How fucked is the US economy gonna be after all this is over? How will things change?

How fucked is the US economy gonna be after all this is over? How will things change?

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You are witnessing the end of the United States and the beginning of a new dark age.

Whatever happens, please dont let China eat us. Were sorry for ruining most of the boards, but the chinks want Anglo blood in the streets now. As long as you have guns and TP, theres hope.

fuck you doomer


will be back better than ever, trump will have to do some fdr shit initially, but the world will no longer buy shit made in china, all those factories and then some are coming home, the automation revolution will fully explode and you will get ubi if you survive the war. and there will be war. the chinks are about to experience a bad scifi movie. screencap faggot.

The years of the blooming boomers are over. You have now entered the doomer era

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I do not share in your optimistic appraisal of the situation.

You vastly underestimate the amount of stupid Americans who will do exactly what they are told to do. From mandatory vaccines to the digital ID to eventually giving up all their rights. Most Americans never learned about the Constitution in school, so how could they even be bothered to know or care what their rights even are? As long as they have Tiger King, Whiteclaw and weed they couldn't give a shit about anything anymore. They don't care about having families. They don't care about God. They hardly even care about themselves if doesn't involve some sort of instant gratification. The USA as we knew it will cease to exist becuase Americans couldn't be bothered to stand up for anything. They were pacified by propaganda from the the moment they left the womb.

From my third world perch, America's handling of the virus, the political strife, and the sharp social divides just tells me that America is done. This is not how a true world leader would act.

Now watch as the vultures move in to peck every morsel of flesh from the bones

Fried chicken was brought the the colonies by Scottish slave masters.

It's totally fucked.

Shut up poo boy

>As long as they have Tiger King, Whiteclaw and weed they couldn't give a shit about anything anymore.
Tfw when I only have those things to cope with living in a judeo nightmare where I'm the only person who gives a shit.

It's not that you give a shit. It's that you're a bitter incel. Pol is just r9k that looks to politics to cope.

It's over. The bad guys won.

the recovery will be glorious. but youre not educated so you wouldnt know

if youre not participating in buying the dip then youre really a huge loser

You can bet your ass the automation meme isn't going to be a meme anymore. Robots can't get sick so watch this technology explode

High IQ argument

Great Depression. New World War, but we can't cause nukes. So New Cold War with CHYNA. But wait, you can't do that either, because all your companies and money Jews are over there LMAO

I guess you'll just get plundered by your (((elite))) until you are sucked dry. MIGA 2020

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It's recovering as we speak.

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>the chinks want Anglo blood in the streets now
Ironic, isn't it.

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Didn't the subhumans in your region say prayer and spicy peppers would cure the virus..?

What seasoning does an aged beef fillet need? Seasoning is for people who eat garbage that tastes so bad you need to hide it under the taste of ketchup which is mostly just vinegar. White people make sauce.

At least their president didn't tell them to drink bleach

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the stock market doesn't reflect the real economy anymore.

>it's not that you don't like your country becoming a third world country, having your taxes raised to pay for a hostile population to breed & having your remaining constitutional rights destroyed. No, you are just upset that you haven't stuck your penis inside a vagina.
So you're saying that if I just stick my penis inside a vagina I'll retain my constitution, my country's infrastructure will be repaired, my taxes won't be raised & the country won't become a failed latin american state?

And don't forget that even if Trump does pull something great off, it's all going to get reversed as soon as he's out of office.

that's convenient


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hahahah you think this is ever going to be over?

>America is done
And thank the gods for that.

god i hope so


Its gonna take a while, they still have to finish looting the country & send the last white people off to die in the desert before it completely kicks the bucket.

As long as the US millitary is non-operational or at least no longer capable of invading foreign countries, it's all good to me.

Being a world leader is solely dependent on who has the guns to push policy. The entire world is dealing with this problem and don't for one second think that anyone can come out on top of us during it. We have the power to reset our economy, erase all debt and still be on top because we are the most powerful nation that's ever graced the world stage in history. If things really are going on secretly behind the scenes to take down globalists and hopefully ZOG, then we're about to be even more powerful than anyone can imagine. Literally, the biggest threat to America is a volcano. That's it.

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>Businesses cautiously re-open
>Employee tests positive
>10 other coworkers sent to quarantine for two weeks
>Business fires all of them and replaces them with robots
This will happen all over the country

If they keep this lock down going long enough then it might happen sooner rather than later, it's not as though the gibs has stopped being sent out but tax income sure has. If it goes on as long as the media wants it to then it most certainly will be the end, I just don't see them not starting another war before they cash out.
