is bill gates actually a pedophile satanist or are you guys just trying to trick me?
Is bill gates actually a pedophile satanist or are you guys just trying to trick me?
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bill gates has sex with children, pass it on
>pedophile satanist
don't think so. He looks like he has nonexistent sex drive
Bill Gates is so fucking stupid that he unironically believes there are limits to growth.
Eugenics is based & Nazi-pilled, though.
Eugenics were invented in the USA
doesn't matter it would only add a bit more negative feeling towards him
he earned his rope
>careful use of semantics to say "Hitler did abortion"
On the steppes of Asia , as whites were migrating to Europe.
kek'd audibly
His idea of eugenics only includes Whites.
There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics.
oldfag /g/entooman here. bill gates is the spawn of satan, and most of us have known that since win95, but it goes all the way back to how he stole DOS. look it up.
the unholy biz practices of microsoft are no secret. it's zero surprise that he wants to murder off a large % of the population under the guise of humanitarian charity
i'd say he could go suck a fat nigger cock, but he probably already does that for amusement
>is bill gates actually a pedophile satanist or are you guys just trying to trick me?
You've already been tricked. Bill Gates has always been a millionair, that movie and stories you hear about him being a self made millionaire because of his genius and hard work are complete bullshit.
What he did was steal peoples software and ideas and put them all together. If the people he was stealing from would say anything he would sick his million dollar lawyers on them until they went bankrupt. This tactic is known as law-fare, a well known jew tactic. Gates is part of the satanic Rockefeller family.
Pedo jew, I found in the jewish psyops blog "Operation Disclosure" some links about evidence collected from his house, but I can't find it now. The search is shit.
Lucifarian rather than satanist. Subtle distinction
the jews only go after him because hes white. they haven’t been able to figure out how to steal his fortune yet. i think most likely he is very minor leagues but a scapegoat in the most jewish sense
Nice Framing
He's just a fucking globalist who shills for corporatism, which isn't any better than a pedo. To billyboy you're just cattle used to make more dollars and to make stocks go up.
I don't like Gates but you retards are too much.
Listen what the world needs is to have the guy who stifled progress by demolishing or buying out all the competition to do the same for the medical sector.
he is trying to trick you into believing that we are trying to trick you into believing he is a pedo so that you dont fall for our trick but instead fall for his trick and believe he is not a pedo but infact he is one
Except for the speaking one thing out one side of their mouth and then doing otherwise bullshittily.
His daughter btw
she's actually very nice I used to shoe her horses
>posts picture like he has a point
his daughter what?
Did he write DOS or get it from someone else?
his daughter is a coalburning qt
Bills daughter should be Force sterilized. I’m sure he would agree since he is so gung ho on population reduction.
Billand Melinda Gates are Baphamet worshipping trannies.
always do the opposite of was say...sometimes they're on the mark but mostly of late its been all misses...wait until they done something like find epstein killer or hilldogs email before you put your truth in them...
...i believe it this qanon bullshit that got Yas Forums going in the wrong me a shill if you want but Yas Forums focus is very off
Not sure, let's ask Bill in his next AMA on reddit
Bill Gates will die by his own creation July 4th 2020
there are plenty of bill gates in the world...which one
there are plenty of joe biden in the world... which one
their are plenty of clinton family... which one...
hollywood is in trouble
>most humans are human weeds in need of culling
>his son is an ugly manlet
Couldn't walk the walk, Mr Gates?