This is why:

>Lady gets a small cut while on vacation
>Dog licks her all over including the cut
>After some time, her limbs get dark

Still wanna know why dogs are the devil?
>Take the place of kids causing birthrate decline
>Steal too much attention so you can't do what really matters
>Can cause your limbs to be amputated
>Can even cause you to die
>Poop and pee in your home
>Pee in your home to mark territory

Tell me why does Yas Forums like dogs again? Yas Forums should be a cat person like Prophet Muhammad.

>Chill and don't ask for too much attention
>Take care of themselves and aren't dirty
>Know where to poop and pee
>Low maintenance
>A virus in cats also causes their owners to be high testosterone (Google it. It's true.)

Admit it. Islam is from the future.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Okay at least I'm not afraid of bacon pussy

Mashallah, butthurt and dogpoop particle covered kafir incoming in 3,2,1....

Shut your sand nigger lips you ooga booga greaseball

Personally I would like to see an Islam where we get
>Dating (not premarital sex)
>Alcohol (with some kind of limit)
>Music & movies (with a limit for freedom of expression like no homo propaganda or cuck shit)
is allowed

How do we get a liberal form of Islam?

Dogs are the best companions, loyal to their owners no matter what. They will protect you at the cost of their own lives. Cats are ungrateful fucks that use you for food. There is no reason to own a cat unless you are a faggot

Cats are pure onions in animal form

>letting a doge lick your open wounds
You basically deserve what you got for being that stupid. The doggo did nothing wrong.

You don't. Once you allow some vice the next generation pushes it a little further, and a little further, and eventually you get modern degeneracy. You cannot allow vice, otherwise the system falls apart.

Dogs shouldn't be kept inside.

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Dogs can sense cancer and evil intentions. There are reasons why they are banned is Islame

based puma

That could have happened without the wound too. Suppose if the dog were to scratch her or bite her lightly while playing or something. She still could have gotten amputated.

Dogs don't need to be kept inside, they can live outside and won't wander off, shit in other people's yards and kill native birds

No animal is supposed to be kept inside. Dogs are the only ones that serve a purpose to be brought inside. They guard your household. What does a cat do if someone breaks into your home?

basedboi chinks and swarthy rapefugees go home.

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The leaf is right for once. Dogs are evolutionary companions to humans and have been for thousands of years. If you don't like dogs you're literally sub-human.

Cats give you brain parasites and meow to imitate babies cries in order manipulate you into doing what they want.

Only single women living apartments have cats. Real trad families usually have a dog.

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All sub-races are afraid of dogs. Only white people have a divine connection to nature and animals

cats carry toxoplasmosis

I'm always right you drunk potato

Fuck off shitskin

>if only you knew...

The life of a dog is worth more than that of any Muslim child.

Don't let it go to your head maple guzzler.


>Pee in your country to mark territory
there, that's why muzzies are banned

Why we should ban people. I fixed it for you also brush your teerh with 00 buckshot

Cats can give you Toxoplasmosis, a parasite that makes you a retard.

No pets is the best practice, especially if you have little children

not all religions are as focused on the idea of progress and development like Christianity, this problem of having to keep tackling boundary pushers is really a Jewish/Christian one

Pro: you make developments
Con: you make mistakes

Start with atheists and work backwards

t.soiboi afraid of dogs.

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Yes blame the dog for you being stuck in the 1st century still. What smearing goat shit and cow urine in the wound didn’t fix it? Shame

That is usually what happens to a failing immune system.

This, Islam actually has to make strawmans like “you limbs will get amputated and you can’t potty train them”
Fucking pathetic.

The real reason is when you try to rape a little boys dog will realize this conflict needs to be broken up and attack the pedophile. Therefore Muslims don’t want dogs, especially large breeds around them.

Trashtalks a mans best friend while their culture promotes cat - which literally give you mind altering and cucking parasites.

Oh Memet.

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No one kills the emus. Not even you

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I have drunk potato blood in me. I was once one of you. I still drink like one

>let animal lick an open wound
>oh no the animal is evil
>im totally not a retard


Cats carry more diseases than dogs, you retard; including toxoplasmosis and cat scratch fever.

Are we going to have this thread pretending that a cat's mouth isn't filthy as fuck too? Getting licked by almost any mammal could have caused her issue. Both dogs and cats eat shit and lick their assholes. My roommate's cat licks all the fucking time. This thread is stupid.

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I swear when grown men tell me they only own cats as a pet I immediately know they're a soiboy bitch. Its like a big red flag for mental disorders in men.

Based Nuge, sticking up for dogs

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You are so fucking retarded.
The one Muslim i ever met was friendly and seemed like a cool guy but any time someone talked about dogs he would get visibly annoyed and express how much he hates dogs and how "dirty" they are. Shut the fuck up. Have you ever heard of giving it a bath? Fucking moron. I Hate anyone who hates dogs

Islam doesn't ban dogs

They should have let her die

Shit happens sometimes.
DOesn't mean we should ban all dogs.

C’mon dude
This tale is some 1:1,000,000+ random weird shit. Do you know many dogs there are in the US and the west? I absolutely love my dogs. I also love my cat. Do they get the same amount of love as my children? Of course not. But our family would be lacking something without them. I train my dogs FYI. I can go anywhere with them and they do what they’re told.
Pity anyone who touches my kids or breaks into my house or yard... the dogs would very literally kill them

No pedophilia? Or is that already allowed?

