Should America be given back to the natives?
Should America be given back to the natives?
All 10 of them?
Yes but it would be impossible to do
It would be very difficult to give it back because we took it back in '53.
The natives are free to live in any part of America.
I would support a Lesotho/Swaziland style ethnostate for the natives in America if it meant we could keep Europe European in return and prove we're not hypocrites.
The only problem is the possibility of diasporashits coming back here, if we kill them all then we can do that.
I'd support native ethnostates in exchange for white ethnostates
Only a generation who received participation and encouragement awards could fathom this idiotic logic.
No, they deserve nothing.
Look at me, we're the natives now.
That’s the trouble. The Rez is fucked big time and the natives have been brainwashed to no longer be self sufficient without whites for just about everything from laws to medicine to money. Whites can learn a thing or two. At least the natives fought back and tried to maintain some semblance of culture (whites are largely consoomers) But in a magic scenario where the land was “returned” (despite multiple treaties and band disputes) China would be here in a month and BTFO the natives for lebensraum with no survivors.
yeah, if we hadn't genocided and erased their culture
poor fucking natives hardly have anyone fighting for them, when they need it most
Give it back
Take your shit and fuck off
Fuck no. We need to finish what we started and get rid of them completely.
nope they shouldve defended thier land better, winner takes all.
very based fuck engines
They lost and they came from Siberia anyway. Also by that logic, the French should give the country back to the Gallian Celts and move back to the regions once known as Germania.
Should the indians put on uniforms and issue a legal declaration of war?
Who's stopping Indians from living their authentic selves? If they want to go move to the prairie, dress in animal skins, live in teepees, hunt animals, pray to their gods, etc., literally nobody is going to stop them. They can go back to doing exactly what they had been doing before white men came along.
Minus the scalping.
America belongs to the natives. Americans. If you're referring to the Indians, they have their own space on the reservations. No, we don't care that they were here first, just like they don't care that the Nordics were here before them when they bitch about how this was their land.
We're here now, that makes us the natives. Anything else is academic at best and a waste of time at worst. Anyone who disagrees on the other hand is free to do so from the other side of whatever border they want. Those who will not pick North or South will be deposited in the nearest Ocean.
Heh thread
This. In my opinion,this is the only right thing to do.
nah but we should have only kept the thirteen colonies and new england with our way of life and left the rest of the land open to tribalism and symbiotic with nature life, banning jews and their banking systems altogether
an america that followed the native tribes culture into a modern age would have been pretty great as opposed to the one we have now based on wage slaving and static cardboard homes
Yes and take all the ones here as well lmao
>give natives land back
>trade it back for a six pack of bud light within an hour
Are you stupid? those red skunk niggers didnt build USA, they already have there reservations now fuck off!!!
private property stops them from accessing many places except isolated shitholes
As soon as Israel is given back to the Palestinians and Africans get the fuck out. You stupid kike
Would be better to split it all up. Give a chunk to natives, another one to blacks and another one to whites. Throw the spics down south, they have enough clay.
all the land is harnessed by the jew, there is too much kikery in the way of natives actually living according to nature and the seasons and migration patterns. this is why they are all depressed alcoholics, they are unable to live according to their blood due to kikery