Good blacks
>passionately hate blacks
>see a documentary about a congolese guy moving to moldova to get a degree, then moving to a village to teach high school kids maths and help his friends and his community
>speaks romanian better than most r*ssian colonists and has the mannerisms of a romanian
>a better citizen than most of the country
>comfy life in the countryside reminding me of childhood
>basically an entire hour of wholesomeness
I found it impossible to hate this guy. In my mind it's a slippery slope to mutting up the population, and western europe also started small and ended up the way it is in a matter of decades; but then it's just one single black guy. Where do you draw the line in separating people?

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Good people can still have a toxic effect on foreign populations. Foreigners can be absolutely noble and absolutely toxic to our homogeneity.

kek romulans blacked & no way back

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African immigrants tend to have a strong work ethic. Black Americans, however, are irredeemable. Their oppositional culture of spiting whites by any means necessary has gone too far. That's why they don't better their communities, think of Ebonics as their "language," and constantly whine about their predicaments. The worst part is that if African immigrants raise their children in the US, they adopt Black American culture instead of the hard-working culture of their parents.

No niggers in Europe is that too much to ask for?

I met a really nice black lady who taught me how to use the metro in DC, rest of the coons in that city were pretty lazy


>he's a credit to his race
been awhile since I heard that one

Not wanting strangers in your home does not mean you automatically hate them. Only a leftist shill would distill the issue into such a childish correlation.

I didn't claim I want Europe to be blacked. That was the whole point of my post - where do you draw the line?

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Who gives a fuck? I hate the educated niggers just as much as the rapist serial killer child soldier cannibals in Apefrica. Fuck you and fuck niggers. WHITE POWER!!!

Yes and no. Ghetto blacks are definitely minority. most of US Blacks are normal people (yes, they have chip on their shoulder they have learned from TV propaganda of their masters) but lot of them use their own head. Also, traditional rural blacks of South are VERY nice and decent people. And yes, they know where Niggers live or who they are and will tell you right away LOL

simply put, you cannot always assign to a group what you assign to an individual in that group. And you cannot always assign to an individual what you assign to the group he's in.
There are propensities only. no absolutes

nigger lover. Why don't you let them breed your wife and daughter too while you're at it? Fuck niggers, fuck sand niggers, fuck kikes, and fuck christcucks.

you dont. willful immigration from lesser countries is just maximizing risk while expecting little to no rewards. it's not worth it and the dearth of good niggers to boast of, like in op proves it

Masculine strength incarnates itself in rare individuals

Mostly temporarily.

But it's nice when it happens.

>choosing between the success and fulfilled life of one black guy and the entirety of europe
>gee let me think
this is how jews dominate whites' minds with media

Yas Forums is a dangerous place because I find myself agreeing with the others and getting brainwashed. Black people aren’t really that bad.

In college I volunteered to help the homeless and the black homeless were very appreciative of our presence.

Doesn't matter if it was one white gentile pedophile versus a million educated niggers. I hate christcucks most of all.

Kek nice one. Go suck off the next homeless niggers you see you dickless clitty faggot, I bet they'll be really appreciative of that too. Go worship a dead Paleshitstain on a stick homo.

and fuck jannies

For every one of these, there are tens of thousands of subhuman niggers who'll use the same opportunity to terrorize the citizens of their host countries and live like parasites.

you sound like a tryhard underage faggot

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>r*ssian colonists

how about they do a documentary about the refugee from burundi in sweden who's got a string of sexual assault and drug convictions and who can't be deported because of a legal loophole

choke on my hairy balls and die
you're the niggers of europe
worse than albanians

Niggerfication is an NWO program imposed upon African-Americans since the 1960's. It has spread as a growing concentric circle since then. I love blues music, but even it used to be an outlier in African American culture.

Despite what Bill Gates, the UN, the Soviets, the Chinese, and the French and Belgian governments have attempted, Africans from Africa are still relatively pure.

I am black, good ones like me barely exist most blacks are evil monsters

Why didn't he come back to Congo to teach his own people?

Yas Forums is not real life.


>black homeless were very appreciative of our presence.
Yes blacks crave gibs, this is known.

This most importantly.

yeah american blacks are like a totally different breed from actual africans

I don't know. But he moved to a poor village in the poorest European nation; he didn't jump the border into the EU for gibs. He chose to be comfy.

No reason to hate someone for their race, there's nothing they can do about it. You can work together with another culture while still having separate cultures and people.

So you saw a nice black person and now want European countries to be minority White?

why does rural moldova need africans at all

You seem to lack reading comprehension skills
You sound like a nigger

Doesn't matter if for every one evilnigger there were a million 300 IQ STEMniggers and Ivy League sandniggers with pro-white views. I'm not a civic nationalist. One drop rule.

Pretty much this. In large enough numbers, they will always support their own even if it's not in the interest of the natives, and will always shill to open the borders and bring more of their own.

most people are okay when educated by kind people.
then corrupt people come and fuck everything up. For money, power, control, domination, religious beliefs. And corruption speads easily amongst the chaos.
Then stupid people start making assumptions and generalizations because its easy and you don't have to do a lot of thinking. Just look at the average Yas Forumstard/.

So why bother telling us something we already know then? (that there are good non-white people)

Spell out your point.

A cheeky nigger

Why don't you marry him if you like him so much

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no exceptions

You are the monster for trying to convince me that "I'm different".

larp confirmed

we are like germs, if one outsider comes in, he can assimilate and be completely absorbed. If too many at once come in, they stick together, never assimilate, and often become parasitic. This is why we need immigration but tightly controlled and very selective, if we slowly allow immigrants in we can maintain our own cultural heritage.

I worked in Africa for a few years. The guys who really want to work are rare, but when you find one, you can rely on him to do good work. All the guys who we picked up from Africa are christian, hate niggerisms and will devote themselves to the job they are doing. The problem is these guys are extremely rare, with the most common type of black person being the nigger.