Political Journey Thread

Post them.
(Pic related is mine)

Attached: politicaljourneytemplate (1).jpg (1599x1544, 346.67K)


Can someone please outline the political beliefs of a cowboy?

Attached: 92892629_1589383731225337_5049509345289568256_o.jpg (1514x2015, 311.22K)

Can you explain why you posted a fat chink dressed as Velma?

This is my political affiliation

Attached: 92546542_1591222554374788_809495670510583808_o.jpg (816x1224, 44.01K)

A big fence sitting pussy, to lazy to do anything until a woman basically forces him to get off his fat fucking ass and do something productive for himself, and in turn, productive for society. Take that NatSoc pill retard.

honestly I hardly find that damning

at least post the template


started at nazi ended up at libertarian don't ask me to draw a map because you will need q0 dimensions