HAPPENING I know from inner sources that China will annex North Korea

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Can I somehow profit on this?

Your ass doesnt count as a source

>source: dude trust me

Kim Jong Un's dead corpse just flew over my house

They all look the same. It's inevitable.

Think of the vacation opportunity, hot Korea girls willing to serve their dear leaders every whim for a few Yuen

Digits say yes

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If they do that it'll mean instant war.

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one does not simply annex a country with nukes

saged and reported

they are alrady owned by China. Western people don't get this

>china ever dismantling its buffer zones

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Norks could beat the chinks 1v1 any day of the week.

How profit?

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Without countless waves of Chinese troops, North Korea would never have existed in the first place. All of Korea would have been a democratic republic...


Is your dad china?

Korea is rightful Finnish clay. Chinks need to fuck off.

i know from inner sources that they won't

cute tummy

The desire to be right for a moment at the expense of being wrong for eternity.

>The day of the wok approaches

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Hory shit!

Quarantine Bae!

China benefits more from a puppet buffer state

Moar pics of girls getting patted down over coronachan?

I know from inner sources that they already did 20 years ago.

My inner sources say that aliens will annex Earth and 99% will be wiped
Others will be forced to grow massive amounts of alien and earth plants

This same picture was used in the /cvg/ psyop threads whenever information was being leaked(by the feds)
This is legit, even though it’s from a glownigger

China is the only county keeping North Korea solvent

China will just put teir person in charge. It's already decided.

Invest in military industry my dude

Without American troops all of Korea would be a democratic people's republic, so your point is?

>source: my ass

I believe you, I will inform the media.


Well shit guess we should

North Korea is more useful to the Chinese as a "irrational uncontrollable prod" to the Americans, South Korea and Japan.

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>imply best korea won't just nuke china

If they did that, North Korea would shoot their shit ass nuke. China would probably not retaliate with nukes, NK would shoot another Nuke, China would be forced to use their own nukes, giving the US the justification it needs to partner with Russia to nuke China and North Korea off the map. Then they will jointly control it as a puppet state. Screenshot this for the new world order.

The best kind, because truly if you can't trust yourself who can you trust?

so close to tri

Invest in the companies China starts in NK, short the Won.