Yall disgust me

and the funny thing is that none of you aspies can refute this because you know it's true

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We should be fighting for UBI eternally. Money is a human right.

>none of you aspies can refute this because you know it's gibberish
WTF Op? Go be a faggot somewhere else.

it's cute when women think their opinions will carry more weight if they talk like they have a dick

Reminder that shills are not interested in a legitimate debate.


stopped reading here, fuck off

People who didn't pay their water bills in Flint suggest not paying anymore bills because what could go wrong.

>went on UI
>didn't realize they had modified UI to entitle extra money
>literally increased my income by not working
On one frame of thought, fuck it, I'll take the trumpbux and keep quiet. But it definitely shouldn't work this way and the jobs that make everything run need to get up and running ASAP
If that means some boomers have to be collateral damage, so be it

I have no friends and my grandparents are already dead.

Not everyone here wants to re-open, yet, shill fag

What if I told you old people are suppose to die, it’s actually crueler for keep a lot of them alive as long as we do.

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We're your friends, faggot.

We are getting ubi you retarded bitch. What do you think the extra 600 dollars a week is?

>literally increased my income by not working

thats to ensure people are off the streets. it isn't meant to be lived on, obvs. it goes way in a few months.

Millions of people getting sick doesn’t cause a civil war. 50 million americans and counting without jobs will cause civil war. You wanna whine about a virus with a fatality rate of less than 1%? I can argue and refute your bullshit all day, faggot. Millions won’t die from this virus, but millions will if the people don’t get back to work. Fuck your socialism

>she called me a capitalist simp, so I just laid off all my staff and liquidated my company

shut the fuck up kikes before we arrest more of you

Thinking something with a 0.1% fatality rate can kill millions

imagine knowing this little about economics.

you realize debt slows growth right? creating money out of thin air hurts the economy more than your tiny brain can realize. also youre a shitskin, promptly go die.

No. Where in the Constitution does it say "money is a right"? UBI is simply a communist pet project, pendejo.

Or at least getting debts cancelled after corporations sucked trillions out of the economy onto our backs to bail themselves out. Capitalist apologists are pathetic. Keep being a slave, getting taxed, and get nothing out of the government destroying you fucking simps.

Perhaps if your family memebers are at risk, or are just concerned for their health, they should simply stay at home themselves while those who are not at risk can go out as they please. That way, the economy might recover, while at the same time limiting deaths to those who chose to except the risk.

Yeah, I get that. It's still a... concerning way to be living. I'm enjoying it but not totally comfortable with it, getting money without really earning it.


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UBI= someone owns your nigger ass outright.
Quarantine= easier to track and oppress citizens.
Covd19= planned depopulation event or a planned monetary overhaul

The only winning move is to not play by their rules.

Yall, Iz cant talk English coz I bez a purebred groid, yall.

Reopen the cities.
Only the cities.
Wait 3 months.
$ and many problems resolved.

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Man, the things you ignore are the size of the universe.
Food needs to be produced, services performed, or everybody will suffer a deep dive in standard of life. For the people in the lower strata, that means a lot of deaths.
You have no idea what it takes to sustain the society that let you spew your nonsense.


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How about fuck work, I want to be able to go fishing, go to the park, do shit. I want to go shooting. I want to live life. If you are so afraid of dying that you are willing to sit in your home like it is a prison for as long as the government tells you, you are pathetic. Keep staring at your screens. Fuck the old, fuck the compromised, fuck the people who will die. Death is natural and you all are nothing more than adult sized children who can't deal with this fact.

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>sheeiiit mayne, woh give uh fuck if some honkey assed cracker assed mayo eating cum skin sister fucking bucked toothed hillbilly white boi ain't working at the chicken plant I want my free money now!

Also why would essential workers keep working if everyone else is living for free?

Take the government cock out of your mouth before you speak.

>Edgy sophistic attack on people being reasonable
Wow so convincing

Unsurprisingly niggerspeech in a low IQ debate



I haven't missed a day of work, I haven't been taking it easy, I've been robbed of my favorite leisure activities.

I literally just want to go to raves and bars for big dick energy reasons.

>Compromised friends
Why would you be friends with someone who is pozzed.

This. Cancel all welfare program that incentive laziness and replace with UBI

Which dumb nigger bitch wrote this?

yeah lets not produce or create any new goods or services. sounds great for society

Why does every company in the country get a billion dollars and we get nothing

>y wont u just gib me dat instead

don't they ever get tired of this unending condescension?

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I want one of Bernie's houses.

They contribute more to the economy than you do.

>must consooooom
Sounds like a great society

>muh economy
Who the fuck do you think buys their products dipshit?

You're right user, you buying a bag of chips is JUST AS IMPORTANT as building and running a major corporation. Keep telling yourself that.

I'm able to work remote. Any stimulis coming my way is going into the mortgage. Bought a condo in Denver for 8k under asking in the heat of the lockdown and right before the credit crunch locked my generation out of a future.

Socialized losses privatized gains. Enjoy giving your tax dollars to bill gates because the stock market needs to go up