What the fuck. Only 15 subscriber channel made by a father documenting evidence that his son was suffocated by japanese military officers in retribution for uncovering active fraud and conspiracy within a stem cell company and individuals of high social status.
What the fuck...
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck
Pdf of the fathers evidence
that just looks like a regular potato
99% chance it's bullshit but just in case, save the video, paste the link and share the webm
Fathers yt vid
won't click that shit
Nobody cares you pathetic gook lover kys
Glownigger advertisement.
But the kid isn't white so where is the problem
Cringe reddit thread I stole all this from reddit.com
bump, #justice4jimmy
Document links trump, Obama, Nazis, CIA, khasoggi, warmbier, Russia, unit 731, FBI, Clinton, John Kerry, Auschwitz, the doctors in Japan, his son, and a whole bunch of corporate mergers and espionage
>text fades in and out way too fast
>text always changes color which makes it even harder to read
>comparing him to holohaux survivors
this horrible edited video was made by a boomer. Simply hang the persons who are responsible for it and euthanize the kid
post screen shots
From a comment in the link:
I highly doubt it's real. This guy (the father) is literally in charge of a sketchy af company: elpiseremo.com
Why does this kind of thing only ever happen to barely literate retards who can't string a sentence together, let alone present their case in a compelling fact-based manner?
Oh, right. It's because these things don't happen at all.
I'm getting pretty tired of this garbage flooding Yas Forums. I might just fucking go to bed rather than bother arguing with you and I recommend the rest of you do the same. I'm sleepy. This thread is shit and you should close it, user.
More comments from the link:
And look at this shit. linkedin.com
Yep and in that website's cofounder page he cites many great scientists around the world. But it seems like it's faked because the work they do aren't even related to what the company is doing. And I couldn't even find any connection between the professors listed in the cofounders page and this "company". Seems like he's being psychotic and has fallen out of reality. I'd be more willing to believe that he caused this to his son since he seems to be dabbling in some weird ass experimentation.
>I'm sleepy. This thread is shit and you should close it, user.
>I'm sleepy. This thread is shit and you should close it, user.
whoever is behind this thread will soon start a gofundme. don't believe anything. The entire story doesn't make sense
fucking miga niggers
I'm going to donate now...
Lawfag here. This reads exactly the insane bullshit that psycho poorfags getting free legal support dump on you. Many such cases, they're not worth your time.
I probably won't post any more in this thread because I'm going to sleep now. I'd much rather be taking a nice comfy nap in my warm bed than reading this poisonous garbage.
Actually could be true. Japan is mobbed up with Yakuza at all levels, and some 'get carried away'. In general Japanese are weird which could explain the presentation.
>I probably won't post any more in this thread because I'm going to sleep now. I'd much rather be taking a nice comfy nap in my warm bed than reading this poisonous garbage.
user, you're very sleepy. Stop reading. Wouldn't you rather be sleeping? Have a sleep user.
Nothing "American" about that kid.
Last page
ELI5? I'm not going to read the whole document.
Summarised in these comments
Anything could be true. The question is what you can prove. Like all of these psycho retards he has a fucking endless affidavit of nonsense that rambles on about his thoughts and feelings and bad interpretations of the law while he tries to tell the judge and jury explicitly how to think and what to do.
Here's how it SHOULD read
1. On 15 June 2008 I attended Kobe hospital. I visited my son on the ward.
2. On entering the ward and seeing my son I immediately noticed large red marks around his neck that I believed were consistent with strangulation. I also noticed that he had bloody eyes.
3. I confronted Doctor Kojima, who was providing my son care at the time. Doctor Kojima told me that it was part of a "bag treatment". Kojima did not explain what a "bag treatment" was.
4. I asked Kojima to explain what a "bag treatment" was. Doctor Kojima refused and summoned hospital security to remove me from the building.
5. Motivated by concern for my son and the treatment he was receiving, which I had not been informed about, I insisted that Doctor Kojima explain what a bag treatment was.
6. I took a photograph of my son's condition (marked Exhibit A)
7. Doctor Kojima continued to refuse to explain what a bag treatment was.
8. Security officers arrived and escorted me from the building.
9 On 16 June 2008...
and on and on it goes. An affidavit is NOT an argument. It builds elegantly towards an inescapable logical conclusion that then BECOMES your argument. The "only thing that fits the evidence...."
Psychos and morons don't understand this. They can't get out of their own heads long enough to think coherently, logically, or empathetically. They TELL you what to think and they TELL you how to feel and if you disagree then you're just part of the system that's fucking them over. Fortunately, the courts don't work that way.
Now I really am going to bed.
Thank you based user
>Now I really am going to bed.
Shhh, sleep well user...