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I can't wait until Biden becomes president.


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fake news

everything is rigged

can't wait for the drumpftard meltdown

Let me guess they polled in austin san antonio and houston?

>money printr go brrrrr
poll numbers mean nothing.


Thanks mexicans
but the juan rodriguez US flags on pol told me they are based and conservative!!!!!

Lmao still believing in based polls after all of them failed you in 2016 too. Tsk tsk

Can't wait for Texas to turn blue, maybe civnat boomer retards will finally realize how stupid they are.

Who am I kidding they'll just double down.


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This time, for sure!

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it would honestly be satisfying to see MIGApedes and /ptg/ produce salt. I don't like Biden at all, but I hope he wins for this reason.

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yes polls are realstic i guess that why clinton is president

This is looking like 2016 all over again.
This is like the rematch between Judai and Crowley on steroids

I honestly think that white Texans will kick off Operation Wetback once their state goes blue. They'll hop in their F350s and go to every barrio around the state and just start slaughtering Mexicans.

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2016 all over again
Trump will secure 2020

Its trumps fault he should of locked down the border from the get go instead he flooded tx with African niggers and Mexican scum. Its all a joke anyways,, like my vote means shit. Two sides to the same shit coin.

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Who even cares anymore. I want to return to my bluepilled self

I'm #RidinWithBiden now

Bidenchads...RISE. UP.

Texan Here, I highly doubt that as the only White Texans left are scarcely put across the plains or In the city which we both know are leftoid faggots. However, Since Texas has a Shit load of retarded doomer boomer preppers (Just look at all the Texas Youtube guns, fallout shelter, and prepper channels) there may be a chance.

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im gonna vote for trump event though my dead grand mothers vote will cancel it out

> Statisticians

Lmao these are the same niggers who said Hillary has a 98% chance of winning and that USA will have only 60,000 covid deaths

Don't believe a thing they say

Texas doesn't even matter because of Arizona. 2018 polls underestimated dems there and now they show Biden and the Senate dem leading big. Its over

Magatards don't understand demographics=destiny, they still think blacks will vote for drumpf because of Kanye. lofuckingl.

Oh yeah are those the same polls that showed hillary had a 90% chance of winning in 2016?

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>fake news
only when its not favoring cheeto man fag


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Polls are reliable now? Nobody remembers 2016?


Conservatards are all talk no action. Your entire country will turn brown and no one will do anything.

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Interesting, what's the split between R/I/D? Almost every poll I saw in 2016 that says Trump is behind in Red states polls D at like 60-70 fucking percent

And El Paso

Polls are fine guys

t. retard who doesn't understand state and national polling vs media garbage.

>i know this one
>goes all in
>it can only go up right?
>biden picks hilary
>election time
>2nd wave comes
>stonks go down
>oh no not my stockerinos it's all drumpfs fault
>everything collapses
>seething retard says i'm with him and her
>biden wins
>oh noes bidens had a stroke
>madam president
>no money
>no hope
>no future
>everyone needs gibs
>madam president will save the day
>but you must beg first user
>you must beg

>Biden gets accused of rape by an actually credible victim
>Biden immediately goes into hiding and hasn't been seen or heard from in weeks
>is somehow now leading in Texas

I'm actually in favor of propegating these fake polls again this election cycle. It makes the lefty meltdown that much more hilarious

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I am riding with based Biden.

Californian migrants are more conservative than native born Texan beaners.

All the libs from California go to Oregon and Colorado.


t. Texan