The real question is why isn't Islam banned?

The Jew fears the feline.

If a Muslim had licked her cut, the same thing would have happened.
Muslims are much more filthy than dogs.

Pic related: Muslims caused half her body to be amputated.

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Yeah, but look how unhealthily fat this woman is. It's no wonder why she couldn't find off a simple infection.

Stop acting like everyone is as fat and useless as this woman was when mobile.

They are basically not permitted and the conditions for keeping them are very specific like hunting or home protection. They also have to be kept outside their homes at all times and no muslim will ever serve you if they know you've been in contact with a dog. For example they won't let you in a taxi if you have a dog with you.

That's like one chance in a billion. That woman got really unlucky.

Conservative christianity is liberal islam

Based and agreed, God bless you user.

WTF are you talking about? Some woman with shit tier genes gets licked by dog God knows where gets infected and loose her limbs but its dogo problem. No sandnigger she deserves it because she has shitty genes. In perfect world she would die and her off springs would be killed because They carry damage¨d genes. Its all about clearing bad genes from our population and creating human master race which will endure everything and anything and after this we can finally start colonizing space and cleanse more people with shit genes who cant adapt and prosper.
and no im not fucking dog lover. I dont have one and i dont want one. I even ate couple of dogs during my life.

Is a fucking meme that didn't actually hold any salt. Being anti-cat or anti-dog is the ultimate blue-pill and the true patricians own or have owned both.

Did you even watch the video? She has a picture of herself while on vacation and she looks almost slender.

> For example they won't let you in a taxi if you have a dog with you

That's every normal society you fucking mongoloid

This dogs are mans best friend.

My cat scratched me yesterday and drew blood. He also licked my face yesterday

Am I fucked?

t. Toxocuck

Islam hates humanity’s oldest and most loyal companion. Fuck Islam.

I like and respect Islam, however I also love dogs. I disagree that they are evil. Cats take the place of kids more often, hence the 'crazy cat lady' stereotype. Also these incidents of maulings are incredibly rare, and always the retarded owners fault in the end.

Stay safe. That's all I would suggest. I'm not going to buy any pets at all unless I research about their diseases first. I think the only safe bet at this point seems like a parrot or something.

Dogs are tools, colleagues if you will but not really "family members".Dumb people will never understand. They were never originally meant to be time sinks but for hunting and protection. they served man.

why would you let a dog lick your open wounds or cuts

if i so much as pet my own dog, im washing my hands with soap after.

Islam bans dogs for the same reason Jews hate dogs. Cro Magnon used them to hunt your cannibal ancestors down in the olden days. You aren't supposed to keep them as pets. you are supposed to use them to kill sub humans.

t. mouthbreather

You’re right except cats can be cool af also.

It’s zero doubt the reason muzzies hate dogs is because they were told to because Mohammed (bacon and sausage links upon him) was fucking terrified of dogs. It’s really only about his failure to master a domesticated animal due to him being a pussy... among other things

Humans shouldn't be inside either. This lockdown is bullshit.

Muslims are afraid of dogs.
Dogs will rip their genitals off if they try to be Muslims, doing kid-rape and jihad crap.

>Liberal form of Islam
Every single other religion has done this already. Why can't yours?

Cats are the ultimate red pill.

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I know it's corona season but get tested ASAP


Muhammed hated dogs and loved cats, but dogs are native to Europe, while domestic cats are not. That settles it, all muzzies bugger off.

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>this post made by team clipdick

Traffic is great with all you non essentials locked up

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My uncle was hospitalized from a very small cat wound. They’re no joke.
Keep it disinfected and watch it

You retarded pig. You can die from undercooking chicken one degree. You can die of tripping on a pebble. It's a statistical insignificance just like your dick.

This.My neighbour's cat keeps shitting on my carrots

You claim to hate dogs, yet you are one yourself. Courious.

>shes so strong
yeah? how much can she deadlift?

QRD on this toxoplasmosis stuff please? The only thing I know about it is that it can cause complications for women in pregnancy

One in a million. Not billion.

STFU. Have some respect for your elders.


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I've seen another news some time ago where also a lick from a dog made a man die because of the bacteria in the dog's mouth.


0 lbs now

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Why are you insulting doggos?

Thats why they're the favored pets of cucks and beta males and dogs are the favoured pets of hunters and chads then?

>Dog licks her all over
degenerates get the rope

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>doesn't write why Muhammad doesn't like dogs
Because your pedo prophet is a crazy cat lady. That's what he said about dogs and THAT'S WHY MUDSHITS HATE DOGS.
>if a dog is in your house, then an angel won't visit you

The infection did not come from the dog.
Dogs Saliva is antiseptic. AFAIK, there are no diseases that jump from dog, to man, or vice versa. Cats tho...

I have two cats and three dogs.

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Dogs will roam everywhere and destroy everything in sight and attack people at random, compared to a cat is like comparing a bulldozer to a shovel.


I don't need a muslim fuck head telling me dogs smell and are kinda dumb in general.

Crazy cat ladies are old, and crazy. Young couples have dogs instead of kids. Big difference.

Back yee heathen filth worshipping the original tranny.
>pic related

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