Can someone explain why George Soros is buying shares in Activision/Blizzard ? I want to know what he is up to. Is this a sign to buy shares or is this a sign that he's crashing video games with no survivors? I don't trust this lefty tard. But Soros and video games just don't mix.
Can someone explain why George Soros is buying shares in Activision/Blizzard ? I want to know what he is up to...
Secure coms for bad actors to get around data collection through more obvious channels
He knows we will stay locked forever
Her name I melody and she’s a pornstar. Sorry bro’s I don’t remember her last name. At least that’s more than cucked OP have you
considering its (((Blizzard))) id say invest
Ask yourself:
Why would a multi billionaire with every political connection he needs,want to buy shares of a video game company?
pushing more social programming into them
Thanks fren. I need to slam my dong to this braphog's moans. If I find her I'll come back.
There is research that says coffee is indeed good for you, but I don't know if we should trust it
Melody marks
How does he profit from that ?
I'm speaking in economist terms.
How does that make him money ?
Believe women
Is this connected to the the whole Star Wars deep state or is this just coincidence?
If he were trying to crash it, he'd be shortselling shares.
You think it’s about money or profit? It’s about power and control. Social engineering.
the folks running the show probably realized that woke numbers suck, and attempted to go trad. soros said fuck that. games are too big an influence on young minds to give up because of things like money.
Sound investment given circumstances.
Yes. Soros is a leftist but a capitalist first and foremost. He didn't become one of the richest men in the world just to give away everything to his political party. I'm sure he uses all sorts of tax loopholes and writes offs. But Soros knows something about Activisons future and I would like to know what the fuck that is considering this monster bankrupted the EU and finances Antifa. The hole secret talk on game chat is blown now.
they believe work will be replaced by people playing video games in the future where you're awarded credits for winning
Elaborate this.
Vidya games are one of the last free bastions of free expression, Soros wants to snuff it out.
She needs to brush her tongue.
It’ll just be so that he can shill his end game more effectively through the games they produce.
What better way to brain wash the next generation.
Blizzard have done as much research into the dopamine/reward cycle as Facebook. It can be applied to all sorts of areas that are in his interest.
Hes probably going to push for more trannies and homos in games.
I rather look someone fucks an old rubber fuckdoll.
More like 24/7 cocain star.
You think? He did this before current circumstances. Figure that out.
Head of Activision was also went to Epsteins island btw. Connecting dots yet?
Cum fast to this photo because I think she's like 16 year old random. This thread revealed she's a porn star named Melody Marks. Get excited to see her pussy and whatever. End up seeing a video of her sucking a giant brown dick and she's not even that hot and has a belly.
Thanks for ruining it fags.
No I'm a brainlet, please connect dots for me. In with you so far.
Gay respondes:
How old is that nazi? When will he die?
because he knows the next decade gaming will be secure with tons of autistic zoomers giving their every last cent to gaming companies while living with parents and remaining celibate because that is how they were brought up in gaming with microtransaction bullshit
1000 year Reich duh
They are set to re-release the burning crusade and wrath of the lich king. Rumor has it they will announce the burning crusade this november for 2021 fall release. If they announce both games this fall watch out! Their stocks are about to explode as well as the millions of new subs they will soon get. He's a wise investor I would say. You should be following his example and jumping on the blizzard bandwagon.
So we should all just follow Soros to the pot of gold and buy shares ? This fucker dropped 35 million on Activison. Maybe I should drop 2k on some shares.
There is this tribe who calls them self News.
The Newsarian people are all brainwashed from birth.They are told they are the choosen ones.And then they die.
Is anyone even playing classic wow? I lost interest less than a month in.
He wants to influence a company whose products influence children as a way to spread his globohomo ideology.
>He didn't become one of the richest men in the world just to give away everything to his political party
No, he did it by being fed info by the Rothschilds on when they crashed the British pound, profited from it, and now does their bidding with the money they helped him scam.
Allegedly, deepstate fucks have been using videogame chats as a platform for their secret conversations, as all other forms of "conference chatting" between high position / rich people would be suspicious
Video games are a great media for propaganda.
He is a jew, he is biologically programmed to subvert anything.
Activision is already Jewish
If I bought Activision at 54 am I an elite pedo too?
They are far left companies.
They see alt-movements having greater sway in gaming, and can't let that continue. For Soros, this is a chess move in his Neo-Conservative quest for world domination.
well Gates went there too and him and Epstein are both into Eugenics. Event 201 happened the month before the virus started to spread in China. Looks like to me they all knew it was going to happen and work in secret to gain from it. Also Soros owns the Wuxi Pharmaceutical company in Wuhan! They orchestrate this shit, its beyond Machiavellian. Or are these all just WILD COINCIDENCES??