Is it a coincidence that she was at his "women townhall" just yesterday and, yet, her surrogates are countersignalling him all over the media?

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-04-29 , 16_40_38.png (762x883, 587.02K)

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> inb4 fake
Pic is not the same now for some reason. Coverup?


Just give it to Trump already, he's earned it


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Where my Hildawgs at


>every woman who cries rape is a russian insurgent
cool, run with it on MSNBC

Maybe Hilldawg is the VP pick.

Round 3. She tried in 08 also. She just hasn't found the right baby blood to put her over the top. Hoping her mask falls apart during a live feeding.

Shut the fuck up you are the most annoying retard on this board OHNONONONO JEJ [1]
[1] Portugal is a boomer redditor faggot

Biden ironically was their only chance
Say goodbye to black voters, boomers, and rust belt voters

Bow wow wow yippi yo yippy yay

Where my hilldawgs at?

That would be too obvious, then we can be sure Biden is going to fucking croak.

>Biden ironically was their only chance
>Say goodbye to black voters, boomers, and rust belt voters
This. The 2020 election is about to get lit if they try to #cancelblackvoices by pushing out Creepy Joe.

Brainlet here, wouldn’t Bernie become the nominee if/when Biden dies?

Her first reaction is to blame Trump and Russians, and not support a woman who may have been assaulted by a powerful politician. So much for "feminist sisterhood."

Even if they keep Biden, the women issue will keep sinking him

>So much for "feminist sisterhood."
we already learned that lesson in the 90s with Bill

>Brainlet here
Can confirm. He's a brainlet.
But in all seriousness, you are describing something similar to a thing that is fair and logical.
We are dealing with democrats.

If hillary applies for security clearance again she will go to jail for thousands of years upon review to determine her eligibility.

>BELIEVE ALL WOMEN except ones who accuse dems

the absolute state of the female brain

The DNC just loves pissing on Berners.

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If Hillary runs again and loses to trump twice she will probably just kill herself. Although this time I could see her rigging it so it's impossible for her to lose. She just didn't kill the right people last time.

Round 3 technically. Never forget she lost to Barack Obummer.

It will actually be round 3 and her 3rd loss.

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If he keeps going, the kiddie problem he has will be the real issue. So glad Tara Reade spoke up.

Legally, the Democrats can run whomever they wish.

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They do nothing legally

can I get a Gabbard/Bennet ticket pls

Laws are mainly used to control people. And democrats unironically do things by the law usually. Their entire party is lawyers.
They just write the laws to favor their worming.
It seems illegal, but is usually legal somehow.
>inb4 crimes
I know I know. They commit crimes, but most of their activities are legal scams is my point.

You're pretty cringe yourself, incel.

what frenzy is she talking about

That's right. Private corporation.

The DNC where the points are made up and the votes don't matter

The comments are some of the worst cognitive dissonance i have ever witnessed.
Dont let this slip. Keep blasting them on all channels. Make them play by their own rules.

OK well they have a legal precedent saying they can. Not like it matters, as you say. Anyone thinking they'd let Bernie through is retarded.

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He needs 11 more women to accuse him to match Trump's total...and a few hush money payouts...so whats the problem?