when will police brutality towards blacks be addressed politically?
when will police brutality towards blacks be addressed politically?
fucking brat shouldn't have had the audacity to continue living while black. serves the little niglet right. pic related.
Get rid of cops and prisons.
Have everyone buy a gun.
>white guilt garbage
when you stop making it about blacks you stupid divisive nigger. of course you don't actually care either just want to make it a racial issue forever. kys already.
What did xe mean by this?
how is it not about blacks? born yesterday, cletus?
Swisher sweet cigars I imagine
niglet broke the law by smoking cigars when he aint even legal yet. fuking nigger.
Seen this episode before
its a cigar
filled with weed no doubt
Kid is literally trying to punch the officer, granted he's a scrawny shit, but maybe just maybe, don't fucking try to fight with the police officer.
100% deserved.
Great, now show the kid's behavior prior to being on the ground.
Shut up Karen that’s no way to talk to your brother
>Kid is literally trying to punch the officer
you're fucking delusional
Are you a white suburbanite? As of July 2017 70.5% of the white population is “Suburban” or “Exurban.”
>nigger breaks the law
>abloo abloo! the cops are doing their job!
You dumb motherfucking ape. If you are stealing, in the possession of an illegal substance, or engaging in any illegal activity, the cop is obligated to stop you. Maybe we need to have a separate school for niggers where we teach them what laws and society and consequences are for 16 years straight.
and that is
Also, I forgot to add that anyone who disagrees with this is a nigger.
When they stop calling for help with fuckin emojis and start talking like adults.
> There is more footage but I couldn't upload it
Not hiding anything I'm sure
>all this over a swisher
bruh just stop robbing convenience stores why is this so hard for them
They'll just chimp out, burn a bunch of shit, and people will become redpilled as a result of it.
When his left hand came up like that it justifies the cop throwing punches, glad he didn't go all in and stopped hitting him. He is a kid after all, but that doesn't mean he has free reign to break laws and resist justice. Cop showed restraint, he seemed very reluctant to hit the kid in the first place. Yet they'll still bitch about it and not understand the basic concept of equal or greater force. As lying niggers and Jews do, they'll never show what led up to that.
if you dont live among niggers, you have no idea what youre talking about regarding the daily shit behavior of niggers. whites liberals from the suburbs think every nigger on the corner is fresh prince when theyre mostly violent thieving subhumans
Surely this situation wasn't escalated by the fine young black gentleman.
>there's more footage
Then upload it you dumb nigger. This clip conveniently begins after the arrest has begun.
swisher cigars are popular things to roll weed in
where the fuck have you been?
>justice for my lil nig nog ! he dindu nuffin he was goo boi 80IQ retard nigga drug user he was iinnocent!!
Sorry I'm not a degenerate, so I don't speak nigger.
>>nigger breaks the law
Also, the punches were extrajudicial you bootlicking cuck.
Suburban and rural whites hate niggers mate, not sure what you're talking about. They get taxed more than basically any other demographic of people and they know where who all their money goes to support and they aren't exactly supportive of it. The elite kikes and "cultured" white liberals who live in an urban environment with zero sense of culture or belonging whatsoever are the ones that subscribe to eliminating their own race entirely.
he was smoking a cigar that other people put weed in, cop thought he was smoking weed and then thought he was disrespecting him by "lying" even though the kid was legit smoking just a cigar.
this is legit like a cop busting some teenagers ass for smoking a cigarette and being edgy. what a faglord.
>nooo you cant smoke its bad for you. Better beat you to death
Fuck pigs, the nigglet was just smoking on a cigar, didn't have any weed in it. And even if it did who fucking cares other than pearl clutching faggots like half of pol. Don't tread on me niggers, trannies, jannies, and piggies
>can't upload the extra footage
more like she cut the part out where he was eeking and ooking at the cop
>degenerate getting rekt
what's the issue?
One, you need to stop saying "nigger" if you want to be taken seriously, two, we have plenty of black people where I live, and you know how they act? Same as everyone else. There's white trash, too.
ayo getting so a mofucka cant even break da law in front of da cops wifout da police arrestin a nigga, shiieeetttttt
Shut up nigger
Too bad he wasn't shot.
>t.nigger lover
fuck off mudshark
Britfag, have you ever seen a real life negro? He was smoking at the age of 14. Weed, tobacco, whatever. That’s against the law. Maybe it shouldn’t be, but as of right now we competent folks know it’s illegal. What is the cop supposed to do, slap him on the wrist and say “Okay Jamal, you stay in school now!”
Nogs don’t listen to words you have to condition them with beatings and jail time. Here in the USA we enforce the law and stop Muslim rape gangs.
>wut da fuk, I just smokin uh blun nigguhhh
14 year olds fought for Napoleon.
Baby my ass.
When blacks start doing as police ask of them instead of screaming and getting cagey/violent at their presence. It's a vicious circle that cops can't break because its part of their job. Blacks have to break it.
Why did this make me snort
The cops will take down anyone who resists or gets in their faces. Color doesn't matter to cops. They kill and maim just as many whites and hispanics as blacks.
Calling a Swisher Sweet a cigar is like calling a $2 whore a career woman.
"Please comply"
*waves arms with gun*
No one cares if you "take us seriously"
The only thing blame people take seriously is shifting the blame.
Are some cops violent? Of course but most negative interactions between blacks and police are caused by the black people, they have a huge problem with authority and get mad when they face the consequences
Talk to police like an adult and you won't get beaten up. Hell I punched a cop in the face when they grabbed me from behind (mistaken identity, a house was robbed not far from where I was walking)
I literally explained I had been jumped multiple times before and its just my bodies reaction to someone grabbing me from behind
Learn to talk like an adult and maybe police won't treat you like children
Thanks for wearing your "dumb fuck" sign and letting everyone know what you are.
>smoking cigars when he aint even legal
nigger nigger
choose one
14 year old boys do things to look cool, that's not an excuse to traumatize them or be brutal towards them, you fucking hypocrite shitbags. It isn't black people's fault that you can't get a girlfriend.
Nothing good is ever going to happen again so don't expect it
You can blame people like this who ruthlessly mock everything and anything
Because you're falling prey to the goyim divide and are obsessed with race instead of the people who brainwash the blacks.
This is incredibly sheltered. There are a lot of cops that are just looking for an excuse to beat people, black people especially, no matter how you talk to them.
It isn't "obsessed with race" to acknowledge that race exists, and determines certain outcomes with law enforcement interactions.
Lol stupid nigger
Yea of course there is, everyone is out to get the poor black people!
We got a mind reader here boys and girls
>Sheltered view
Right, coming from the guy who claims to know people's intentions
Should've stomped his velcro covered head into tomato paste on the sidewalk