Yes, im not joking, according to a European Agency my small Instagram Page (around 3000 followers) have been branded as Russian cover agent.
The best part about all this? It is that we advocate for a federal right wing europe, and they have branded us as anti-EU russian shills. Im not sharing names of my movement or the state agency, but yeah, this is beyond retarded.
Other urls found in this thread:
So you want a right-wing European Union?
Yes, any problem mutt?
what's that agency?
Sir, do you know what novichok is?
This is a very cool thing, you should definitely try it.
Cyka blyat Joan how the fuck did you reveal that you were Ivan?
A state security agency, they are monitoring media post and shit apparently.
>Sir, do you know what novichok is?
Some cheki cheki stuff?
He бля, мoнaшкa нaхyй.
My sides. The EU kikes need to go the way of the dodo. Through slaughter.
I was wearing addidas while driving my T-90 blasting Farewell of Slavianka Hardcore version
Damn I didn't know bots could have such a nice ass to waist ratio. 10/10 would botnet.
Cyкa блять, Ивaн, кaк ты yмyдpилcя пpoбoлтaтьcя чтo ты Джoн?
It's the hardcore version that gives it away every time blyat.
>Hardcore version
Fuck. They must have some mind reading device, you were perfectly disguised.
yes my comrade, indeed
Not the same song but fuck it
not related question how much money are you able to make let's say fro 10 posts
We are just a group of motivated people, we do it free.
ohhh nevermind amigo
coomer pics OP
Europe is fucked, the US too soon. I'm sorry user, you will have to collect our bodies in our homes after you bomb the shit out of our government, because at this rate of demoralization, we are all committing suicide.
okey now i get u
I like to coom
Nah they are on panick mode
Whose this hose-hound?
So between Smirnoff and Pyccкий Cтaндapт, Smirnoff just is the more premium taste, wouldnt you agree?
Perfect ass to upper body ratio. Source on that pic?
Conservatives cuck more than the left, if we're being realistic.
>we advocate for a federal right wing
Nationlists are all russian assets. Fuck you Vladimir Sanchez
You need to call Putin and secure that bag user.
Good as tank fuel, but i wouldnt drink that
Some user posted it a week ago
The EU has a propaganda arm that labels anyone who disagrees with EU policies as Russian propaganda lol. Even established EU journalists.