Why the push for Catholicism in the Groyper movement when Protestants are still the dominate Christian group and USA is...

Why the push for Catholicism in the Groyper movement when Protestants are still the dominate Christian group and USA is historically a Protestant nation. Fuentes himself has disavowed Protestantism. Seems like the Groypers are alienating potential followers.

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Protestants have proven themselves to be total untrustworthy cuckolds.

>Preserve American values
imagine being a fan of this fraud

Both are cucked

So they can fuck children

Protestant vs Catholic is a false dichotomy.

The label "protestant" carries with it doctrines that conflict with those of Baptists. Baptists are not Protestant, and never have been.

Fuentes shills Roman Catholicism because
1) he has a lesbian sister who he has not disowned
2) is probably a fag himself

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I'd love to ask Fuentes himself but the dude's incredibly dismissive of his own fanbase throwing their money at him so it feels like a waste.

Christianity needs to be dumped.

He'd just block you but I think his cop out would just be
>well there both Christian that's what matters

based meme flag poster

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>He'd just block you

Yeah, unless it was a sizable donation. Still not going to risk it though.

>well there both Christian that's what matters

He has shat on Protestants several times now. I don't see a Christian resurgence of the country being primarily Roman Catholic.

Why not aren't spics mostly Catholic?

>Protestants are the dominate[sic] Christian group in America
Catholicism is the largest denomination, actually

>Why the push for Catholicism
Paleocons are majority Catholic (old ones like Buchanan, Schlafly to new ones like Malkin and Ingraham)

>alienating potential followers
The movement is big tent broadly-speaking. America First accepts all Christians but promotes a nationalism from a Catholic perspective.

He is shilling to the future Americans from central america and Africa which have a high catholic population

You're just as bad as kikes. You shapeshift between "ah, most of these guys are just Catholic in name only. They dont even believe Jesus rose from the dead" and "Dues Vult, we're the clear majority, step out of the way".

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I read your post wrong and made some assumptions about you my bad

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>Seems like the Groypers are alienating potential followers.
Alienating as much of conservative America as possible for divide and conqueror tactics is why groypers exist.

Spic Fuentes is a white nationalist

>nationalism from a Catholic perspective.
What exactly does this mean?

Politically, he leans toward conservatism, tradition, and hierarchy, which is the opposite of Protestantism- protest is literally in the name.

The Amish are cool, but strategically it’s unsound because of the eschewing of technology.

Because in Catholicism, you're not allowed to do your own gay interpretation of Scripture. Everyone is required to believe exactly the same thing. Therefore you're not gonna get people saying "judge not" is the only rule in Christianity and it's just about "my personal, private relationship with God." It's much more forceful and hierarchical/authoritarian.

He always says that American is a Protestant culture in history and culture. He’s not trying to turn it Catholic.

Who is this faggot and what is a goyper?

Nick only memes on prots because he's a zoomer. You either get it or you don't, but he fully acknowledges America's identity and history protestant and how that's a good a thing.

>"White nationalist"
Vaushnigger detected.

True. Sola Scriptura is terrible.

The whole Protestant idea of “forget the last 1200 years of specific adaptation to European genetics and culture, let’s revert Christianity back to 1.0” is cancer.

why wouldn't he? he believes Catholicism is right and superior surely that should be the culture instead of Catholicism

though having an organized interpretation of the bible can be a good thing, when you have a corrupt system doing that interpretation is when things go into complete fuckery
>call no man Father, except your Heavenly Father
>thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image of things in heaven, things of earth, and things of the waters under the earth
>thou shalt not bow down to idols and statues
This is where the catholics lose me. They claim to be THE Church, but they constantly break the very first commandment God gave us. Not to mention that Jesus says no man gets to the father EXCEPT through him... he never mentions a Pope being necessary to talk to God.. And this isn't even mentioning that various popes have been actual communists and open-borders faggots. and that isn't even taking into account all of the satanic imagery in the Catholic church and its buildings.

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>why wouldn’t he

It would be an unviable political distraction from cultural/demographic issues that are far more important than denominational differences.

Are you familiar with the Lindy effect? The Catholic Church has survived for almost 2,000 years, so it's likely to continue to survive long into the future. Any new thing you start is inherently less anti-fragile. This is the basic idea of traditionalism, that we should look to enduring institutions over ideal/progressive institutions.
>This is where the catholics lose me. They claim to be THE Church, but they constantly break the very first commandment God gave us. Not to mention that Jesus says no man gets to the father EXCEPT through him...
None of the shit you're saying matters because you're just some random guy giving his hot take and sharing his own personal thoughts. No one cares about your thoughts. You're a fucking random. This is the disease of Protestantism, it encourages this intellectual individualism where everyone thinks they have an equal right to challenge the views of others.

You don’t call your dad father?

>a representation of Christ is a “heaven image”

good god dude

>bow to idols and status

Do you think Catholics bow to statues?

>he never mentions a Pope being necessary to talk to God

It’s nit about talking to god, it’s about building a system ON EARTH to control women, children, and retarded men

>and that isn't even taking into account all of the satanic imagery in the Catholic church and its buildings.

True, the church is completely fucked now, though no worse than the Jew-worshipping Protestants, many of whom would and have literally given their lives to serve the interests of the people who murdered Christ.

*graven image

>nobody cares about your opinions
>you're just a random
>all of those passages you mentioned mean nothing because the pope said so, and tradition
Christ himself said to turn away from the traditions of men and go to the traditions of God, user. Plus, this type of attitude is WHY i don't want to be a catholic. You fags can't take a shred of criticism without screeching HERETIC. I hope your failure of a Church crashes and burns around your false-pope.
>do you think catholics bow to statues?
uh yes, you can find numerous videos of big catholic churches and their people bowing to statues of Mother Mary and the various saints.
>the pope isn't about talking to God
tell that to actual catholics, user. They all take the position that hes the VICAR of Christ, I.E the middle-man between you the peasant and Christ/God
>assumes im a prot
im non-denominational, because EVERY church has been corrupted by Satan. Not a single church actually follows the bible.
>You don't call your dad father?
nope, i call him a communist atheist faggot.

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Protestants are too intelligent to fall for this low level subversion.