I'm so mad i could vote for Joe Biden
Still haven't received my Trumpbux
Maybe you should have got your taxes direct deposited instead of a gas card you fucking boomer shitpile
Got mine last night. Did you get your tax returns?
get a job, nigger
no work, no food
t. essential worker
This. I got mine like two weeks ago. Plus I still have my job. I don't even know one person who is out of work
Think that's bad.
The Jewish pedophile that runs my state took our extra $600/week federal unemployment benefits and put in a 30 day CD to get interest off of it.
Have yet so see a single cent of it.
not him but the reason i still haven't gotten mine is because i've had to pay taxes since 2015 and thus haven't gotten an actual refund in years
but thankfully me+wife made 138k in 2018 so we'll get the full 2400 :^) (if i had filed earlier this year we would get 0 dollars since we made too much)
Make sure to put your address in all capitals
Stop living in your car and get a bank account, user. Oh, and file a tax return once in a while.
i am not a boomer
filed and received for 2019
and have direct deposit
but the irs hasnt given me trumpbux yet.
Based. Finally voting in your economic interest.
Same, finally got mine. They're doing them in batches.
got mine today as a non filer
Nonfiler Here just got mine today it will come don't worry, also don't for pedo Joe vote for Trump he gave you free money
Got my trudeau-bux today 2000 (100$ american)
same except I did mine in 2020 is that why? Did I not get it cause I already got a refund?
Holy fucking shit is this true?
Google Wisconsin unemployment, then Google Tony Evers child pornography
Most of our customers are old rich boomers. Apparently they don’t know what to do with their free gibz... they all brag about how their big decision is what charities get it.
mine is scheduled for deposit tomorrow. it's also payday so ill be $3.2k richer tomorrow :3
Unironically try putting in your street address in all caps since the system is shit
Bigger problem is this error is actually a generic error for an umbrella of issues, and the FAQ makes it sound like people getting it aren't eligible when they should be. The site issuing timeouts after three login attempts also is quality
I got mine a couple weeks ago and already spent it on an AR upper
"Essential" worker, so I'm still getting a paycheck
i got my Donald Dollars on the 15th, and got my state's unemployment insurance two days after my first filing was available.
I'm getting all of that and it's more than I'd usually even make.
I got my gibs. Now gib more gibs.
Wasn't it supposed to be deposited on the 15th? Why you guys are receiving it so late?
Got mine wagie
im getting almost exactly the same net monthly. my company's payroll or accounting or whatever dept calculated each employee's compensation compared to individual state unemployment insurance numbers to figure out how to reduce hours/pay and maximize employee state benefits coverage. im actually impressed how they handled it, so most employees really wont notice an overal decrease in monthly pay while only working 20 hrs/wk. im still losing my mind, but it's manageable
I work in the concert business so we got basically fucked. This is normally our busy season. Now I'm getting this fat unemployment until July and thats it.
i dont do taxes i filed as a non filer