Your move bigots

Your move bigots

Would you be willing to show your history to ban sex work?

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PhD in what? Lesbian economics? Women were a mistake. Sunni Islam is right

I would. It’s all early life sections on Wikipedia

What a dumb bitch. I use incognito whenever I so much as google a w*man's name

>slide thread
This is like when vegans say all meat eaters should slaughter an animal


no such thing as sex work.
There are human traffic victims, degenerates and human traffickers.
The last two desserve the rope.

Better idea. Delete the internet and force barefoot pregnant Susanna to make me a sandwich.

All this would prove is that both men and women are oversexed and all of need to stop having sex and stop masturbation

The concept of a slide thread implies the existence of good threads

Please link an exanple of a good thread

based and early life pilled

Exposing everyone to MLP R34 would be hillarious.

Why does leftist philosophy encourage women to degrade themselves?

Studying the life science behind microscopic lifeforms? In my neck of the suburbs we call that gay

>if I get shamed for what I do in public, you should be ashamed for what you do in private

>slide thread
Is anything hot going on that needs to be slided? Sometimes it's just a shitpost user.

Take notes gents, this is the beast system on full display. The interesting part is that these shitass proposals don't hurt you with actual bullets and knives, but with perceptions and feelings.
These people capitalize on shame and controlling the public through embarassment and 'trendy' bullshit because they know most can't handle the isolation and want to feel loved. To beat them, you have to immunize yourselves against such NPC behaviors and stop doing things because Jane and Jill would call you cringe and edgy. Become a fucking human again

The second most fraudulent "science" there is after psychology

My employers, gf and family all know I'm Natsoc and brwose this site. And that's the "worst" of what I do on the internet.
I don't use porn, I dont have Facebook/Google/Amazon/TikTok/Twitter/ZoomerShit.

I wouldn't do this but not for the reasons she thinks

Yeah I would do it, butthurt that would cause would be absolutely worth it

dur ill show my history if you delete it, also mu horny

I'll stop shaming when they pay taxes like the rest of us

Sex workers = drug dealer

I consume a lot of cows.

I wouldn't date one.

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Betting on being able to shame men into submission is a good way to go broke, lady. We just don't care. It is, in general, women who are both the perpetrators and victims of shaming.

So she sucked dick to get in med school, then sold her ass to pay for it...

Yas Forums btfo

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Pro roastie gonna feel bad that I prefer the stuff people record for free

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Why do these twitter retards feel the need to divulge they’re a MD or PhD in their handle?

Hope they like 2d

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I only watch animated porn with fictional characters, it's a victimless crime (except maybe myself)
Real women should be treated with respect and love, they should not be seen as sexual objects.

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>women's concept of justice

It's not actual sex work unless you have sex for work.
Masturbating in front of a webcam is not work.
Stolen valor from actual prostitutes!

in that case she should really examine my dick

Go read your books, simp beaner

>sex work
Doesn't exist, prostitution/whoring does.

Who's the worse person, person A that kills person B or person C that watches person A kill person B?

you can have my search history you filthy whore

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>2 years later she hits the wall
>Oh yeah, about that...

I hear people refer to "early life", what are they talking about

Yeah... like lazy women have never discovered how easy it is to spread for money, and then decided that was their 'career'. Fucking beaner incel.

>not opening porn on incognito only
lel, good luck fags

Is she encouraging kink shaming?
I would prefer if people left those alt right views in the gutter where they belong.

The same men that shame whore shame each-other for being coomers you stupid cunt

if you see an abhorrent article posted or blue check mark, look up the author on wikipedia. Especially the early life part. It's the same thing everytime

Modest proposal: all women who say "incel" should be sold into sex slavery.

Hi Susanna! You don’t need my search history too learn about the jews and NatSoc. Just lurk moar.

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That line of reasoning doesn't work on a group of people that think saying the N word is as bad as owning slaves and voting from Trump is as bad as voting for Hitler.

