Prove you aren't a blind hater. Name ONE (1) thing you love about Germany

Prove you aren't a blind hater. Name ONE (1) thing you love about Germany.

Attached: germany.jpg (1920x1200, 521.29K)

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Beautiful mosques

Wewelsburg castle

Fassbinder, Fritz Lang, Thomas Mann

Attached: The Fass.jpg (856x482, 202.39K)

Well not that I"love" but a good thing : discipline




Weimar republic


the public transport

>Thomas Mann

Unfathomably based. What are your favorite works by Mann?

At least they tried

That sweet mustard with the red lid. And the ketchup that tastes like curry.

About germany I love nothing. I admire your autism though, and the fact you obey to authority without questioning, it has proven useful in many context, altough even terrible in many others.

The fashion. The Nazi uniforms were slick as fuck.

The Holocaust. I'm happy to know that the same people that killed the Jews are still around. They can do it again, I know they can.

It didn't completely collapse after WW2 despite all the shit that was thrown at it.


There is no autism in Germany, you piece of shit.

There womens love and crave our BBC

Attached: therealheroofthewest.jpg (1024x608, 77.3K)

The women.

Pumpernickel bread

>The women.

We have cute twins too, you know?




Beer obviously and that currywurst lubly jubly son

Attached: beer.jpg (634x703, 42.88K)

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The soccer team. Thanks for the keks in 2014.

Nice propaganda, you piece of shit.

Attached: bbce9837c6883a30_1340918429_9j-4aaqsk.jpg (1000x563, 123.38K)

Their feminine benises!!!

not a damn thing
>be kraut
>get bombed

Attached: krautfeed.jpg (528x397, 59.76K)

>Their feminine benises!!!


This guy is a huge asshole. A huge asshole!

oh come on don't be so butthurt I've nothing against you.

still mad there won't be coronabonds, ravioli?

Everything up until you lost WW2. Everything that hasn't yet been changed after losing WW2.

>I've nothing against you

Too bad, because I hate you, you piece of shit.

Heiliger Krieg

Attached: hkBild (9).jpg (1440x1392, 467.64K)

Amazing sense of discipline and authoirty, a really hard working people, is something I´ve always admired about them

German porn = best porn

Otto von Bismarck
Favorite politician

All the new post war architecture in dresden.

>Otto von Bismarck

As a Bavaryan, I am honor-bound to HATE him. But I can't. He was the only good leader we've ever head.

If you're interested, read the Bismarck biography by Otto Pflanze who, despite the name, was American.

Finally allowing doom to be uncensored.

Hitler... oh wait he was Austrian. You G*rms have nothing to give to this world anymore. RIP Germanistan 2020

Attached: G*ERMS.jpg (259x194, 8.12K)


When i was younger i kinda grew up hating germans it was just one of those things..everyone made jokes about them.
But i start to like them more and more

That happened back in 2011.

>When i was younger i kinda grew up hating germans

This hurts so much because I always felt that the Dutch were the better Germans and I have always looked up to you :(

Attached: dutch love.png (520x390, 35.29K)

first post shoud have been hitler. you fucked it up.

you produce ARYAN BLOOD.

Bring it back.

The Founders did not include "assholes" in our genetic template, as it does not serve Israel.

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Confessions of Felix Krull, Doctor Faustus and Buddenbrooks are my favourites. I don't read The Magic Mountain yet unfortunately. It still amazes me that Buddenbrooks is his first edited novel. It's a vigorous, undefiled masterwork. Mann is genius. I love Joseph and his brothers too.

I have to read his short stories too. Too much, joyful work ahead!

FKK clubs (brothels).

when it dies