Did Meds and Nords on this board really hate each other before this meme became a thing?

Did Meds and Nords on this board really hate each other before this meme became a thing?
>inb4 newfag

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Why don't you eat pork?

I never thought of nords befor Yas Forums, besides the usual stereotypes, we're pretty a closed nation, only what happens in Italy matters.
Of course I knew that EU is a disaster mostly because of nord autism, but I considered it just a fact of the world.
But after Yas Forums I definitely changed my mind.

I should add that I'm gratefull they have redpilled me, I'm free of the white man burden now

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I don't have issues at all with mefags, I love italy, spain, portugal etcthe same way i love Sweden etc.. All this extreme Rightwing and extreme leftwing shit is in place to split europe. Its a russian lead psyop. Russia doesn't want a united europe so they spread all that rightwing and nazi shit while driving the retarded lefties into extremes so some people become obsessed with race and polarizing topics because they fear they'd be part of what's the worst part of the opposite they believe in, with no real basedness. I travelled already through almost all european countries, from Portugal over Sweden&Italy to Ukraine, by hitchhiking couchsurfing, hostels, camping etc and I can assure everyone they are all humans and not some ugly subhuman monsters as often depicted. Its just a metality everyone should have. Don't just sit in your fucking chair everyday and judge what you get served as information through the Information frame(TV,PC,Phone). Go out and see the world for yourself.

Its just bants

ok boomer

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We hate nords and meds and all the other wogs

I'm not a fucking boomer, everyone's obsession wth political views in the last 10 years has lead to the amount of polarization we face nowadays. If fucking anyone believes the refugee crisis was a "coincidence" then you are stupid. All autistic rightwingers are obsessed in finding scapegoats in niggers and kikes while al the autistinc leftwingers are obsessed with making up new genders and cutting their dicks off to act like women. Don't you see the stereotypes? the Cliches?who makes all of those rightwing pictures? if you believe all of these memes and pictures grew organically you are mst likely wrong. Russia is fiddeling with our minds every day we visit this board and most retards fall for it. Thats whats all about the information warfare. Its everywhere.

I have zero experience with nordic people, aside from a swedish girl in a class from the french uni I went to ( she had a very strong accent from rome, which is why I noticed and asked her, pretty weird).
We only have issues with germany, but not the people, the government. Otherwise we don't really care too much and it's mostly banting them

lmao cunt,
>it's da russiaaaaaaaaaaaoooz

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meds are coping shit skins.

università francese ma impiccati negro

I don't hate other Europeans. I somewhat dislike the fact that we failed to come together when we live in a world that has metropolitan areas the size of our economies.

Eh che ci vuoi fare, ho studiato e lavoro lì. Almeno riesco a mantenermi per conto mio

Ignore ID change, I'm on mobile. Also no idea why I have an italian flag (maybe italian 4G carrier?)

ma cosa spinge uno a fare una università straniera

Pretty much the same here. Russia supports party that is against EU and wants Finland to leave EU etc. Why wouldn't it do that? Also what was the the thing about Russia coming to rescue Italy with supplies when faced with covid? Now Russia is in big trouble itself.

I have also travelled all over EU and have no reason what so ever to not love you guys and our diverse cultures (no homo).

EU is crippling us beyond any relief, my country is already a rotting corpse and EU is part of the problem, why shouldn't I ally myself with this russian plan? It's soon to become even the american plan.

Ho un diploma di liceo bilingue, quindi l'idea di possibile uni all'estero c'era da sempre, anche causa il fatto che di lavoro dove vivevo non se ne trova (estremo ponente ligure). Aggiungi il fatto che amici e morosa sono andati in francia a studiare e che mia mamma ha agganci di lavoro su Nizza, e si capisce il perchè

ma in cosa ti sei laureato

>EU is crippling us beyond any relief, my country is already a rotting corpse and EU is part of the problem,
Do you have any single shred of evidence for what you are saying? I mean the euro was pretty much the only "bad" project that the EU undertook


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euro = EU


"The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe.[12] Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi) and an estimated total population of about 447 million. The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states in those matters, and only those matters, where members have agreed to act as one. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the internal market,[13] enact legislation in justice and home affairs and maintain common policies on trade,[14] agriculture,[15] fisheries and regional development.[16] For travel within the Schengen Area, passport controls have been abolished.[17] A monetary union was established in 1999, coming into full force in 2002, and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency. "

So again, any evidence for what you're saying?

You do what you want and what you can. I think strong EU is stronger than the countries in it by themselves.

But EU is being torn apart and Brexit was a good first step. Now let's see how everything goes from here. Macron and others tried to ally and get closer to Russia but US came to block it's path. Everything right now is so fucking messy. Who owns what and to whom.

It's 100% manufactured Jewish divide and conquer, like all D&C on Yas Forums.

Remember who we're fighting against, brothers.

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what an obnoxious pro-EU fag, I've read a numbers of books about this issue that is probably even more than books you've ever read in your entire life,
EU was born out of the decision of France to get D-mark, a common-currency is at the very core of EU fundation, otherwise Maastricht treaties wouldn't make any sense.

>calling pig meat "pork"
you're f***ed tb.h

hear hear

I don't love nor hate people and i'm neutral to them however EVERYONE can fuck off with Immigrants, begging for Aid and demanding that we do shit for them or gibs.

We have a convienent text for it at the Reichstag/Bundestag right above the entrance.

chirurgia dentale

neutral to everyone*

>I think strong EU is stronger than the countries in it
Everybody behind the alps seems to lowIQ to understand the humanity functions as a collection of conflicts and not as a united body. EU is just the place in wich national conflicts are brought to, together with an institutional frame that grants advantages to some nations and disadvantages to others.

I just dont like their weather/climate, the mentality and the history of the romutt empire. Else is ok.

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che in italia non ha un analogo preciso immagino