Racism was invented by Anglos

Daily reminder that racism was invented by Anglos. Other Europeans never hated anyone based on their skin color. Not even Hitler himself.

Anglos, and their degenerate mutts: Americans, even racially abused catholics at one point, calling them "white niggers" and not "true americans".

Anglos and Americans opressed literally every race in the world: native americans, black africans, Indians, Arabs, Asians, Aboriginial people, and even other whites when they couldnt find anyone else...

Thats why I will never be racist.

Because racism is purely an anglo invention

Attached: black angel.jpg (640x852, 55.76K)

I’m not racist at all. I let my wife suck big throbbing BBC. Keyword is “let.” I’m still in control because I give her permission to swallow BBC milk while I play my Switch

Racism was invented bu Bolshevik Jews.

What has your nation ever created? ha

Regardless of who started it, it's still retarded and no reason to point fingers back at whoever. I don't hate niggers, chinks, and poos, I just prefer they keep to their own unless some black beauty comes looking to get bleached.

not true that they invented it, but they surely cherish the worst kind of racism. it's fucking plebeian.
racism is an objective reality, odesn't mean you have to be a fucking pleb.

I wish I was that grl.

the term "Racism" was coined by Leon Trotsky you fucking newfags

An actual culture outside of fish and chips

>skin color


I've never liked the English.

>maah its actuuuually the communists that invented racism
fucktards, what I mean by "invented" is practiced it, and embraced it fully

disgusting fucking racist protestant abusers

Your opinion has automatically been ignored memefag

You are a product of them.

Invented by Jews*

Jews imported slaves. Jews invented racism to justify slavery. Court Jews were given large land tracts by the Crown for serving Crown interests, on which slaves imported by Jews were owned and worked by Jews.

Judaism is the only supremacist ideology in the west.

>catholic niggers
Fuck as if that's even wrong

What is British culture then? What are your traditions that haven't been turned into money making schemes Mr. Unseasoned food?

Racism as an institution was invented by the Spanish. They were the first Europeans to have a race caste based society in America.
In all fields
OP is a retard

What is up with this influx of black boys on this board?

>Other Europeans never hated anyone based on their skin color. Not even Hitler himself.

Oh, look, a person who never cracked open a pre-20th century book.

Arabic Muslims pointed out the sub-human-ness of black eons ago, when most Anglos were illiterate, and still living in sod-roof huts. with nary a non-white around

What is British culture then? What are your traditions that haven't been turned into money making schemes?

I do like the British explorers and geographers
they were pretty cool

I knew an orthoDOG will reply sooner or later

Burger king

This post is too high iq for the typical faggot who browses Yas Forums

Too bad serbs didn't get your ass at vukovar

D&C among whites was invented by anglos who thought they were one of the lost tribes of Israel. But no, just fuck no. That's ludicrous and I'm whiter than any United Statesian that has ever existed.

>hated anyone based on their skin color.
Nobody cares about skin color user
it's behavior, gratification delay, impulsiveness, violence

Attached: blacks poverty education and unemplyment vs crime rate.jpg (640x594, 38.05K)

>Other Europeans never hated anyone based on their skin color.
Of course not. We never had to live with them.
Now we do, because we have to.

It's mutts who think it's funny.

Arabs are actually pretty based and look white in general except for some extreme mutt cases.

Given how redpilled Islam is about women and Africans and war, it's a shame they aren't considered white by more people.

I hate English people. If they were all to be killed, our society would advance by 15 generations within 2.



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at vukovar?
you mean the city serbs couldnt conquer for two months while having 36,000 vs 1800 strength and shelling the city with hundreds of bombs every day

I think we will be good

Sage the slide thread

the struggle is real my brother

They would be deprived of all sexual gratification due to your throbbing 3-inch member.

Arabs are inbred.