Mountainjew here. Why the fuck is new england so liberal? Most states are above 80% white. I don't get it.
Mountainjew here. Why the fuck is new england so liberal? Most states are above 80% white. I don't get it
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it's not there's just like 900 colleges
It's easy to believe in racial equality if the only blacks and mexicans you've ever met are from hollywood movies.
there is a recent sickness in the white race that had been exacerbated by an easy life and jewish propaganda
So I shouldn’t go fuck that slam pig and just stay here and read?
Aw maaaaaan, cmon
We have a long history of changing things for the sake of it. Also a lot of colonail era utopian projects.
This is usually the case.
People who don't deal with diversity enjoy preaching it the most.
Conservatives are arrogant retards. When they don't have niggers and spics making people vote for them, they have nothing.
This, it's the same reason why Europeans are such liberal fags. I grew up outside of Philadelphia and I can tell you, Baltimore, DC, Philly, Wilmington, New York have some of the most based white people - because we have to deal with niggers daily. I've since moved to the south, I must say there's alot based bois here, but alot of liberals as well. I think the mid-atlantic is the most based part of the country.
Because only rural and suburban retards are conservative. City people are liberal.
A lack of niggers leads to people thinking that all people are human. This leads them to become liberal. (strong men create good times, creates weak men (liberals), creates hard times (immigration of shitskins)).
The niggers will devour everything, they will see the north east as a haven, they will migrate and devour it and the 90% white north east will allow it because they don't know what everyone who has to deal with niggers knows.
The only reason it hasn't happened is because of the harsh winters. Niggers cannot, by nature, plan for a harsh winter. They view 'the future' as 'later today' if even that far out.
look at the town map vs the county map in CT and note that one's almost entirely red and the other is almost entirely blue
Manchester school
Lack of proximity. Most New Englanders live at least 20 miles from the nearest nigger.
New Hampshire has dropped 10% white in the past decade. When the census numbers come out, expect a rude awakening. These people in the pot don't even realize it's being brought to a boil. There are a few based people who have the balls to tell the truth, though pic related was eventually caught due to a gun permit renewal, which led to numerous "love your neighbor" events. Just more bullshit liberal whites bend over backwards for, only to stave off people calling them "racist".
>the church
it had to be
You hit the nail on the head
When I worked retail, I noticed a bunch of funny sounding names on documents procured by catholic charities. It was a fucking redpill to realize these religious organizations just dump whatever third world shitholers on our streets, not to mention clog up our already stretched social services.
this chelsea bitch is just desperately trying to lure some good guys
ofcourse she is now church going christian as she associates Christians with actuall creation of families instead of pump n dump like her previous targets
Every white person is a leftist progressive. What divides our race is whether we’re national socialists or simply degenerate globohomo socialists.
Are you CROSS m8?
The entire western world is ruled by the neoliberal capitalist class whose main objective is to generate as much revenue and profit as possible. A liberal, "diverse", "tolerant" and "inclusive" society (also known as "globohomo") provides the most fertile ground for their goals. London is one of the epicenters of this project. That's why it's "so liberal".
But make no mistake, social liberalism (diversity, equality and feminism) has NEVER been about morals and ethics for anyone in the ruling class despite endless virtue signalling and moralfagging by governments and corporations. It's always been a tool for GDP and profit maximization.
If social conservatism was economically viable, we would now all be living in 100% white Christian ethno states.
When social unrest/war happens in the west as an inevitable consequence of this neoliberal project, don't forget the names and faces of those who have sacrificed the native European ethnicities, their history, culture and traditions for short term profit in the pursuit of mindless, reckless consumerism and hedonism.
Jesus Christ.
What's up with gummy smiles and degeneracy?
white people have been brainwashed since the 60's at least probably before
on another note anythin I should know if I visit Switzerland? My great Grandpa came over from there 100 years ago and I'm planning on doing some traveling after this bullshit lock down is over
My Grandpa
useful idiots
christianity and progressivism is the same religion
Due to the high population of whites, the New England states, much like Sweden or Norway or Finland, had very little actual experience with "multiculturalism." There was a time when it was rare to see other races outside of a metropolis.
Back then, those early immigrants were the good kind---those immigrants had to meet very high standards just to gain entry to Western nations. Then they had to work their asses off to become successful in the West. For the most part, they assimilated into white Western culture. The lived among whites and were civilized and decent, for the most part.
These first wave of post-WWII immigrants impressed whites so much, that whites slowly began to believe that race, ethnicity, religion, etc., didn't matter, that we're all alike, and to loosen immigration restrictions.
Right now, New England is where Sweden was 20 years ago, a nation with no experience of real "multiculturalism." Pretty sure a lot of Swedes now regret ever falling for the bullshit.
Checked - Chester Co bro agrees
The greek word "katholikos" literally means "universal". Christianity is globalism.
I can never understand how could europeans adopt that poison. Or even guys like the KKK can be racist and christian. It doesn't go together. Christianity will eventually have to fuck off.
>Right now, New England is where Sweden was 20 years ago, a nation with no experience of real "multiculturalism." Pretty sure a lot of Swedes now regret ever falling for the bullshit.
They'll never admit it. Success has many parents. Failure is an orphan.
>Mountainjew here. Why the fuck is new england so liberal? Most states are above 80% white. I don't get it.
And the deep south, full of niggers, is very conservative.
And so we conclude: exposure to niggers results in conservative thought.