>sex work

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Both sex 'workers' and masturbators should be executed by firing squad.

I only fap to 2D so go right ahead, slut. I'm no hypocrit.

women consider their job part of their identity. You know the phrase "you are not your job?" Well women throw that out the window. They also crave social brownie points

slide thread is obvious

If that happened nobody would care because everyone looks at porn

why would i want to ban sex work, I watch porn all the time ?

>N word
Nigger please

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jokes on her i only look at traps

i've got a proposal for you, you, a rope, a lamppost

>sex work
Not a thing.

>obvious slide thread is good
new orders for Soros?

NO mass shooter ever said, "I was getting so much ass and getting laid all the time, that I had to stop and go out and shoot up a lot of people."

Keep the guns, legalize the girls, get the psychos laid, treat the working girls like guns and make the fill out BATF and background checks.forms. A time share girl friend with no threat of divorce or domestic drama. Win Win WIn.

now (officially) sharing my history is another question alltogether

What weird fetish would be on your browser history?

"so and so was born to Jewish parents"

reality says differently

what kind of decrepid looser would want to view that ?

kink-shaming and ostracization as a form of punishment, because women think in terms of social status
to be fair Jews dont have a monopoly on prostitution. Considering every woman on this planet generally doesnt give up her pussy until the guy has spent more than $0.00 in the form of food, transportation, entertainment etc. Not saying the Jews wouldnt love having the power to regulate this

we shame them for not paying taxes though. same as illigal immigration. just pay into the fucking system im 100% sure you are using and abusing why cant you disingenuous faggots ever accept your retarded

I dont pay for porn.

>women should be treated with respect and love, they should not be seen as sexual objects.
isn't it interesting that "feminists" like this lady are agitating for the objectification and sexualization of women. advocating for predatory businesses like porn and prostitution, where mostly young and vulnerable women are frequently drugged up and manipulated into prostitution and porn by much older men.

hnnnng Uzaki's mum, feel guilty now that they showed the Dad and he's one of my faves characters now. Can see where Uzaki got the attitude from.

>shaming women
Women don't have shame anymore, it's 2020. Why do you think muslims beat their women?

>is (Jewish sounding name) Jewish
That’s easily 80% of my web searches

if somebody says something like "fellow white people" or "kill all white people" something like that. search their name and what you will find will mostly be the same for all the them
ex: jewberg goldsmith raised in a non-religious (((Jewish))) family in Brooklyn

people who have to publicly display their degrees are pitiful

But there's literally nothing shameful in my web search history. Unlike being a sex worker.

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Pretty sure showing the web history of all men would simply reinforce my claim that we are a sick nation and that pornography should thusly be eliminated.

Bitch is literally doing my work for me.

Say it isn't so.

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Holy shit you're dumber than Mexican you're replying to. He referred to those as degenerates. Fucking moron

or women could just not be whores contributing to that degenerate normalization. kinda shot herself in the back of the head with that one.

>publicly shame
Where do these people go to see that, I literally have never seen someone shame a woman for sex work. I figure she means shaming as "oh this guy doesn't wanna date me because I fucked hundreds of guys for money in college"

Yes , I don't even watch porn and I'm no degenerate

A modest proposal: Hookers, call girls and other sluts should pay taxes and required entrepreneurial payments like everyone running a business.

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I always use incognito mode when searching literally anything, same with watching YouTube

>They'll find all my bestiality porn

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my entire history is TRANNY PORN

youre move

Go back to redddit you fucking namefag pedo

No u

Jokes on you. I use Incognito mode.

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I'd hit that, how much $?


>retards thinking incognito mode does anything

there is no public shaming of prostitutes; this bitch is equating rejecting whores with rejection in general, and in her mind the appropriate punishment should be embarrassing the men who do the rejecting. If women didnt give a shit about rejection then she wouldnt have made the tweet

Absolutely, and not just sex work, but pornography as well.