Does nobody have discipline anymore?

Why are so many people wagie losers?
I know dozens of people at my job through a year now and most of them do not plan on doing anything else in their lives.
They have no goals or ambitions.
And most are PART time so grown men make only $1,000 a month after taxes.
Now that the schools are all closed I just go to work every days hitting over 50hrs at $20/hr making over $900 a week after taxes.
And I am absolutely miserable. I would rather go back to making $250 a week while going to school Mon-Sat. I hate just working and vidya and anime. I am an adult now and I see that the future will come and soon I will be on my own fully and I am training for a career for that future.
I just want to finish as fast as possible and get started and leave this job.
Yet countless others, even young men my age are okay with living meaningless lives doing nothing.
Is this just laziness or their minds just taking it in by the week and suddenly years begin to pass?
We are already about half way through 2020. This time advancing terrifies me because of Virus stopping all the schools and now I am getting older and will finish school and career training at an der age and this enrages me.
Yet others care not for time and their youth and life placement.
Why is this?

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What do you care? Less competition for you, mr bigshot

>Yet others care not for time and their youth and life placement.
>Why is this?

Because time literally does not exist. It is something you groupthink wagies believe in so that it's easier to control you with schedules/routines that all the other controlled retards follow.

>be freethinking human being
>work, wake up and care literally about what I want to
>this is bad

It's bad for people like you because at heart it is YOU who are the wagie losers. Doing what everyone else told you to do because you were too fucking dumb to think for yourself.

>I hate just working and vidya and anime. I am an adult now and I see that the future will come and soon I will be on my own fully and I am training for a career for that future.

Oh I'm sorry I thought I was talking to an adult, not a career.

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Most people are just absolute degenerates seeking the easiest path in life. Others are just beaten down to where they “appreciate” the stability and simplicity of a mindless wagie job.

I ran a modestly successful business for a while but had to close up shop when my mom got sick and nobody else was going to take care of her. I’m stuck waging for the next ten years until retirement, but I’m happy I did the right thing.

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>The times when I asked now ex-bf what will he do after college when he starts to earn his own money
>"Buy new table for my pc. And buy a donkey because one licked me in zoo"

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>Everyone is dumb except for me and yet we’re all stuck in the same position

I remember being in my early 20’s too

us young men are just chillin. video games are fun anime is fun to watch. Some fat bossman aint tellin me when to wake up and go home. I do as i please


>beaten down to where they “appreciate” the stability and simplicity of a mindless wagie job
das me

It's not laziness, it's despair and addiction. A shitload of young men don't beleive in themselves at all in the west, plus things like drugs and vidya replace real life experiences and are way easier so they just stick to that while their lives get even worse and they ignore it.

To them a job is just a way to keep the power on and the drugs coming so they can ignore reality.

Nut you will wake up and be 30.
Do you not have any plan for that time?
I am constantly thinking about this even though it is almost a decade away.

Hit me in the feels gland user

God bless your golden heart

as long as i have the internet im happy, im not anti work but being BIG CEO 5000 is fucking gay. fuck em all. fuck em all to hell.

It is the Fatherless households point?
Not being properly guided to life?
I am a Christian with no Father yet I recognized that youth is not endless and I must strive for greater things. Not to sound cool or anything but that is reality.
It is sad to just play games while work a job still living at home or splitting Bill's with roommates.

I'm in my early forties and still live with my folks: never married; no offspring.

Sure my circumstances are sad and regrettable in some ways, but at least I qualified for the $500/week bursary after being laid-off from my job as a school bus driver - it's actually like getting a 10% pay raise... but I don't feel any shame because our profession is woefully undervalued IMO.

Today I woke-up around eight and, after pouring a coffee, installed mySQL on a Thinkpad I got for $80 on eBay. Now I'm interested in playing around with PHP/Ajax/JQuery and all that jazz. Thinking about setting-up a cool website and seeing where it might lead.

Taking it easy, generally. Drinking plenty of beer and smoking cigs. Working-out a bit, and doing shit around the house... taking the dog for walks more often.

If I've learned anything from this 'pandemic' it's that the only consistent thing in life is inconsistency! Relax and smoke some weed if that's your thing. Shoot some guns or go fly a kite to recenter yourself.

