Jewish People

I've never met a
Jewish person.
What are they like?

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smug lizards

Insufferable. When you dunk on them, they literally cry and cry and shut down, as if God has forsaken them. They're absolutely ridiculous.

Very very ugly.
Also this

I've met a young Israeli girl in a restaurant once. She was cute. She told me she hated me.

Absolute rats

I went to a Jewish run rehab, they saved my life.
I still called the Minister of health because none of their staff were actually trained nurses

Got those kikes shut down

Another Jewish guy who was super into new age shit picked me up when I was hitchhiking in the US.

Americanized Jews are no different than regular white Americans, other than the fact that they have more money, resources and connections

Orthodox Jews are inbred retarded people that stink and act like Arabs

They’re like any other individual, depending on the person they could fit any type of personality. Thinking entire groups of people act the same is simply barbaric.

Guy's I'm falling in love with a Jewish girl who likes me too (think Abby Shapiro). What do?

>Americanized Jews are no different than regular white Americans, other than the fact that they have more money, resources and connections

This absolute denial

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There are a few types. Some grow up around Christian's and are very cool and normal people. The activists amongst them are some of the most unbearable people on planet earth and have a deep down seering burning resentment and hatred towards white gentiles which manifests itself in many ways. The really rich ones can be smug and ugly cunts. The nice jews that are cool tend to have very little influence in media or entertainment or high profile stuff. Nice jews are generally competent business people and very motivated as a rule. The bad jews are motivated too but motivated to do bad shit like promoting open borders and negros with white women. Bad jews are the most evil and dangerous form of life on planet earth.

Oooga booga, gibs me dat

>Americanized Jews are no different than regular white Americans,
Nice try

They are very handsome but humble people who like to mind their own business.

Convert to Judaism or be shunned/have their family talk behind your goy back.

>t. Dated a rich Jewish girl belonging to a prominent/famous family

choose one

They are seriously weird as fuck. I befriended a Jew that worked for the local newspaper. He was very skiddish, obsessed with talking about Jewish shit, and was generally very creepy, but then again, so am I. He was surprisingly very bad with money, but overall a very nice person. Very effeminate too. I ended up kicking him to the curb not too long after, was just too weird, almost like he was a lizard person trying to be a human.

They are peak humans. They are also God's Chosen, so treat them with respect!

>He was surprisingly very bad with money
i live in a city full of rich jews and they all spend their money on expensive clothes and vintage sports cars

i always thought the jew Q was schizo shit until i learned my deadbeet commie roomate was jewish. i never hated someone more than him, unable to pay rent and utilities, constantly played game cube, only ate mcdonalds. just a coincidence i guess, not cause hes a jew. new roomate, fine for a while until some shit happens and hes late on utilities. whateva, shit happens, im happy to wait till his shit gets sorted. few months later finally tell him he needs to fess it up or he gets no weed from my grow, suddenly he believes he never owed us money in the first place. hate this fucker with a passion, find out hes fucking jewish. im the most easy going stoner in the world, thought it was wierd the only people i really had issues with were jewish. started realising jews are involved in everything i hate. ive never recovered

they believe everyday is like sunday

Arrogant cheating theives from personal experience.

I had a Jewish guy as a substitute teacher once, seemed like a nice guy. He also said my name sounded Jewish, which led to me putting a lot of time into researching my background. Luckily, I have found no sign of any Jewish ancestry, perhaps my name just sounded similar to a name he knew

Complete schizos. All they do is infight and split hairs over their own laws. But, like all mentally unstable people, they view anyone outside of their bubble as dangerous and evil. They're at odds with all goyim while also at odds with each other. Pound for pound the most autistic and schizophrenic group in history.
If you have a back, there's a kike with a knife ready for you.

Where do you live? How is that even possible?

i knew a jew once, he was a kind tortured soul, he was good with math and gaming and a heroin abuser, he used to win math tournaments and use that money to buy drugs, his parents were horrible tho, his dad left him and his mother because she was scitzofrenic and she later commited suicide, he never had money because he was an addict but the few times he had some cash he bought us drinks, he wasn't stingy

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Isn't that the life story of 50% of Montenegrins?

mountanegro doesnt even have 50% people living in it

Oregon Coast.

You never met your mother, how sad.

Sounds based, but he definitely shouldve went into programming. Jews are actually probably some of the most politically diverse racial groups. My somewhat liberal Jewish girlfriend had a sister who started an Ayn Rand club at her high school, Her dad was a right-leaning libertarian, and her grandma was a Jewish nationalist/borderline supremacist.

I've been to Israel before, but I forgot to ask when I was there. Are there working class neighborhoods in Israel with jews not Palestinians or foreign workers? Are there blue collar jews? That do carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, pour concrete etc.?
There is no such thing in Canada, we have rich jews and religious jews, that's it. I know jews tend not to do labour because high median IQ etc. But what about Israel, who does the work there?

kinda like normal people. Except for their voices (the worst!), the constant jewing, and the females have sideways vaginas.

To be fair, Jewish pussy is primo. They're all freaks between the sheets.

>Are there working class neighborhoods in Israel with jews not Palestinians or foreign workers
some jews are black of course they do menial jobs

They Live

I'm not Jewish. There are no Jewish here.
Only have seen photos or videos of them.

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Hitler refused them positions in government of any kind

Hardcore jews like that still look down on converts.

I'm not talking about Ethiopian niggas. Are there blue collar ashkenazi?

Personable and intelligent.
It’s what they don’t say is why you hate them

Don't ever believe they are a friend .

Extremely smug. Talking to a Jew is like talking to an extremely Asshurt white person.

>Are there blue collar ashkenazi
almost all romanian jews are blue collar