Why did you suddenly stop talking about Hydroxychloroquine?

Just a few days ago one in three threads was about it like it was a miracle cure.

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We have endless threads every day. You just made one kek.

Testing came out that showed it was only about as effective as a placebo. No use in talking about a medication that doesn't do much.

It is the only thread that speaks of the subject at the moment I am writing these words.

it works better than remisidvir but nobody makes any money on it, so nobody is talking about it

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I thought it was found that it was useless.

There was a VA hospital report that it didn't do much, but it wasn't properly controlled, as they gave the drug only to the sickest people about to die. Also, the group that got z-pack along with chloroquine did about the same as the control.
Basically, the criticism about the study is they did not start treating early enough.

Same reason Trump stopped
It doesnt work, and he had to sell off his interests in the comapny

lots of people getting hustled by clinging to nothingburgerism, their need to believe that a cure/vaccine is just around the corner, or that there's some simple secret they don't want you to know about but somehow they do (re: vitamin cfags)

today it came out that remdesivir doesn't work either. surprise! any drug company can push rumors that their product works or they're developing a vaccine to temporarily bump their stock value. and supplement companies will be the same ambulance chasing creeps they always have been

meanwhile, tens of thousands are dead

There's been like 3 or 4 trials now and it does nothing

Of course it works you faggot shills. You need zinc with it and taken before your lungs and organs get ravaged. So about 3-5 days from first symptoms

So it only works if taken with the known and being used ingredient and only if you arent going to have an issue anyways

Papa trump did and these cultists just repeat talking points to use their words
>muh discord tranny shill server

The control group was also given victim c in place of a placebo.

The audacity of hope

There was a French study early on which showed promising results prior to the politicization of it and a subsequent study being drummed up saying it was satan incarnate. The South Koreans have been using it effectively since the very beginning, because it was known in late Jan. to early Feb. that Chloroquine was useful in the transfer of zinc at the cellular level which has proven effective at blocking the spread of this virus and others like it, if taken early enough.

It's not a miracle cure. It is just one of two medications that help lower the viral load in the body.

>It doesnt work, and he had to sell off his interests in the comapny
KEK what company was that? Every single company in the world can produce this shit because there is no patent plus it is cheap to make.

Because Zinc Plus Quinine Plus Vit C means the pharmaceutical industry is fucked.
Don't believe me next time you have any respiratory problems try it.

Jews stopped astroturfing it. There are articles telling it works and it doesn't at the same it. LOL

It's useless when people develop actually serious symptoms. Most people who get hospitalized are the ones with the serious symptoms. It's supposed to slow the proliferation and replication of the virus in the initial stages of infection, but no studies have actually proven this. All we have are some anecdotal cases.

Placebo/10, otherwise Italians, French and Spaniards wouldn't be dying, since they're the heaviest users of this drug.

Yup das juden! Good juden!

Ooh, another juden!

It was proven to cause more harm than good.

Trumplets memory holed it.

And yet coincidentally Trump is there iwth ownership
Why is that a surprise?
Its not like he divested himself of anything like Carter

Soo much juden!

Even more juden!!!!

Yep its the typical behavior, only recommend what you have money in
Hey remember when Beto made Iowa use his app?

>Testing came out that showed it was only about as effective as a placebo
Fuck off lying glowfag. 97% of severe cases cured.

One of Estonian islands is using HCQ treatment, mortality 2 times less than in mainland - our health authorities found out about it recently and demanded a full audit of their hospital.

Chloroquine has too many adverse side effects.

On its own it doesn't work well, you have to use zinc and a z-pack alongside some vitamin C+D.


actually, it's entirely forbidden to use it for Corona-chan in France, else doctors actually risk their license

>no studies have actually proven this
that no studies have actually proven otherwise, since all "tests" wilfully ignore Raoult's protocol (they either use chloroquine alone, or on late stage patients, etc) is clue enough as to pilpul being at work...

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Because Bleach and Lysol are the new miracle cures.

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>our health authorities found out about it recently and demanded a full audit of their hospital.
So they want people to die? Or they want to confirm that it's working well?

