to development and stability
Note that the alternative is a literal cuckold fetish theory about shitskins being inherently fertile alphas

Я чoлoвiк, a нe якийcь-тo здypiвший гeндep-тpaнcфopмep, дo мeнe бyдe кopeктнiшe звepтaтиcя як "he", alright?

What do you mean?! I'm Gary! Everyone loves me and my studies! Don't be such a downer. Maybe you need to come over and fuck my wife and stop whiteknighting for that "other" gary

I just want all of you to die, I dont want to discuss anything anymore. Get a mass of congealed cirrhotic fibrinogen in your lung and die.

>Around 6k cases and 500 deaths/day
We big numbers now bros!

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>make it unusable
what whyyy


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>In 2 weeks the quarantine will be lifted
looks like the happening is over

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it's a burning meteorite

Fucking based
Praise be Corona-Chan

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дoбap ти јe тpaнcлaтe, poђo

>I don't have a high enough IQ to actually argue with anyone and just want to hive mind
>You all need to die because I want to believe in the meme

You may WANT us to die but the world would actually benefit from your death. Do us all a favor?

Can someone post the video of dead bodies and mass graves in Ecuador? I have nothingburger friends who dont believe anyone died in Ecuador lol.

Imagine even bothering to read the anti-corona replies. Enjoy the free (You)s and don't give any back

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it has already reached 60k+ deaths in muttland with DUMPF in charge and we still have 1 month of spring left to go therefore it will be way over 82k by early august.......

J U S T.............

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She's already in space

>Corona Chan is activating a dormant virus called Epstein in peoples bodies

Now tell me that our meme’s aren’t transcending reality


> EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients. EBV seropositivity was associated with fever and increased inflammation. EBV reactivation may affected the treatment of COVID-19.

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>Strikingly, 100% of ICU patients less than 75 years old had VDI.
So if you don't have your Vitamin D as part of your Corona-chan stack you best add it
>42% Percent of Americans Are Vitamin D Deficient.

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>I just want all of you to die
Well that escalated quickly

Idk author likes messing with us. This one was cut into15 smaller parts and he just posted one at the time

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are you a fucking retard? don't make posts when you don't know the context of the line of posts you fucking braindead hypernigger

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Imagine personifying a virus into an anime girl and becoming attached.

Don't even bother taking your meds, just off yourself.

Go on


/cvg/ was right again
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Vitamin D/start/2020-02/end/2020-03/

Oh god that sentence structure just goes to prove how room temperature your IQ really is.

Rage typing now huh?


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So I have a friend who's pretty based but was a nothingburger (don't tread on me, etc). I say was because he became a full /doomer/ after losing his sense of taste to the point of accidentally drinking dish soap. After only several days he said his taste returned to about 80% functionality, but he is too weak and fatigued to even use stairs. He is presently going around to all the black businesses he knows of and spitting on door knobs and touching all the commonly-used surfaces he can. This blog post is dedicated to him. rip in peace

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>it did not work at all in NYC.
the alternative is guayaquill


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BASED FAUcI seems to be correct with predictions so far with 1 million+ cases and 60k+ deaths so far........

DRUMPF + nothingburgers BTFO YET AGAIN........

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>.000005% of the world population dead

should be changed and you are a cuck

Sure, have 1 more

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Well, lads?

Covid-19 will not be eradicated and will return become a seasonal virus, Chinese scientists predict

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Attached: ecuador.webm (640x352, 2.47M)

>yyy, нe мoжe тaкoгo бyти щoб ти знaв cвoю piднy мoвy, в yciх yкpaїнцiв нeмa iнтepнeтy тa вoни yci зoвciм нe знaють aнлiйcькoї, ти тoчнo кopиcтyєшья пpoкci тa впн, yyy
Гapний пocт, хopвaцький пapyбoк, нeпoгaнo я пopeгoтaв.

hey Sven you forgot to add the part of 28 april where they're now predicting 70,300 deaths because they're already over 60,000

Not today. All the heavyweights already reported.

