How do nothingburgers explain this?

The total number of deaths in New York is way above normal levels. So SOMETHING MUST BE HAPPENING, at least in New York.

So, deaths by normal conditions (pneumonia, the flu, heart attacks) is way down. Why is the total number of deaths up? It has to be Covid-19. I was a nothing burger until I saw these data. I just can't refute it.

Source: Data compiled by the New York Times. Yes, I know some of you will say the NYT is unreliable, but the data is also publicly available, and I doubt that the NYT would fake it. Faking it would destroy whatever is left of their credibility forever.

Attached: 2020-04-28 11_03_54-N.Y.C. Deaths Reach 6 Times the Normal Level, Far More Than Coronavirus Count Su.png (1194x908, 42.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>New York Times analysis of data

Right into the trash it goes

>Faking it would destroy whatever is left of their credibility forever.

>muh fake news
It's public data.
How how do you even establish what is factual?

>Why is the total number of deaths up?
Doctors and nurses are purposely killing Trump supporters so the hospital can collect Trump bucks.

>than expected

Expected how? All of the original models based off of the disaster in Italy, Spain and China were debunked. Several others have popped up (remember how there were supposed to be 200k deaths by end of May) and thrown out.

The only model that seems to be accurate is the IHME one where their daily predictions and anticipated curve of new cases seems to be on point.

Data can't be manipulated. Interpretation can.

It literally says it’s all data since March 11th is an approximation as well lmao

>Expected how?
Based on previous years.
The number of deaths is far higher than deaths in previous years for the same season.

How incompetent can these people be? Accurate numbers are crucial right now.

Not saying it is right or wrong, just laughing because you implied NYT cares about the damage to its reputation enough to stop it from faking stuff. Can't be bothered to look into it, but if I wanted to trust the numbers, I would have to look into how they classified the deaths, because there has been a lot of confusion about what actually constitutes a death from covid 19. Different countries using different definitions, some reporting all deaths of people infected with covid 19 as deaths from the disease. Anything the NYT says is to be taken as nothing more than a memo of what the official story is, rather than the truth.

NYC hospitals are intentionally killing people. Everyone else is doing fine.

NYC was going to collapse anyway, I'm pretty sure God hates that fucking city

Lmao the IHME one has been wrong constantly for weeks now

Wakey wakey burger. Your grandpa is going to be coughing blood in a few weeks

Neglect of patients


>Why is the total number of deaths up? It has to be Covid-19.

Nope, the death spike correlates exactly with the rollout of 5G service in NY City. The industry has known that some individuals are highly susceptable to the frequencies and modulations used in 5G transmissions, but they (and the politicians they support) just consider it a cost of progress/doing business. It has nothing to do with population control or any of the other whacked-out conspiracy theories, it is just business.

The truth is that the coronavirus that they claim is causing covid-19 has been circulating in the human population for years, (this is why so many people are testing positive to antibodies) and is normally worse than the common cold.

Attached: 1584011079304.jpg (600x600, 43.42K)

Just like all the deaths. The hospitals get gibs for Corona deaths. They don't get gibs for heart attacks car wrecks cancer flu etc.

So they just list them as Corona so they get the gibs. Likey less than 2-3k have died this year from it. And ai say this year, because we deal with it every year. It's a very common virus, and in the past flu deaths were probably actually Corona. It's a really bad cold essentialy.

Attached: 1587948509934.jpg (1242x1238, 236.31K)

65 years ago Birth Boom
65 years later Death Boom

There you have it, simpleton

>Nyc had 2 weeks of 5k deaths
No other state in the entire country had that many someone is lying.
>Only Michigan had an increase from 2019 of about 500
All other States are at or below mortality levels from 2019.

It's pulling the sickly who were set to go over the next year into this month. Likely there will be a dip in total deaths for some months after it's run its course. Overall I expect it's something like a 3-5x flu.

>New York
Most Jewish city in America. I don't trust any numbers coming from Jew infested shitholes.

"nothing" is only a figure of speech, it is not to say it is nothing, but simply means not much more than a normal flu.
here is the data for europe.
as u must know by know, sweden has a very light lockdown. restaurants and most schools still open ... there is little difference from country to country.
why is it bad in new york?
*filthy air could be a cofactor
*asbestos from 19y ago could be a cofactor
*patients are killed by ventilators because milder forms of oxygen supply are skipped (look it up)
also the nyt is lying very often

Attached: euromono-2020-04-29 20_37_26.png (946x836, 49.33K)

Attached: 1587994803568.gif (215x220, 2M)

duuuu mumbers are fakke

>an unexpected event in which people died lead to more deaths than expected
Nice graph


>covid 19 deaths only need a medical professional to declare the death as related to the disease
>testing is not necessary for a death to be
processed as a covif 19 death
thats how you do it

Attached: scary.png (700x927, 925.01K)

they closed down all doctors' offices, shut down most hospitals, and told paramedics not to revive patients. then added thousands of "presumed deaths". not hard to see why

1. It's as deadly as the flu
2. It's 4 times more infectious

Conclusion: your chance of dying is flu like, the amount of people contracting it, is not flu like.

So you'll still end up with a larger pile of dead bodies with covid-19, because of the infectiousness not because it's more severe (However, it might be more severe).

Attached: 1587930750310.jpg (621x960, 152.79K)

>How do nothingburgers explain this?
They write it off as a false report because they're retarded. If they or a family member were to get sick and hospitalized from it they would turn around and say that some Jew casted a hex on them, because again, they're retarded.

Look at what areas were headed towards bankruptcy before the pandemic (yeah they are almost all democrat) then look at their stats.

>Explain this goyims-

Sure-- Andrew Cuohomo in complicity with his brother Freemason Chris Cuohomo are perpetrating a massive fraud in new York, pretending that Chris has covid (he clearly does not) plus all the imaginary mass graves and mass deaths in new York which are fabrications, exaggerated and twisted.

>He was shot 12 times!
>Another tragic victim of covid!

Hero confronts Coronavirus Hoaxers

>interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"

>>covid tent is dance tent

>>nurses tiktok dance, no social distancing

We want to go outside obviously because the virus is fake. Leftists screaming and REEEEEEEing proves it's fake too.
(If it was a real "deadly virus") then all these Leftists who hate us would cheer and encourage us conservatives to go outside every day. They would be overjoyed to watch us go out and kill ourselves.
Leftists, politicians, police and Chris Cuomo go outside and go to work every day, which proves that this is a nothing hoax virus. The MEDIA are outside every day sobbing about how people outside are going to die WTF WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE THEN MEDIA??? (Obviously because the virus is fake, a nothing, and the media know it)

>>TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>>>go inside
>>empty inside
>>inside elmhurst

>I don't know anyone who got sick or died so it doesn't exist!

Matches the numbers from the rest of the world. But I am sure some overly complicated conspiracy theory about the US election explains it better.

Attached: E19A6B0E-DAF0-41A7-9E07-B039718C6533.jpg (1958x1202, 688.97K)

The graph is "technically correct". You need to wait and then zoom out for the whole of 2020. After herd immunity is reached, weekly deaths will be lower than average for a while, and it will even out, because all this virus does is kill off the weakest people that would have died soon anyway. All it does is shorten the life of a tiny percentage of the population by a few months or maybe a year or two at most.