Australia has approved use of Hydroxychloroquine and the most number of doses outside of India. We have the lowest death toll in the world.


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> multibillionaire who has investment in hundreds of portfolios owned a few shares of a company that at one time made a non patented drug
Liberals are fucking retarded. I bet there are a lot of faggots who have a 401k and have investments in portfolios that have a pharma company that make that shit. It's not like it was some brand new drug that trump had 10% of his money invested into. The amount of money he had invested in that was probably a penny to a person making 50k a year

Because Covfefe-19 is fucking fake. Deaths so far this year from all causes are actually 6% lower than projected. Kys.

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Oh no not this again. You're telling me he was forced to sell off the mutual fund holdings he had for his family, of the hundreds of companies in those mutual funds $15 was directed toward *a* drug company that produces generic hydroxychloroquine in it's in lineup. Wow. He was really banking on that 50% pump wasn't he? Would've made $7.50.

This. The media knows it's working so they just kept quiet because more evidence was coming out saying it worked so they diverted attention from it all together.

Oh, so you are calling yourself retarded?
After all its the same logic as the rest of the narratives
>dem gave money years ago, its a trap!
>Dem has shares, clearly its self enriching
Not so much fun when it comes back on you and you get to live by rules for radicals is it?

Next up, Trump increasing rent for secret service accomidations and why its okay

>nooo dont hold me to my views
Should have gotten rid of it all and left it for someone with no ties
>but they'd destroy it
Such is the price of service

Hes obviously talking about vodka.


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He owns shares in a mutual fund that holds a tiny position of a big French medical company that - among thousands of other drugs - also distributes a drug containing hydroxychloroquine.
Even if this stock went through the roof, he'd probably gain 500 dollars from this.
Don't be retarded.

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>sister works in a hospital in Southeast Michigan
>she is a member of the infection control department
>they have been doing limited trials of using hcq as a prophylactic for the nurses and doctors that signed up
>they are giving it immediately to patients who come in with no/mild symptoms to the virus and are deemed not at a heightened risk of heart complications
>she said the "clinical tests" being done on hcq only administer the treatment to people who are already on vents basically already marked for death, and she fears it is to skew the study to show hcq is ineffective
>she said if it was not for hcq we would have had a lot more deaths in her hospital and others in our area

it unironically is the miracle cure for 90% of the population, and because lot of liberal administrators in the hospitals have orange man bad syndrome they are intentionally trying to spike the studies while secretly using the medicine in their own hospitals so they can make their own numbers look good and protect their own staff, it is super fucked up

again, dilate
because that's a case for science and orange man saying the same thing

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Not sure. These slimy cocksuckers in charge there are politically connected administrators and not doctors and won't authorize or allow anything not officially endorsed by the WHO nigger.

because we realized that it's literally less worse than the common flu.

I'm simply holding rules the same
Your problem is that you made an issue where there was none and politicized it
Should have sold off everything

I never stopped, 92% improval rate even including one outlier study solely on near-death veterans

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Uh excuse me m8, vitamin c in general is good preventative measure. Nobody flat out said vitamin c cures you


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Zinc to
Its funny how this trump drug only works if with zinc and only at the rate of zinc
May as well say advil is as useful to

People can't know Trump was right, so they stopped reporting it.

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I put $400 in GILD and RBY just in case

Don't be retarded.
I you say Trump is enriching himself through his businesses (hotels, resorts) and his presidency, you might have a point.
But this is really a nothingburger, actually it's not even this - simply nothing.

Bill Gates was clear. We don't want to treat COVID-19 with already existing treatment. We want to make new vaccines and we want to make new drugs for it. We don't need any old malaria drug.

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I actually have a PhD and two masters in physics (which is an actual scientific field, as opposed to medicine and such niggering faggotries)
so I speak from experience when admitting most "science" is bullshit just aimed at rising people's number of publications at any cost
really, if only you knew how bad it really was
rage moar, estronaut

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What? The media told me that hydroxychloroquine doesn't work, and it's a good thing that it doesn't.

>its a nothingburger
Nope senpai, its exactly as happening as when Trump pardoned a rabbi for using illegals in his meat packing plant