Long ago gaming was an industry where games were made by gamers for gamers...


Long ago gaming was an industry where games were made by gamers for gamers. There was no toxicity or discrimination in our communities and if for some reason differences couldn’t be reconciled we agreed to just not play together like adults. All while talking mad trash about the other group. As the industry grew major corporations and financial institutions took notice of its revenue-generating potential. Flooding the industry with professional managers more interested in their bonuses and looking good to their gated community than they were at developing engaging products.

Add to that mix diversity hires for tax credits and to keep your staff from unionizing. Then combine it with bending the knee to far-leftist politics to appease the mob and you have an industry more obsessed with not offending the smallest percentage of its customer base. At least according to a seasoned artist talking with Sausage Roll about the denigration of female characters.

“It’s not really about the sexual objectification of women. Women, like men, come in all shapes and sizes; to say that having big busty women is unrealistic is untrue.”

“This is only true for trans people. A trans woman can’t naturally grow large breasts, and not all trans people can afford implants. If you see a game where the women are a little less curvy, it’s not to because the game designers are worried about receiving backlash for sexualising women, it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community.”

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Moderates and their centralist counterparts will argue that is just one person’s opinion and the slippery slope doesn’t exist. All while companies have staff dedicated to moderating a game’s content to avoid angering the progressives. As we are arriving at the bottom of the hill, they’re still claiming the hill isn’t slippery.

However, what the industry insider says rings true when you look at how female characters are portrayed in almost every Western AAA game. Collages have been put together showing the differences between Western games and Japanese games, and just looking at the images gives credence to the developer’s claims.

Sadly, for the time being, we will continue to have an industry more interested in making political statements than they are revenue from selling entertainment products. This is just another one of many confirmations of this effect.

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>it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community
Just ignore the fucking trannies. It's that simple.
Nobody cares what they have to say, no matter how much they bitch about it. So if you just ignore them, they'll eventually go away.

>diversity hires for tax credits and to keep your staff from unionizing.

This is the most telling thing to surface lately.

>tower of babel your employment base
>tower of babel your profits that are no longer made for gamers

Almost poetic the damage they are inflicting upon themselves. Is anyone seriously considering playing LOTU anymore?

MSNBC has a prominent tranny spin in their latest Gears article too, they're wearing a pronoun button and blue hair and they make sure to use those pronouns in the article.

oooooh boy I cannot wait for the result

Who's that side character by the way?

GG needs to reactivate.

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>if you, random person on the internet, ignores tranny propaganda being shoved into literally everything, it will go away
I've been ignoring it for a while now but tranny story hour in children's schools persists nonetheless.

So that niGGers can once again achieve nothing?

Yeah. It was so fun. Every day something new. Trannies trolled and women lamenting.

>achieve nothing
Gamergate redpilled millions of gamers who all voted for Trump as a big fuck you to the establishment. Messing with people's bread and circuses is the fastest way to piss off an otherwise peaceful population the ancient romans knew that. Gamers are also one of the few demographics left that like to say nigger even ironically so I'm not sure why Yas Forumsacks would hate gamers. GAMERS RISE UP

Trump is sitting in the WH because of the events that unfolded with the niGGers.

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Only loser incel virgins care about video games. Grow up.


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Japanese videos games are superior.

Accept this fact and move on with your life.

No good FPS
no good Strategy games
no good RPGs


>No good RPGs

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Both nations have their flaws and bonuses.
Japan makes virtually no FPS games, simulators, or sandbox games. Most of their shit is recycled weeb shit and cinematic games. They have potential, but they need to stop catering toward those who want waifus and to stop trying to push the moddy-sexy characters that look like visual kei artists scowling at the sunset.. Western companies need to stop catering toward the Dub.step Twitch audience and stop trying to make everything "epic" I.E drop the Halo, E-sport, and dyed hair audience.

He has shit taste, that's all.
They really don't have any good FPS games though.
And nobody has good RTS games because RTS is a shit genre.

Their RPGs are literally recycled shit. The same turn-based games with the same blue text boxes, with the same small portraits of some anime girl, with the same green field you start in, with the same blue, pink, yellow, or green trail behind a weapon you swing, with the same armor that is hyper-stylized and unpractical. And don't forget. Token chibi healers and merchants, and the mechanic with the oversized wrench.

How exactly is left ugly, other than the broad shoulders (which is more of a sign of shit skills rather than intentional ugliness). She looks like a cute fun tomboy (maybe slightly bigger tits would be nice)

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>Japan has no good RPGs
Oh that goalpost moved to.
>The majority of Japanese RPGs are formulaic.
Yeah I know you're a different person from the no-taste Brit that made the first statement, but I doubt his argument is any different.

You are officially now a homosexual.

There are such things as cute fun tomboys, and then there are angry man hating sock puppets for leftist agendas, purposefully designed to be as unattractive as possible to normal men. Guess which one is represented on the left.

Back to .

RTS is a shit genre because all the companies that make them are too retarded to balance the, and are all extremely greedy or leftist to bother making a good game for examples see blizzard and their warcraft 3 remaster

t. I saw a video of FF7 once, also I'm too poor to have ever owned a console

tryhard faggot

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eat shit weebs, 99% or jRPGs will always be the same from start to finish
same outcome
same routes
same ending
enjoy your '4 niggas in a row' genre all you want but the don't have Role Playing elements in them

>As we are arriving at the bottom of the hill,
oh no we are just getting started buddy. Let the women and trannies waste their lives with video games. Stop caring about this crap. Don't buy video games and don't buy them for your kids. The era of over-consumption of childish media is over for anyone who has a future.

The angry look turns you on I guess, because you are a submissive cuck.

weeb shit is a unique style to japan i love faggot, western games need to distance themselves from china and blizzard/riot who have the most control on games

This is accurate

from's been doing rpg's since the mid 90's so you're living back in the nes/snes era somehow, alzheimer grandpa

If it isn't anime, it's is aesthetically SHIT

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Halo isn’t even a relevant series anymore.

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