This webm is a perfect representation of why Western Civilization has failed.
The woman longingly looks to her male counterpart to show some balls and commit to kissing her, to take up the challenge of acting like a respectable adult and quart her. Instead, he averts his gaze from her, more concerned with his earthly material possessions, in this case a beer. Then, dumbfounded, he looks over to see her kissing a disgusting overweight nigger.
It's not the women who are in the wrong, you see, it's us, the men, who lead to this downfall of our society in our own hedonistic pursuits. The Jew only provided us with our creature comforts but White Men were the ones who willingly accepted them, as a result, it ruined them.
So I say this to you. White Men, throw off the soft binds of comfort and conformity to realize yourselves once again. Don't be this man here. /sig/ is a 24 hour thread go there and act now.
This webm is a perfect representation of why Western Civilization has failed
Fake and I'm gay
and you got all that from 21 second video clip ...
Well then kill yourself.
based black man just sits there and white women are all over him
That guy is quite the drongo.
You realise there are staged right?
You know those are paid actors with a script, right?
You do know that shit is fake right?
All those cam kiss gags are fake and gay.
You mean someone does not want to be MeToo'd? Shocking.
Listen here, even if what they're doing isn't real it still fits into what I'm saying and our (((enemies))) know full well of it, that's why they're putting on this display.
>when the beauty and the beast viral marketing people have an edgy sense of humor
>"viral marketing?"
lel whitoid mad
>in this case a beer.
America is such a shitshow rofl
Its scripted bro..
You realize all those faggots are actors rgiht?
looks staged, she was barely trying to act
>acting like a respectable adult and quart her
>quart her
sadly this is true, women are not the problem (they are now) but the real root of it all were a few faggot weak men in power places
remember, these whores didn't have rights until MEN gave them to them
It's literally the only reason black men exist now
the black guy in OP looks like a bro. 10/10 would enjoy a sprite with
She then took the BBC and got her womb filled with superior POC seed
Fuck off.
i agree, just initial reaction is that it was staged but you are correct about the subversive nature of it
whatcha doing rabbi
>television screen tells you to kiss
>man doesn't kiss
>"HUH, this must mean i have to cheat on him!"
Fake. Sage
this was staged though sooooo
Demoralization propaganda should be a capital offense as should sharing it
fake nigger lover propaganda by the nigger loving baseball team
>Act like a timid coward more concerned with something stupid
>Females look for someone who has a spine
>"Woe is me how could this have happened?!?"
See here , I'm not trying to demoralize anyone I'm trying to reinvigorate you.
There's an /sig/ thread up right now I suggest you all go there
>beauty and the beast
Some jokes write themselves
Good post, Op. srsly
That's not 14 words
Goddamn women are stupid
big facts
based truth
just some solid bro at a game
You're not wrong. There is truth in the act they are showing here.
White men are busy cucking themselves with so.y distractions like alcohol and sports while women and the world pass them by.
It's staged you fucking idiot.
Right. Because niggers don't like alcohol and sports..