Alrignt Yas Forums, why aren't you communist? It is BY FAR the most based ideology, get truly redpilled
I like my ceral without mass murder
Is mass murder inherantly communist?
Protip: it's not
Yeah capitalism definitely hasn't mass murdered anyone in Vietnam, Iraq, South America and numerous other countries around the world.
Brain dead sister fucking low IQ redneck reactionary
Americans are vocal and since birth They or we whatever have been bred to think this is capitalism and this is good. They cry about the damage this will do the economy and how more people will die of poverty then the virus if we dont reopen but when you tell them people die of homeless and poverty everyday in this country before the pandemic their eyes glaze over and the mumble out So
Please lern to form a coherant thought before you post
Communism is inherently flawed in a lot of ways and in it's core concepts.
If you're a communist, and you know these concepts, and don't realize their shortcomings, you're a retard.
If you change them, you're not following communism, so if you call yourself a communist you're a retard.
Either way I laught at you nigger.
So what are these flaws then? Can you name them, or are you simply being fake and gay?
Make an argument, libtard
war is a human thing, communism - as other utopian fantasies - just make it more likely ... the historical track record is pretty clear
>Wars Involving Communist Countries
Angolan Civil War
Chinese Civil War
Polish–Soviet War
Russian Civil War
South African Border War
Third Indochina War
Ukrainian–Soviet War
Vietnam War
Mozambican Civil War
Ukrainian–Soviet War
>Wars involving the USA ALONE
First Barbary war
War of 1812
Cherokee-American War
Northwest Indian War
Shay's rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
Quasi War
Fries Rebellion
1811 German Coast Uprising
Tecumseh's war
War of 1812
Creek War
Second Barbary war
...and 109 more
you can read right?
>war is a human thing
thanks for making my point ... the utopian fantasy part is the problem
>war is a human thing, communism - as other utopian fantasies - just make it more likely ... the historical track record is pretty clear
So is capitalism a utopian fantasy, considering how war-filled it's historical record is?
mate you started your tirade with
>based ideology
and by this point you are basically trying to justify why you prefer chocolate, and everyone that doesn't is dumb! That's the level of argumentation we are on now. I made two points so far
a) mass murder
b) historical dynamics
and your answer so far has been "but that's the same as system B" ... How are these any arguments for the supposed superiority of communism again? I am not making any positive claims for any ideology, you are. Showcasing that other systems have flaws as well is not an argument for the superiority of your particular system ... just saying.
>made two points
you said you don't like mass murder, I asked why, you didn't answer
>Historical dynamics
you said that communism causes wars cause it's a utopian ideology, I showed you the reality (capitalism has had many more wars than communism), you responded with m-muh chocolate
So communism has neither as much mass murder nor as much war as capitalism, and would alieviate the suffering of massive amounts of people
>would alieviate the suffering of massive amounts of people
in theory ... in practice the track record isn't that great, which is where my reference to mass murder came from. To which your counter argument was:
>but capitalism has mass murder too! look history!
I know, i am not defending capitalism here ... i am pointing out the flaws in communism. If you want to argue the merits of communism based on the flaws of different political systems ... that's merely shifting the goalpost, hence my reference to you merely defending your personal preferences.
>Pointing out the flaws in communism
You haven't named a single one though, all you'd done is make general assertions that war happens and sometimes it happens in communist countries too
I think I should clarify my position fren. I'm not a fucking tankie, Stalinists are idiots but so are all authoritarians. I tend towards anarchy, or at the very least the abolition of any form of large central government
>Stalinists are idiots
let me guess so are the Maoists, the khmer rouge, the viet cong, the East Germans, Castro's Cuba, Venezuela, Mugabe, Ceaușescu etc.
>but user, that's not REAL communism ... it will work this time when we implement MY version!
take a guess what "utopian" ideas the individuals implementing the above mentioned regimes had? ... and not, blaming all of this on "the capitalist" is not a valid argument.
>let me guess so are the Maoists, the khmer rouge, the viet cong, the East Germans, Castro's Cuba, Venezuela, Mugabe, Ceaușescu etc.
take a guess what "utopian" ideas the individuals implementing the above mentioned regimes had? ... and not, blaming all of this on "the capitalist" is not a valid argument.
Did you read my post? AUTHORITARIAN communism has been tried, and it failed. There are many reasons for this faliure, but ultimately they failed. What does work is NON-authoritarian communism
man reddit and leftypol are trying HARD lately
how about this; fuck your whore mother commie faggot
>no state
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
Sure Communism could work in theory... all you have to do is remove all individual liberty and rational human behavior.
Communism asks a person to give up their very lives for the "collective" good at the expense of personal freedom and choice.
So fuck you commie scum. i'll personally strangle you to death and watch the life leave you eyes. You don't believe in individual choice, why should you have any yourself you selfish arrogant cowardly shit.
>Why aren't you a communist
Because I have an IQ over 65
>NON-authoritarian communism
humans hierarchies are part of human social organisation, authority is merely an extension of it.
If you remove the idea of hierarchy you basically put yourself into a prisoner's dilemma situation, as your non-authoritarian mode has no authority for regulation. Thereby, the only functional requirement to keep this flat social order working, would be that everyone acts without any self-interest. Within such utopian inspired community, the first individual who puts on a front and says "I am good comrade" and acts in a self-interest fashion then has a competitive advantage ... hence why these lofty ideas about non-authoritarian turn into the most extreme authoritarian. It's the same dynamic throughout history again and again.
Even in the most fantastical scenario where everything works exactly as they intend, and a global revolution happens instantly with no property damage, and somehow the system operates perfectly, anyone with a income above the average third world nation's has a very good reason to oppose communism.
I am not 100% knowledgeable about leftwing politics but this is a misunderstanding of communism. You can have a flat social order that still punishes authoritarian self-interest through worker councils, collectively run police department, etc.
the problem is not theoretical, but that it is hard to keep people accountable when scaled up to a country with millions of people.
That's not nice fren
Yeah but also no massive corporations, which would have the same effect as a state
Nah, you're thinking of authoritarianism, communist without a central government PROMOTES civil liberties
This is why a reduction in population is needed for any form of effective anarchy to exist
Obviously genocide is bad, but at this point a world population collapse is inevideble