How the fuck?

I would’ve seen myself more to the right...

Is this shit right

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You're a flip-flopper.

boomerposting be like

I got the exact same result.

I got the same answer and I chose all cultural issues right winged but economic policies as center left

It means (You're) Awesome!

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What’s a flipper flopper, thought it was federal banker

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>look down on these squares goyim
>pick a box goyim
congrats, you played yourself


Check out this wacky test:

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People who actually believe in the anachronistic left-right paradigm are retarded.
They think they are smart for mindlessly adopting this obviously ridiculous system of pretty colors, but this is just the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Once you reject the stupidity of pigeonholing yourself into this ridiculous construct, everything else becomes clear and you no longer fall into defending stupid policies because the media tells you that it is left or right wing like you.

a mix of both i guess


>muh guberment run by royalty I pledge to thee
>need more gub programs n sheeit
>I'm right leaning tho

No. You are far from John Locke and Adam Smith economic principles and you love authority like you have been brainwashed to.

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No. (You) lost me, buddy, and I am not a stupid person.

I’m from Northern Ireland...

I wouldn’t say I like the monarchy or the fact we’re ruled by invaders.

c42 Ninny Co.

No surprise there.

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Royal family*

By the way, they do nothing and we’re not ruled by them. They’re a waste of money.

Based on my 99 dubbs, this test, and my boobs, would you:

fuck, marry, kill?

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Could mean a lot of things. A lot of political compass tests combine economic policy with your stance on social issues. Tests with a 3rd axis are a lot better. I’ve taken lots of tests and consistently ended in the top right quadrant, but different tests will put me in different parts of the quadrant. This one put me especially high up on the authoritarian scale. All tests are gonna be differrent

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Just to clear it up, I believe that Northern Ireland is similar to Israel and USA in a way that they are illegitimate and illegally ruled. They should not exist and the British cucked themselves with Brexit, definitely going to leave the UK sooner or later.

>you’re an idiot
No one’s opinion was ever changed just because they were called stupid, user


Yes! Although we’re probably dependent on them right now because our actual government is the biggest heap of shite, they’re filled with lazy cunts sitting down all day bickering over the same shit since NI was “founded”.

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I am not a rabbit.

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and not. Satan either, hahahahaha


Why do you want this bumped?


Riding the post # wave...

The majority of people in NI want to remain part of the UK. The only way we can rejoin Ireland is with a vote, which nationalists can never win because they're outnumbered.

I'm literally an ethno-nationalist and i got left.
I literally picked that yes it is the state's business what two consenting adults do in their bedrooms and still got left.
It seems to me if you are not a believer in free market no matter what else, it puts you on the left.

I love these tests. Also, this is like the only non-shill thread that I saw first when I looked into the Catalog.

How about (You)?

Wtf, why on Earth is it anybody's.. especially the Governments) business what you do in your home?

Woukd that be a WORLD government issue, Federal, State, or Municipal?

That was before Brexit though. If shit goes real bad those Nationalists will vote for Sinn Féin and probably some Unionists. The only would be those only voting for religion or because they are Britain’s bitch, not for the better of the island.