Be me

>be me
>girl I like starts dating wigger douche
>complete zoomer fag
>they're both wannabe blacks (basketball, hiphop, ect)
>tell them both "stop acting like niggers"
>guaranteed made them feel insecure about their identity

I think we should tell all of our brothers and sisters up front, stop acting like fucking niggers

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she looks very healthy

Aight bud

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>be op
>make a stupid fucking thread
the end

this is my new NatSoc gf, jealous?

Why is her neck so long?

How about you be high status and don't act like a nigger

>LARPer gets sucker punched

find another vid

Sounds really autistic but glad it supposedly worked for you.
So many wiggers though, even in white countries

its the REAL global pandemic

Which one desu?
also is that a sword?

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that's a handrail you fucking retard

Here's an Adolf.

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the irony is if this bitch was in the third reich looking like that Hitler would throw her into the gas chamber himself

appreciate you, user

Here's another Adolf. Post your favorite Adolfs.

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Some antifa loser named Clement Meric was killed by a single punch from a guy he tried to attack. Google it

Better get those lymph nodes checked for tattoo ink poisoning. Shit affects what little brains are left.

that isn't his girlfriend, right?

>AlSo Is ThAt A sWoRd?
I'll say it. American education.

holy shit based

Slide threads get the Fuhrer!
Look at this majesty! They really loved him.

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Nah, Big H would probably invite her back to his bunker for some steamy Strudel-Strumpfen.

Guy on left looks very ashkenazi, like a jon bernthal lookalike

no look again

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what a *FUCKING* loser

Are you retarded?

whats wrong with my NatSoc cutie?

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Nothing but the tats are degenerate. Tattoos are for Juden.

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Another antifa scum was killed by a single kick to the chest from a nationalist named Jesse Torniainen, google that too, again it was in self defense because the antifa retard attacked first

These losers drop like flies in real life you dont even need a weapon just your feet and fists

that guyt is absolutely fucking based holy shit.


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she's way taller than you for one thing


Jesus fucking Christ.

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i openly tell people this all the time. my brother gets mad but if he wants a place to sleep he keeps his damn mouth shut

people that listen to rap and hip hop. aren't gonna all of a sudden stop listening to rap and hip hop.

I just write em off. Ignore them. Try to find people that don't listen to nigger music, watch nigger movies, and act like niggers.

You say that like its a bad thing.