Yas Forums say trans right okay

Can we start accepting trans people ? Transexual are the most hated group . More hated than blacks , gays or Jews. Yas Forums is a contrarian site . if the world hate trans we must accept them . So please stop the hate . If I can make Yas Forums accepting toward trans than all the other blue boards won't hate me when I talk about my problems .

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I hope j*annies don't delete this thread I'm not baiting.

You can just stop pretending to be another gender and just be yourself. Until you do that, you are rejected.
Get your shit together, kid. Start a family.

Easier said than done . It hard for you to understand my problem. And the hate just make it worst.

The problem is in your own head, you fear adulthood.
Grow the fuck up and start a family.

Eighty eight of truth! Trans rights are anti-human

are you racist and cute?

if you're not then fuck off

Stop chopping of your dicks and vaginas until we learn how to grow them in laboratories.

Do yourself and the world a favor and 41%

>they are most hated group so they must be loved now
the fuck why?

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Ching zhong ping long

No we can discard of them with extreme prejudice.

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I'm accepting trans people, right this way please, subhu... I mean, folks.

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>Can we start accepting trans people ?
>Transexual are the most hated group .
As God intended.


Accept yourself you fucking freak

As a fellow degenerate here's two hard to swallow pills.
1) There's a difference between who you really are and who you want to be. No, nature is not mistaken, you are. No surgery will ever make you who you want to be. I wouldn't even have a physical body if I were able to, but alas.
2) By your own ideology you shouldn't even exist. Aren't trans women just women? As long as you say you're a special class you'll be treated as a special class.

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>Can we start accepting trans people
Are you insane?

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Most experts agree pedophile population is between 1-5% of the population. Let's use 2.5% and say

>According to the study, “Archives of Sexual Behavior,” some 86 percent of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.

>In this ongoing study, respondents are asked "Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender?" with 3.8% being the most recent result, obtained from more than 58,000 interviews conducted in the first four months of this year.

so if there is 6,450,000 gay pedos in the USA and only 11,400,000 gays in total, than 56.6% of gay people are pedos

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I'll accept you if you do a flip off a cliff.

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I'll accept them into the concentration camp


Are we being raided?

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>you just dont get it
>My body is wrong and my delusions are right
join the 40% faggot

>As God intended
are there religios people in russia? also god doesn't exist tranies are solid proof of it

>Can we start accepting trans people ?

God exists and he hates us.

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but if god existed and was evil why wouldn't he make life worse like decreasing tranies suicide rate from 25% to 0 so they could keep pestisiting us for more than a few years before thry kill themself

You don't have any problem.
An engineer trying to create a more efficient jet engines encounters problems.
A geneticist, trying to develop a way of altering the genome encounters problems.
A sheltered 1st world kid, who larp as a girl because the media told him to and because he has nothing better to do has no problems.

To give us a bit of hope and then crush it.

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Can we start accepting eating your own shit? Shit eaters are the most hated group . More hated than blacks , gays or Jews. Yas Forums is a contrarian site . if the world hates shit eaters we must accept them . So please stop the hate . If I can make Yas Forums accepting toward eating your own shit than all the other blue boards won't hate me when I talk about my problems .

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show feminine penis and then we can talk about it

I don't hate trannies, I just feel sorry for them and I think society should not cater to their delusions.

What I hate is people trying to feminize men in order to subjugate/collapse society.

bra look at all dem trips

Checked and yes

In all fields