Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up

>Meat plant employees are among America's most vulnerable workers, and some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.
>"All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can't see all these people going back into work," said Donald, who works at Tyson's Waterloo, Iowa, facility. "I don't think people are going to go back in there."
>"I'm still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?" he asked.

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Time to increase wages!!!

Bring in niggers and spics anything not this!

Ding-Ding Ding, but that won't happen I would need a legit $10+ whatever my original wage is. Can't force people to do shit and if they try then your getting civil unrest

Hire new workers. there are people who want the satisfaction of earning a living. now that i think of it, is there a tyson around me? maybe they'll have some nice job openings.


You’re trying to meme this into existence. The plandemic is over. People aren’t buying the bullshit.

If these companies weren't trying to deliberately destroy the country they'd have no choice but to do this. It's basic economics

Bro just make it work

A white damsel gracefully spreads her legs to accept white cock pounding cum into her pussy.

It is real retard these mutts don't want to work they want free welfare checks

Good. All the diversity hires are going to be lazy niggers. Replace the workforce with competent whites. Problem solved.

whites dont do any hard work, 99.9% of slaughter house workers are latino

Good for them, they'll be temporarily replaced by immigrants and permanently replaced by automation.

Publicly execute critical infrastructure workers that refuse to return to work.

Make examples of them.

Okay, but this is a non-argument. Where did Trump ever say they will show up or should be forced to? Saying that the government shouldn't take away choice and force them to close isn't at all the same as saying they need to be forced to be open.

Tyson is one of the most disgusting chicken producers in the entire country. It's no surprise to me that any meat processing facility that had an outbreak started there.

>employees wont show up
Ummmm hire new employees? 13 people died from covid of a total of 500,000 employees. Imagine shuting down your processing plant for less than your average suicide rate. This is how retarded this nation is right now.

Guess we need new employees then eh?
Fire the whole lot and rehire a new work force. Plant will be closed for a fraction of the time training new hires but it will be better than being shit down. Bye bye unwanted employees hello those who will actually work the job they signed up for.

If they were paying $30 /hr whites would be there


> a few hundred meat processing works get covid
>there are 500,000 meat processing employees around the country.

Yet another manufactured crisis and nothing burger.

White labor is more valuable and demands more money. Latinos are lower people who will sell their labor for less money. Wages will increase for these positions. Meat companies are going to ask for a bailout to pay their employees more money. That's what this is for.

There is no way around UBI and forced prison labor anymore.

Plus illegals don't pay taxes, while nogs supplement their income with social services (so do Latinos). They can both afford to earn less because they get more gibbs and pay less into the system. Not surprising they'd be attractive to employers who want a high turnover anyway so they're not giving raises or benefits.

Bro if you have any experience with electrical maintenance, or a 2 year degree in anyting remotely related, you can make $27/hr at any tyson plant. Problem is millenials (myself included) can't live in a corn stubble, frozen mud wasteland 6 months a year. No ladies.

You'd shutdown too if you knew the government would subsidize your shutdown and pay you to dump products. Demand has dropped drastically because the restaurant industry would waste ridiculous amounts of food everyday. Now the public isn't eating out, and the public doesn't throw away nearly as much food. So instead of the restaurant industry wasting food, the manufacturers have to do it directly to maintain demand. They're framing it as an emergency because that way, they'll be compensated for their loses, and they can maintain the prices rather than undercut themselves by putting more product on the market.

I'm talking $30/hr for base line line worker. That position's wage would increase to ~$50 / hr


Raise wages, offer hazard pay, hire new workers.

Its the only way.

Looks like Tyson will be replaced by someone willing to work.

Put the military to work there

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Given that most are migrants i say we deport all of them that refuse and replace them with American citzens.

I would live in my truck and work at that plant if they increased it to oil worker level wages and you better believe tens of thousands of others would do the same.
Labor functions on the principles of supply and demand.

Of course the lazy shitskins are going to look for any excuse not to work and be lazy fat retards.
>I can't go to work because I might get the flu
Fuck em. I wish this pandemic was real so these idiots would die.


Time to cut benefits.

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Fuck "benefits" Gib more money any day

Stop working for Chinese investors who pit american farmers against one other who use banks like weapons and don't pay enough to allow the producer to make a profit thereby creating absolutely shitty meat

Tyson injects broth into their chicken too, it's almost always frozen at least once.
It's rubber tasteless ass meat. Chicken is a lot better than Tyson

If they don't work just deport them.