It's not the flu

More people have died from the Coronavirus in 2 months than the 8 month-long 2017-2018 flu season (October 1 - May 19). It literally isn't the flu

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Not sure whether to call you Chang or Schwartz. Either way sage and fuck off.


We get it you don’t have to make this thread again. Also...

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Yeah its the chinese flu. Whats your point?

It's just the flu bro. It spreads in enclosed spaces like synagogues and bank vaults.

>2017-2018 flu season (October 1 - May 19)

Let's pick random dates from years past.

Who said it was the flu? It's a cold. A bad one where new cases and deaths are decreasing finally.

When we said the flu, we meant the Spanish flu.

So what are their median age? If still 80, then why not focus the care on that group and let others free?

>Let's pick random dates
Literally defined by the CDC

Attached: flu2017.png (954x824, 271.49K)

Yes, the median age of death in the US is 76 last time I looked.

Massachusetts reporting in.

Attached: HolyokeMA.png (1871x836, 893.45K)

>Appeal to authority
Also whyd you leave the last thread OP? Please link threads if you're going to repeat stuff.

So then how do you define the flu season? Your feelings?

This cat is funny

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“The definition of people dying OF covid, means that at the time of death, it was a covid positive diagnosis, if you were in the hospital and had three weeks to live, and then got covid, that would be counted as a covid death, even if you clearly died of an alternate cause but had covid at the same time, that is still listed as a covid death, everyone who is listed as a covid death does not mean that was the cause of the death but that they HAD covid at the time of death”

Duh, it's the common cold.

Flu is caused by influenza virus.
Common cold is caused by corona virus.

COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media

Can't believe there are mongs who post statistics form a full year vs stats from 2 months of a pandemic (with restrictive measures in place) think they are being smart pmsl

Like in last thread I asked to post the week over week so we can calculate the mode which better represents the curve instead of an average over a long time which statistically obfuscates. 2 standard deviations on the curve is a fair definition, but we're comparing an outlier event to an average of an average. It's statistically dishonest and you should know better.

But if we want to go by seasons, (and 3/4 seasons isn't a season) let's stick with winter when most people get sick, although it's really the turn of fall and spring that has peaks. Again, post the fucking curve (source your claims) and we can dig in better assuming you want an actual honest discussion.

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There is no data tracking the flu season 2017-2018 "week per week"

The first hospitalization from the flu 2017-2018 happened October 1st. The first hospitalization from the novel coroanvirus happened sometime late January. If you compare both those periods of time the coronavirus killed more people over 3 months than the flu in 7 months.

You can argue that the flu and coronavirus kill people differently (i.e. the flu kills a shitton of people in a peak period of a few weeks then fizzles, while the coronavirus kills a moderate amount of people for months then fizzles) but if that's your unironic argument that just supports my claim that the coronavirus is not the flu and they can't be compared.

Imagine believing the numbers.

>More people have died from the Coronavirus in 2 months than the 8 month-long 2017-2018 flu season
What the fuck are you talking about? Flu kills like 500k a year.

A flu flu over my house.

But you're still comparing on the scale of the flu. And if the data's not enough to make a fair comparison why are you using it? Also how do other SARS coronaviruses compare over the average. Can we factor in 1918 flu? It killed more. I'll agree it's stupid but you seem to hate the "just a flu bro" meme while simultaneously missing the entire point which is really to dismiss the overreaction and politization of this "pandemic" if you can even call it that.

its not the fluuuuuuuuu nooooo gaize really nooooooooooooooo

Disingenuous fuck. 50k in one month from a new virus which most people havent come into contact with compared to 80k in a year with a virus most people come into contact with. Also the predictions changed from millions to thousands? You mean they predicted millions without restrictions and then changed ot to thousands once restrictions were put in place. Nothingburgers really need to up their game it's pathetic.

>just take the numbers from the winter
Then you aren't comparing apples to apples, because we don't have data of the coronavirus infecting people during December or most of January.

Why do I have to do all of the work for you, anyways?

Yeah, it is slightly worse than the flu. The worst thing that has happened is that some boomers, bugchasers, and landwhales have died.

Because when people say "it's just the flu" they are referring to the seasonal flu that happens every year.

If you think it's comparable to the flu or it isn't as bad as the flu then why don't you post the data yourself that allowed you to reach your conclusion? I already posted what the CDC defined as the flu season that year and during that period there were fewer deaths than the coronavirus since the first hospitalization in the US. Where is your data, now?