Florida drug dealer busted for possession of 2 pounds of fentanyl - enough to kill half a million people
Florida drug dealer busted for possession of 2 pounds of fentanyl - enough to kill half a million people
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OH fuck yeah Fentanyl! Time to get turnt up
Said nobody
based negro
I can understand people using psychodelics, stima, weed... fuck even ketamine... but what's the appeal of benzos/opiates?
genuine question
Opiates offer an intense, but emotionally shallow euphoria that troubled people escape with. A very powerful sense of well being and warmth.
Benzos are similar, but they appeal specifically towards people with anxiety issues. They have the anxiety relieving effects of alcohol in a pill with no hangover. There is a massive risk of blacking out and doing stupid shit though.
except bottom of the barrel junkies and retards
Niggers are into fent now?
Was crack cocaine not enough for them?
they make it sound like he's sneaking it in and no one knows about it just to kill people. his customers want the fentanyl.
I would be terrified to be in the same room with that much fentanyl and this motherfucker has it on top of his fucking dryer
Niggers are scum
the question is, heroin cut with fent is very common but seeing a dealer busted with this kind of quantity of straight fent is unusual because usually the drugs are cut at a higher level in the organization, like before they're smuggled into the US or right after.
this is a good point. he must have robbed someone important.
Nobody cares, kike. Fentanyl is unironically red-pilled and helps many people, including terminal cancer patients, manage chronic pain.
saged, reported, hidden
More like niggerville
Damn, anudda potential rocket scientist lost.
Nah, it would have wound up in the hands of white junkies. Down here they're everywhere.
Brooksville, though ..... whew.
as well as some of the most lethal and psychologically taxing withdrawals known to medicine
So.. how would one kill half a million americans with that? Drop it on the water system?
Drugs nowadays are fucked. All it takes is someone fucking up and putting too much fent and your dead. And its in everything. The chinks will pay opium war 2.0
imagine eating that shit and fucking instantly evaporating
>not even carfentanyl
get with the times boomer
>unironically redpilled
>promotes opioid addiction
pick one, ya steamed ham.
Benzo withdrawal is probably the worst there is. Opiates withdrawal is unpleasant, but doing. Downers in general tend to have shitty withdrawals, but stimulant withdrawals are typically mild psychological problems.
anyone that uses drugs inappropriately promotes addiction you dumbass, the drug itself is blameless. Do you blame the gun manufacturer as well?
Stand on a tall building and throw it? Rinse abs repeat?
>>promotes opioid addiction
it actually weans you off of opioids by killing you
It also rids our society of Vermin
I used to benzos quite a lot and never had withdrawals. Dunno but maybe it's just if you take it daily
Benzos are essentially alcohol in a pill form. They make you lose your inhibitions.
Opiates just make your body really relaxed and sleepy. I never really saw the appeal of opiates. They just make me sleep for 12 hours.
low quality bait
Seriously America have a big opiates issue. I hear from last decades your docs especially Jews just threw rx for anyone complaint of pain.
I constantly comply that here in hueland opiates even codeine are very tightly controlled, you need a special rx just for codeine. You can't get morphine unless you have terminal cancer and even so they make it hard to get. In this way at least we have basically 0% opiate abuse cases.
Fentanyl was created and dropped to everyone by Jew farma
Carfentanil is cheap from china, i have several gallons of it in my weapons room
I took 6mg of Klonopin for years and quit cold turkey. The withdrawal symptoms for me weren't that bad. Though I've heard from other people that they were sweating 24/7 and shitting their pants during their sleep.
Heroin is like being swaddled in cloth spun from angel's breath and hurled into the sky.
I'm trying for years to leave ssri. I take this shit for 10 years, not any bad side side effects except mild cholesterol increase, but this shit gets harder to leave each year you take.
I'm fully functional unlike opiates but it's fucking desperate to know I can't skip this drug
>mfw I haven't even smoked a cigarette
Drug users are scum.
If I recall correctly, in the UK codeine is sold over the counter, yet they don't have an opiate epidemic.
opiates are a white drug
t.cleetus cousinfucker. Get out of the trailer park and do something with your life you white nigger redneck
> 2 lbs. Of fentanyl mixed with amphetamine, sometimes called a "goofball"
It wasnt 2 pounds of fent, misleading phrasing and fake news
Probably like tylenol 3 dosage
Degenerate and bluepilled
but have you injected pine-sol
heroin is fucking gay. go do stims.
No memes: does China make all the fentanyl?
Naw Ive know people like that. They're fucking dead and if they're female they always have children
How the fuck do you quit SSRI's.
My buddy is always at the start of withdrawal and can never do it for very long.
This shit gets any worse he'll have this monkey on his back when drugs run out.
Had no luck getting my boomer parents to drop cigs and alcohol.