Argiebro is MIA, retard.

Kek, cracking under the pressure of the Gary life.

They do stuff like that for blood donations but they combine a hell of a lot more than two samples to make things maximally efficient.

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Is this a true story?
If so, based.

>become seasonal
Why would it be seasonal when Corona-chan can spread just fine indoors? All year long spread sounds more like it to me with maybe higher peaks when you have less UV light from the sun and higher particulates in the air.

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you could not articulate what is potentially wrong with the sentence structure, not that syntax is something I worry about when phone posting; in any case these threads are a microcosm of 2016, and dealing with all of you niggercattle is so tiresome


I think it was confirmed when some asian doctors turned into a niggers because of the vit D deficiency, though.

After 300 revisions this stupid big nose jew is right! Haha right wing BTFO!!

Go back to El Cummo's Fag House you fucking degenerate. We don't care meme flag.


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Rare one here, I think

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>Dead: 227,681
lol, still only 227,681.
How many days has it been stuck at 227,681? Four days? Five days?

Yes, it's going checked, so fewer people are going to die soon. 200,000... we'll be lucky if that's the final tally. It's almost as if the output of models responds to changing variables: the lower estimates are with social distancing baked in.

Wow so...exactly like influenza did...the memes write themselves

what happened to argiebro?

Sounds great!


Trump said two weeks ago that they'd cap at 65k LMAO

>coronachan can make heart go boom
>ventilators failing, lungs going boom. Doctors in New york saying this is not the way to treat patients.
>no vaccine possible, not new among coronaviruses.
>mass doctor suicides. can't cope with deaths.
>animals/pets getting infected. Minks newest bro
>mosquito spread theoretically possible
>Anti-body studies suggest many millions more are infected.
>pollution carries it, might contaminate rainfall
>attacks immune system, major organs due to the Ace2
>people dying at home from heart failure in mass
>attacks brain, causes brain damage, causes outbreaks of strokes in the young. New symptoms include confusion/slurred speech/touretes like behavior
>kills the weak and old first, slowly deteriorates the young and eventually kills them too due to reinfection(reactivation?)
>kiddos thought to be safe are falling ill and are literal timebombs for the lethal Kawasaki Disease and Epstein-Barr Virus (fooled because kids just take longer to die)
>"recovered" leaving hospitals with ravaged lungs. There is no such thing as recovered.
>SARS survivors 10 years later too become too sick to work.
>can survive two weeks + on surfaces
>travels up to 8 meters in air.
>can survive for hours in the air, can travel through AC units
>found in mens balls, effects still not understood but possible sterility
>kills T-cells similarly to HIV.
>no immunity confirmed
>New study she may become a permanent seasonal virus
>can cause massive blood clots throughout body, can lead to necessary amputations
>can be spread in the smell of human waste like SARS
>Ecuador has 11k dead since Jan. previous year they had 3k. President admits they are unable to manage counts.
>fake doctors, influential tricking normies that virus is fake/to protest the streets with no protection and also to sell merch KEK
>power plants/meat production are in their beginning stages of positive outbreaks among the workforce

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eat shit and don't @ me, stupid am*rican
cмpт aмepици

seems like nobel-dude was right
corona is unraveling, the mutations are reverting her to the mean, and the mean is a boring old bat-coof

also you didn't hear this from me but adding vitamins/antacids seems to expedite non-urgent orders from JeffB's evil empire/shopping emporium.

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Hey Guys! Gary here! Just got done with a big mouthful of shit. Got those studies for you here! LOOK AT THIS LINE! It MUST mean we're ALL gonna die!! Lets hide in our houses like the faggots we are let other men fuck our wives! It's for the greater good!!!!

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So Europeans tend to be super spreaders? That's the assumption I'm getting but I could be wrong cause I do be retarded at times

Hopefully the situation in Alberta worsens

>what happened to argiebro?
Probably resting.