Why is it even called 5th generation? Pentagon's decision not to fix supersonic speed issue with F-35C defeats jet's very purpose.

A US decision to limit the F-35C's supersonic flight capabilities instead of fixing an issue that increases the risk of tail damage
will put a strain on pilots and deal a huge blow to the fighter's combat power, analysts warn.
The F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) – a Pentagon agency responsible for developing and acquiring the F-35 fighter jets –
recently revealed that a specific construction issue could cause damage to the Navy F-35C jet's tail section if it flies at supersonic speed for a long time.
However, it said that this was "not worth fixing," mostly due to the high projected costs of a revamp.

Instead, the JPO said the jet's very ability to fly at such speeds would be reduced to short bursts.
The US media already noted that such changes would severely limit the F-35C's ability to intercept airborne targets – something for which a fighter jet is specifically designed.
In addition, it is also expected to negatively affect its maneuverability in the event that it needs to a avoid a missile or survive a dogfight.


Bwahahahahahahaha........ LMAO

Attached: F-35_Flying American Toilet.png (864x706, 383.93K)

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Remember when that rudder fell of the Airbus after 9-11?

Attached: very-excite.jpg (618x682, 205.96K)

Folks, the Chinaman simply can not master the arts and sciences required to produce jet engines the way we do. It's not within his mind and certainly not within his waning spirit. The Chinaman can, however, act like a jealous little bitch when encountering a superior people.
Which we've seen.
China will prosper without communism, after they regain face with their capitalist trading partners by paying back all economic damages plus three fold damages as penance for their aberrant negligence in handling COVID-19.


Lol RT?

hahaha i'm gonna vote biden just to spite you


Enjoy wasting your vote on a pussy grabbing corpse. Faggot.

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I guess India won't be buying f-35s



The military is an illusion. The US allready has superior ayy lmao technology

Trump fixed the F35 program and sold the plane to other countries. Your shitposting is out of style.

>I guess India won't be buying f-35s
How about Canada?
I'm sure US will force you to buy their junk.

of course india wont buy it, they dont like toilets

Why are you comparing a multirole aircraft to 5th gen fighters in the first place?

Same reason he's pretending prototype mockups are actual aircraft with actual capability. The same reason he also left off the Eurofighter. Because he's a disingenuous kike.

Haven’t China and Russia skipped gen. 5 to focus on gen. 6? Maybe the US half assed this plane because of that?

F-35C is the regular takeoff and landing version, the others take off vertically using a massive overweight piece of shit fan.
It was a project design to hoard as much shekels as possible from lots of sources disregarding any attempt at efficiency, proper cost-benefit or adequate functionality.
100% amerishart.

>Why are you comparing a multirole aircraft to 5th gen fighters in the first place?
Because this multirole bucket is all mutts have. F22 electronics (specifically esa) are outdated junk by this point and will not be upgraded to F-35 standards.

>prototype mockups
Kek, the mutt is still regurgitating his mantra. Meanwhile, the most advanced actually 5th gen fighter in the world is destroying mutt air combat doctrines.

Attached: first historic vetical missile launch.png (1179x655, 294.94K)

No, Russia still has the Su-57 and China has the J-20 and the FC-31 pitch (reverse engineered F-35).

Russia is testing the S-70 Hunter, but it's designed to fly alongside the Su-57s pilots and attack together. The 6th gen concept isn't fully defined yet.

Attached: Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik Hunter.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I'll never understand why we just didn't convert all our old F14s into veritech

Attached: VF1valkyrie.gif (600x520, 76.05K)

FUN FACT: The F-35 has two jet engine suppliers, but one engine is not actually installed in any of the aircraft. The 2nd engine was required because a senator wanted to keep jobs in his state so he forced the USAF to have a 2nd engine produced for it.

if a panel fell off... that's a maintenance problem.

A lot of these issues are maintenace issues.
Not the aircraft's fault.

>russia finally builds a shitty knockoff 40 years after america made it

Wow bro, fear russia air power

You got so butthurt at Iran, that you destroyed all your F-14s to prevent them from getting spare parts on the black market.



Because it’s always touted in the media as a 5th gen.

Or is everyone including the military lying.

And you had the electro drive concealed from the public for the duration of that money pit while the F23 sat back and watched faggots as a Micro Machine.

When will they all skip this Nth generation bullshit, and just build Gundam.

why is the F-35 worse than the F-22 or SU-35 in everyway, which are actual aircraft?

Because it was designed to do everything, which is always a red flag. F22 was designed for one thing and I assume the pak50 isn't far behind.

Bruh, look at this duuude

Attached: Muh F-35 1.png (513x530, 65.21K)