New Zealand is led by the greatest world leader of our time....
And she's female.......
New Zealand is led by the greatest world leader of our time....
And she's female.......
managing NZ is too easy. she cute, tho
Everything with thread is wrong. Including your flag.
yea but all she is doing is ruining new zealand. How is hard?
Now just imagine how good she would be if she were a man.
Gun grabbed
Wore a scarf
Told people to run away from lava
Told people to stay home
All while holding a baby
>she cute, tho
Wait until you see that smile!
Why does she actually look like a normal person randomly in like 1 out of 10000 pics? Every other pic looks like an ass with a turd hanging out of it, almost makes me shudder to look at, and then boom she looks like a perfectly normal person here.
Of course. OP coming from a country whose native population is 100% vagina.
this I hate her so much
stupid fucking cunt
>And she's female
"she" failed in every aspect
>Terror attacks are daily
>Volcano eruption isn't a happening
>Pandemic affects fucking everyone
She's pretty but wtf do you want? Applause?
Social media was a grave mistake
"Dealt" with a terrorist attack? By suiting up in Islamic garb and taking guns away? Wow, how stressful that was. She must've been up for hours at night, bags under her eyes, neglecting her baby, pouring over the research and data to find solutions.
>"and she's female.."
Your fixation on her gender is proof of your clearly have an axe to grind with men and think you have something to prove.
It isn't flu season in the southern hemisphere.
The second wave will come in the winter when they are low on food reserves, with understaffed hospitals and no herd immunity.
she's lizarian
meanwhile your orange haired sack of shit has basically caused the deaths of tens of thousands of americans through his ineptitude and advised them to shoot up cleaning products if they become ill.
>killed our economy
>rose the price of petrol by 100%
>let in migrant hordes
>uses taxpayer funds to pay off private land developers so she can give that land over to maori for free
>her two principle platforms, child poverty and the housing crisis, have gotten WORSE since she came into office (but the media stopped talking about it (;
stop derailing the topic faggot.
(((Terrorist attack)))
Not so fast, mossad
wow, triggered much ?
sorry for pointing out the real failures of trump as everyone shit on a successful politician just because she's female...
Imagine trusting women could run a country then she gets pregnant and takes a break. She doesn't even have a husband, she got knocked up the first month she got power. New Zealanders deserve to have their country turn to shit for electing a dumb slut.
>New Zealand is led by the greatest world leader of our time
How's that?
Staged photos plus editing vs pics from live press conferences
You are an embarrassment to this already embarrassing country.
She haven't done shit.
Well, for the anti terrorist attack, she submitted to the terrorists.
For the volcano, well, no one can do shit against a volcano, so she have an excuse.
And for the corrona, she was as bad as Trump, and I have been said bad things about how trump handled it.
whos the babydaddy
Absolutely hilarious.
>>let in migrant hordes
Where do your migrant hordes come from? Is it Sweden mode or Canada mode?
>Let many people in
>Housing crisis get worse
Who could have seen that coming?
>Tax people more
>People get poorer
How could her actions have consequences?
Wrong. And you know why, fat.
If she "dealt" with the terrorist attack wouldn't it have failed tho? if anything her government allowed it to happen
>60k dead in 2 months is just the flu bruh
>here, drink some lysol
meanwhile, NZ actually eradicates virus with swift response and what, 13 deaths ?
We get both. The last govt (cuckservative) sold us out to china and india, this govt is bleeding heart and want all sorts of violent trash in here. Ultimately the colour doesn't matter, as long as they're willing to work for half minimum wage and live six to a room, the powers that be can't get enough of them
Of course nz zog allowed it to happened, how else are they going to take away the guns so easily.
>NZ less population than cook county Illinois. She is less relevant than the mayor of Chicago.
>embarassed about his country
you should fuck off to the states as you clearly have more in common with maga mindset - just gtfo, whiny unpatriotic cunts like you are the real problem here.
This. How fortunate that they had gun bans already drawn up and ready to push through pretty much the day of the shooting
>major terrorist attack
She didn't do anything, the response was terrible and she just gun grabbed and made the country less safe. Also didn't a bunch of fucking gangsters start patrolling mosques with guns to "keep em safe"?
>volcanic eruption
That happened on a fucking island away from the North island with not that many people on it and again she really didn't do anything about it.
It's easy to take care of a pandemic when you're on a set of islands in the middle of nowhere where half the population lives in one city on the North Island where infrastructure is years behind the rest of the world.
Also I fuckin miss those pancakes from that one place near the library in Auckland
Jacinda is not well liked in New Zealand. Because New Zealand elections are so frequent (every three years), it is pretty much guaranteed that a first term Government will win re-election. That was not the case for Jacinda, and there was a very real likelihood she was going to lose later this year, despite the fact we have a TERRIBLE leader of the opposition with no charisma, no principles and even went on chinese state TV to praise the CCP. Even against a guy like that, Jacinda was losing.
However all this praise she's getting from the coronavirus will probably bump her up enough in the polls to win, assuming the economy doesn't get too bad and no one has forgotten that this was a thing by then.
I would love to. Being Nationalistic in Canada is considered hate. Stop being a bigot you white supremacist.
I was about to post pretty much the same thing but then I realized I shouldn't too upset about cindy potentially getting passed out- after all as you say, National just bring in a whole other crop of problems
The Cook County is such a flexible unit ofmeasurement.
No. She sucks. Only the propaganda media that ignores every bad thing and props up every good thing keeps bleating " baa baa Jacinda is amazing queen supreme".
Damn who is this guy. He looks like a hapa.
A fucking leaf.
>Wore a scarf
>Told people to run away from lava
>Told people to stay home
Truely inspiring. The future is female
It's not hard to tell people to shut it down. What's hard is standing up to pressure, but she folds like a tampon.
>small island with no surrounding nations
>rural population, many of who live outside the city
>government knows about the virus in January
>still lets immigrants in for the next 4 months
>virus gets into the country
>people are getting sick and dying
>entire country gets shut down
>virus easily eradicated because so rural so nobody around to infect
wowee. What a surprise. The virus was easy to eradicate on an island.
>America population of 350 million
>Most infected areas are cities
>Majority of population within cities live in apartments
>60,000 dead
This is Donald Drumf's fault!!!
She looked sad on tv and said kind things therefore she is the best leader
>three things barely of note happen to your nothing island
Hadn't thought about it before but some places shouldn't be independent nations.
Hes half maori. Has the most grating voice you could imagine and unfortunately as opposition leader his job is to complain, so he just comes across as the annoying whiner
I'm not too sure about the direction of the party under him but theres still more than enough holdover members from the "sell it all to china" days that I'll be staying far awayb
This is real bravery
She looks like a ketamine addict
wow, a post that makes no sense - what a surprise.
You're kind of retarded because the majority of those tens of "thousands of deaths" you lament are unpatriotic cunts who hate the USA and everything we stand for.
Yepp, because unlike presidents, prime ministers has to do it all by themselves.
>checks flag
Ah I see you are a man of cvckture. If that were America the media would be blaming Trump for the terrorist attack, the volcanic eruption, and the pandemic. If he got his wife pregnant they'd be calling him irresponsible and unfit for office. Look at how women get so much support, and the men get challenged, and yet Trump still deals with things better. Throw some shade to her administration and see how fast she breaks down.