What are the chances of Donald Trump winning in 2020?
What are the chances of Donald Trump winning in 2020?
>What are the chances of Donald Trump winning in 2020?
the better question is how many terms he'll serve at this point or which of his children will win 2024 icanka or dtjr
Anywhere from 0.01-99.9
100%. Democrats are so retarded that Biden is the best they have.
>he thinks they sabotaged themselves by accident
Breddy gud :D :D :D :D
I'm not voting for him this time around. I looked past his NYC hustle, nepotistic corruption and the fact that the White House is a 24/7 grift machine, but Trump's Covid19 shitshow is a trainwreck too far for me. He's a spoiled manchild who can't handle a crisis. We need a leader, not an emotionally fragile carnival barker.
I honestly think verygood. I think Biden is fucked here in PA and with the Dems pretty much conceding Ohio and Florida being Maga Country I don't really see how he loses.
He will likely win because the Dems nominated someone even more retarded than him, which is saying something.
He doesn't even need Michigan or Wisconsin and he still wins. Looks like NH is going red though.
Not good. They'll find some spin on some event, like they're trying atm with the wuflu, and with the control over media the left has they'll influence enough normies to vote him out. Even here in Germany there've been articles about how bad and slow Trump's reaction to the virus are despite him acting sooner than us and the US isn't doing bad at all. Better than most EU countries when you look at the numbers per capita. And that's published by the same outlets crying about the right misrepresenting data, fake nes, etc etc. 2016 was a fluke, they won't let this happen again.
Hillary is their own chance to win
wait til the dems replace biden with tom hanks and michael obama
But seriously, we can't let Trump get the nuclear codes.
>they get endorsed by Hillary
Im seeing a pattern here...
Pretty fucking good.
Look at all the shills here pushing Biden and you will see how desperate the left is.
If he gives out more gibs he’ll win
>What are the chances of Donald Drumpf stealing the election again in 2020?
Pirates + Mac Miller city hell ye boiiii
>Rwichwing wet dreams, the post
It is pretty embarrising. They never learned from 2016. Texas is not going blue with Trump in the ballot.
What is more likely to happen, Biden flipping Texas and GA or Trump winning NH and Nevada or Minn?
These people don't use their brain. They nominated someone worse than Trump and Hillary and Trump is getting record Turnout in deep blue states like Oregon and Mass.
Over 9000 the memes have betrayed Hilldawg cause she was too weak.
>getting record Turnout
He's running an unopposed primary though
I never cared enough to look elsewhere, but now this place is astroturfed to shit where do we go?
Pick one
Trump win PA by 44k against a stronger candidate despite Johnson getting 200k votes.
Now Biden wants to ban fracking and tells working class people to code.
He is fucked and will lose us by 200k-300k votes.
Add 1% each day the women allegations keeps getting ignored by biden
>people come out in droves to vote for an uncontested candidate
think about that for a minute retard
Record STATE turnout. Which inclides Dem and Republican. He is getting WAY more turnout than Obama's 2012 reelection.
And people are turning out for him despite being the only one on the ballot.
I think trump will still take PA but I think it’s gonna be just as close if not closer desu
Trump knows at this point, he's not even worried about the election.
Even if he wins, no one will revolt.
7-10 point Trump win.
But he still wins tho
If he goes up against Biden it's guaranteed.
Fpbp, toss up on Michigan and PA. Very close race.
Around 40% unless he signs a UBI bill I don't see him doing that great. Biden will get the centrist vote, black vote and every other libtard vote out there. In fact Biden's chances will increase with a mail in ballot if they decide to do such a thing.