Why are the people who bitch about white men the thristiest for white cock?

Are they just trying to get attention? Why is nobody calling them out on it?

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because white bois be too beta, yo

You mean the self-loathing brown women?

Women are retarded. That answers all questions in regards to them. Now can we please move on.


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Same reason that Yas Forums is fucking thirsty for khazar milkers.
Power is attractive. When you suffer under the delusions that one group of people have all of the power, then you begin to find that group of people disproportionately more attractive.
Take a Jewish woman. She looks physically deformed, her voice sounds like she is speaking through her nose, and she's basically just bitchier and more demanding than your typical white woman. However, Yas Forums is obsessed with them.

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Devil tits.

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Most women like her spent their teenage years flicking their clit over the thought of being fucked by their dad.


I don't even care about the micro-tranny potato head, that body is amazing hnnnnnnggg

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Commenting on how weird looking and annoying someone is isn't obsession it's criticism.
Just because someone has a single positive quality doesn't make them redeemable or admirable. Jewesses are still disgusting and loathsome.

Have sex.

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I follow this lass on IG and she uses angles to hide her fat. Would still wreak this braphog though.

Simply because bitching about white men to get likes in social media is the fashion. If speech had to correlate with their actions women would implode.

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What's her name?

Because they're literally attempting to goad white cock owners into fucking them.

You see user, when you have the illusion that you are worth the top tier men in your society but you aren't... you tend to get bitter and blame men.

Then you hit the wall and you are even more worthless and you can't even get casually fucked by them anymore. So you get on these feminist hype trains.

You want to absolutely destroy men because you couldn't get a handsome young (m/b)illionaire with a top tier body and tall as fuck. It's just not fair user! Better destroy civilization and get all the cats!

People speak up for animals, fight for animal rights and say good things about them.

Doesn't mean they're going to go home and fuck them.

I think it's just supposed to be funny, autistic user

I dunno man.
Ever seen an animal activist?

name plz

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Same reason why Yas Forums loves Jewesses.

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most jewish women lust for white cock.

Nobody lusts for white men lol

you guys don’t really get women, do ya?
if a female complains about you, 8/10 times she wants you
you fucking virgins

cope harder gypsy

Its because I am white I can make this overall generalization.

shut the fuck up gypsy just because none wants to fuck you doesn't mean that chicks don't lust for whites

I am not a gypsy I am a pure white European and they really much dont.

cuz it works

stop giving them attention and they will stop bitching about white men

Every dating study every shows literally everyone lusts for white cock. All races, and white women are most loyal as such

Jews are white, so I don't think there is a strong racial dating disparity with whites / Jews, but Jews tend to be higher earners and tend not to out-breed so I doubt this, but it is possible.

There is only 1 study and thats not representative for reality of 2020

I bet if you had access to 95% of the accounts you would find they are black, asian or undesirable white woman.
The other 5% are chinese or similar shills attempting to divide and conquer.

Some user proved this about 2 years ago when one of the big social medias had a privacy glitch.
He went and took all these "anti white" womans profiles and showed on many of their private threads they had a hard on for white men and didn't want to admit it.

It's probably a low quality human mating strategy.
Tear down the probable mates making them look undesirable, then swoop in and say "look at me, look at me".

Seethe harder dirty gypsy scum

I am not a gypsy

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Pick One

Chubby and horrible haircut

Them tiddies ain't retarded

Fair enough, you're still wrong though.