Modern men are a joke

Men are becoming more and more effeminate with each generation. How did it get this bad?

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effeminate men were an institutional part of Ancient Greece, Rome, and Sparta. they practically invented men in make up and thongs so it's kind of funny you used them as your example.

>Implying those curly-headed faggots are anymore masculine

Less competition for women

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Asian boipucci is patrician tier

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ancient romans/greeks were gay pedos.

On the bright side, you have more women to choose from. Of course that side is as bright as a single fire-fly in a huge nocturnal forest, but still.

Interestingly, the guy with the highest test was the Asian guy.
He's also the only one not making the s o y face.

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social media and censorship. also REEEEEEE and virtue signaling. the people in OPs pic aren't men, they're candy-asses

Imagine not wanting to fuck this, you must be a real faggot to refuse.

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why is pic related a 10/10 in bongland?

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Way to buy into liberal/cuck propaganda. The truth is that that was the not the case.

Men who were effeminate in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were looked down upon and ridiculed. In Ancient Rome, they believed the most womanly/effeminate thing you could do was eat out a woman. So you think they even went around looking like women?

Another topic: gays were not tolerated in these ancient cultures, but take any theatre class that revolves around these cultures, and the liberal professors will try and convince you otherwise.

uh huh

each retarded reply gets a (You) with a new fact pertaining to ancient greek pedantry and homosexuality. originals curator of boipucci

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I am anti-fag as well, but isn't the other side of this coin that fucking another guy was the most masculine thing you could do?

Modern society too homophobic to allow rape mentors with cool dicks

>men are more effeminate!!
>do you have any proof other than your stupid confirmation bias?
>I have pictures of SOIBOIS!!!!!
>any evidence?

Define manly

It is time for EurasianTiger to renounce his "masculinity", transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of his life, content as a cock sleeve

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No, and never was.

Romans did, however, have little boys go into solders' camps while out fighting/at war, as women weren't allowed there, and little boys were close to being "feminine," so they banged the little boys. But I believe that shit was a contributor to the eventual fall of the Empire. All those diddled boys probably ended up "gay" and helped lead the downfall.

If they shaved, put on some nice makeup, took HRT, and a wig, I would fuck the TryGuys not gonna lie.

Fuck off (((Leaf)))

As big of a fan as I am of Hadrian for quelling kikepocalypse in judaea, he still loved a dude and never had children with his wife.

He's pretty cute but no titties

>It's womanly to eat out a woman

Fucking retards I bet they thought it was manly to suck a dick then?

That was caused by Feminism which also caused the fall of each of these civilizations

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

uh proofs?
they had camp followers (often slaves and their families, and in later centuries they became settled in regions with their families), also raids into enemy territories negates the need of sexual emergency boys
did you watch that documentary about Afghanistan and came up with your fanfiction?

what was it like not to pay attention in middle school

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Birth control pills their moms have been taking, vegan diet, schlomo subversion in msm.

Great debate meme flag

They would be shit tier mentors

>Great debate meme flag
Atleast i'm not a fucking leaf

>comparing unrealistic idealizations of the past with the most modern feminine men he could find


The greeks hated effeminate men with a passion.

says the dog fucker leaf

I will admit Ancient Rome was more faggy, but Ancient Greece was not that faggy at all.

The gay push started by liberal professor around the '70s or so. Ancient Greece had strong gender and sexuality roles. Rome allowed soldiers to rape other men and bang boys, but Greece did not allow such degeneracy.

And then makes sense when looking at the two: Greece never showed any violence on stage during plays. Rome took Grecian theatre and pushed it - they had the first "live porn," they made sacrifices on stage, they killed people in their plays (usually slaves or people condemned to death), etc.

Rome took from Greece, but made everything more extreme.

And yet the sucked dicks