They're pathetic losers that still live with their parents, still smoke weed, still play video games. They have zero ambition in life. I'm 29 and most of my old friends from high school are working non career type jobs, some even part time, still living at home smoking weed playing video games, and then they wonder why no girl takes them seriously. And they haven't done shit with their lives and we are not young anymore, and its almost too late for them to turn it around. Meanwhile I got a bachelors degree by 22, an M.S by 26 (while working fulltime), home owner at 27, paid off car, a beautiful wife. And these virgin turds are just sitting in their mamas house jerking off.

i legit divorced my wife because i had a 5 year and 10 year goal she wanted no part of and actively tried to sabotage it. she wanted me to give up family land and property kick family members out who contribute to our success an move into a rented house. dumb bitch had to go

And these pathetic virgins think anything over 40 hours is "a lot". I fucking have not worked only 40 hours since I was like 20. I worked more than 40 hours a week when i was in school FULL TIME. These pussy ass faggot boys have no drive or ambition. I've worked 80 to 90 hour work weeks back to back like it was nothing.

This is exactly what I mean. I know a guy pushing almost 40 and he works less than 25hrs a week and I ask him all sorts of questions about Drugs and their effects and he knows literally everything about them. From Psychedelics to Speed. And he shares and apartments with a friend and been working here for almost a decade.
I got promoted this month and I have not even been here a year yet.
I have goals set to achieve by 25 but now it is on hold and it kills me knowing my life is going no where right now because the gov. said so.
Is there any solution to helping these men?
Men who just obsess with anime, pop culture and vidya and Japan?

Then the job wasn't very demanding, was it?

Leave family land, leave stable family, pay $2000 a month for a house that can be sold off anytime.
City/Career woman?

Maybe she wanted you two to have privacy? Sharing the household with in-laws is a road to hell... and divorce.


It has been like that for thousands of years.
Latinos and Romanians do that still right now. In their countries and in the US.

don't worry the country is about to open up again

she wanted to (move far away from where we are) she lives 10 miles away in a single wide pauing twice as much as me working as a cashier at a convenience store

all she had to do was wait 5 years. immediate gratification over prolonged happiness and generational wealth is nigger logic

there is a reason mexibros are outpacing whites in land ownership in america over the last 10 years

That doesn't mean people living like that were or are relatively happy. A wife will always be the second citizen in such household. Because nothing is her property and no one is of her blood. She has basically the least to say about her destiny because everyone's above her. Would you live in such condition or try to explain to your husband you two need own household to build upon?

5 years sounds like "what may never come to be" or "a lot of things could change and I just wasted 5 years of my life" category

I make on average $14,000 Canadian Copex per month and hate my life.
>more than just the money

Your mega-lord status in society is truly admirable, but do tell: how exactly did you learn about the more intimate details of your "virgin turd 'friend's'" habits?

>I can't understand that other people like other things than the things I like
You need to be at least 18 to post here. Seriously though, a lot of people are actually just lazy losers with no redeeming qualities and no depth, but you need to realize there are also a lot of people you would deem losers who are actually worthwhile people with depth who just have a different value system than you. Diogenes lived in a barrel and masturbated in public and yet was envied by Alexander the Great. You sound like you probably lack personal depth yourself, having devoted 100% of your efforts to ticking boxes on the good boy checklist - not that doing those things is wrong, it's nice to have a house, and a wife, etc. - but now that you've secured those things you should use the freedom your situation affords you to look inward and figure out what value life has beyond the good boy checklist. If the life you've set up doesn't allow you that freedom, then maybe now you can understand why sone would be hesitant to go down that path, and why they might not just be retarded losers. Tldr you're a borderline sociopath but there's time / a chance that you can develop into an actual human being if you can get past your juvenile hubris.

Ah the Mud, it's drowning meee

Grab onto the nearest Anime Girl, cause HERE. WE. GO.


you don't know discipline

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I'm 30 and make 4k per month after taxes with an actual career not just a job and I own my own house and car. But I STILL don't have the ambition to actually do anything with my life. I love spending all my free time online and I hate thinking about the future. Overall I'm a lazy fuck who hates doing things that aren't fun.

im really good at math and logic and laid it out for her year by year. im getting what i want regardless if anyone else agrees or doesnt. only 2 years left right now. like 20k bucks and then its easy living