Biden campaign planned to lie that an investigation concluded Tara Reads claims were false

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Funny how you miss the part where Trump is now the action of doing this

Attached: ChlZGdOW0AAFhUD.jpg (512x512, 19.23K)

>Democratic presidential candidate is lying guys
>This is news
>Meanwhile Trump is literally lying every day for 4 years straight

Remember when he said Corona was a hoax and eerything was under control lol
Or that bleach injected is good for you

>word salad
Hot take

>the part
What part? Desperate to deflect are we? Remind me what the thread is about again, would you?

Trumptards taking their spicy views and hoping they arent held once again?
If its good enough for Trump, its good enough for anyone

Attached: EWZT_LqWkAUodUX.png (1241x928, 1.4M)

but nyt said they interviewed biden's staff and they said they knew nothing about the allegations. and that he didn't molest anyone beyond unwanted touching and groping.
I'm sure an user will post the graphic soon

>tells lies while saying others are lying
How typical.
>inb4 “it’s ok that I lie about trumps actions and words because he deserves it!”


You seem desperate to ignore the topic of this thread and to divert others attention away from it with piss-poor whataboutisms

>noo you can't hold me to task
Threads on popular views in elections are all distractions
After all, the US is a republic not a democracy

I can't wait until the next 5 victims show up, and with Biden it's no doubt. Wouldn't surprise me it they're 12 either. Fucker's got a bad few months ahead if he doesn't have a stroke by then.

They are going to swap him for big mike and trump would have a serious chance of loosing. Fuck this gay earth.

He literally never said any of that shit you fucking the link of the video of him saying ANY of what you claimed he said...first wipe the shitty dick off your lipps...nigger

Another crap deflection. Why did you come into a thread about Biden and immediately start deflecting?

>”the us is a republic so it’s perfectly fine for me to be a pathetic shill and deflect from the topic at hand”
Lol what

It is a hoax ( less than .003 death rate) and be never said anything about injecting bleach. Why do people say “trump lies” then cite some totally made up or out of context bull shit as proof.

those things didn't happen. Germans are worthless.

You upset that your attempt to make us so sleepy with this neverbiden shilling failed?

So why then is Trump saying he knew it was a pandemic before anybody else thanks to the inteligence community and busy praising how he's only gotten to that point?

Also its death rate is about 1 in 3 in the US
we're not Montenagro

>insisting you stay on topic is the same as sleepyposting
You couldn’t show how little you understand about this place any more succinctly. You’re pathetic, and functionally illiterate in this place.

So what's your first language then?

>death rate is 1/3
Lol absolutely not. Where are you getting this? 2/3 people are asymptomatic, 1/5 of confirmed cases require hospitalization, but going by infection rates instead of case rates drop that number Drastically

I was born manhandling obnoxious little homos like you, so I reckon I speak “the father figure you never had”

The death rate is not lower than .003, you just have a low iq

So abusive drunken asshole with no brain
Well I dont speak Mexicanese so you'll have to learn English

The virus isn’t a hoax, trump never said so. He was referring to the media coverage and spin on his actions as per usual

>mention father figure
>immediately thinks of abusive drunken assholes
Looks like we got to the core of your daddy issues awfully quickly. You know I had thought you typed an awful lot like a woman. Instinct shouldn’t be ignored

Ok good!

>born to manhandle homos

sounds about right

Holy shit that felt stupid to read. Kys.

>never had
So you know mine was better than yours, but hey I understand since English isn't your fist language

I mean it is stupid as its from a neverbiden group but just succeeds in showing their own hypocrisy

bleaches teeth
drinks clorox
injects fingers

Attached: joeteeeeth.jpg (750x536, 58.06K)

Do you not know what it means when someone says they’re gonna do something like the father they never had?

No because I'm an American not a mexican larping as one
We have a very good father figure rate outside of niggers

tu quoque and strawman.

Repeated unwanted groping and touching after repeated complaints

they could also have comey come out and say something happened but he didn't intend to rape her so it's okay.