The cure to antisemitism

The cure to antisemitism

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voting democrat, legalizing abortion, allowing illegal immigrants, free healthcare and college, tax the church and repealing the second amendment

Look, I've been a union contractor for over 20 years now and I have the experience to say just by looking at that picture without a doubt, in my expert professional opinion that, that woman was constructed in such a way that she conforms to the rigorous set of building codes and standards that make her not only legally but also judiciously built for BBC.

after hundreds of years of robbing europeans, marrying their best looking gold diggers and running away to their jew rats nest, this was the most attractive example you could come up with

i could look out my window right now and see a more attractive girl

Why do these israeli women keep being spread around the internet? Do they take these photos personally or does the IDF have a psyop unit tasked with this?

Our military thots do it too but they do it to gain simp instagram followers, not propaganda.

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eastern european women?

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its a campaign orchestrated by TIP (the israel project) targeting western men
the women aren't even israeli but eastern european models larping as IDF

but nordic women have masculine faces

why are nose jobs so popular in California?

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US military thots just can't compete.

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Look how hard she is trying to hide the nose

congratulations, you're gay

>Hair is down
>How will she shoot with hair flopping around
Don’t worry about that
>Wearing Jewelry while in uniform

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sloped head sand women and ukrainian paid models itt.

Consider me cured, would marry

Kurdish women would kill these type of whores.

No, Israel doesn't have a special unit for the thors. Instagram and all of thet social media stuff is going crazy here. It's rare seeing a girl here without Instagram.

Get rid of the others

The cure for antisemitism is the death of all jews.
No jews, no antisemitism.

How can you cure it, I mean they themselves quite literally fuck things up...

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They sure do paint a target on their own heads, bunch of jackasses...

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Came here to say THIS

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Even if they are abusive? Oh yeah I forgot, you are an American after all...

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she will shoot me or what?

Is for Europeans to stop pretending to be jews.

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Build Third Temple or gtfo

fucking kek!

Nah. Is for Jews to stop pretending to be European.

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Is it wrong that I find that worn AR sexier than the girl?

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You're right though, if the jews all shot themselves nobody would have to hate them anymore.

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She going to an hero with that gun?

Oh yeah, she's so hot.
Can I volunteer to go die in the desert now?

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Ashkenazi are European.

I met a fine Jewish girl once. She and I hit it off like gangbusters

We got to that phase of "meet the parents"

Her father said that if I were to marry his daughter I would need to speak Hebrew

>Could we start with just my name?

Sure, in Hebrew your name would be YUCK

I married a Greek broad that night and never looked back

>My Greek name is pronounced BIGDIC

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>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

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the cure is removing the khazar mutts living in occupied palestine since you're the antisemites

>does the IDF have a psyop unit
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>jew shill operation center
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Yas Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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